Is Euthanasia Wrong? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Is Euthanasia Wrong?


Is Euthanasia Wrong? Is Euthanasia Wrong? III III Is Euthanasia Wrong? Nesbitt s Project Nesbitt argues that the examples employed by Rachels (and Michael Tooley ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Is Euthanasia Wrong?

Is Euthanasia Wrong?
Is Euthanasia Wrong?
Winston Nesbitt Is Killing No Worse than
Letting Die?
Nesbitts Project
  • Nesbitt argues that the examples employed by
    Rachels (and Michael Tooley) to show that killing
    is no worse than letting die are faulty, and
    that, in fact, killing is worse than letting die.

The Difference Thesis
  • There is a moral difference between killing and
    letting die it is morally worse to kill someone
    than to let them die.
  • It seems that common moral intuitions favor the
    Difference Thesis.
  • Consider two cases
  • Case 1 I push someone who I know cannot swim
    into the river, thereby killing her.
  • Case 2 I come across someone who is drowning,
    and who I could easily rescue, yet fail to do so,
    thereby letting her die.
  • It seems that my behavior is morally worse in the
    first case than the second.
  • We assume some malicious motive in the first
    case, but perhaps only fear or indifference in
    the second.

The Difference Thesis
  • James Rachels and Michael Tooley argue that we
    favor the Difference Thesis because most cases
    are not adequately set up.
  • Tooley Besides motives, there are other morally
    relevant differences between typical acts of
    killing and typical acts of failing to save which
    make us judge such cases differently.
  1. Typically, saving someone requires more effort
    than refraining from killing someone.
  2. An act of killing necessarily results in
    someones death, but an act of failing to save
    does not (someone else may come to the rescue).

The Difference Thesis
  • Tooley concludes that if one wishes to appeal to
    intuitions, one must be careful to confine ones
    attention to pairs of cases that do not differ in
    these, or other significant respects.
  • Rachels Tooley When we compare a case of
    killing with one which differs from it only in
    being a case of letting die, we will agree that
    either agent is as culpable as the other.
  • We tend to think killing is worse than letting
    die because we tend to think of cases that differ
    in other morally relevant respects.

Rachels Smith and Jones Cases
  • Recall Both Smith and Jones stand to gain if
    their respective six-year-old cousins die.
  • Smith sneaks in while his cousin is bathing, and
    drowns him in the tub.
  • Jones is planning to do the same, but sneaks in
    to find his cousin drowning all on his own. He
    standsready to drown the child if need be, but
    the child drowns without Jones having
    to lift a finger.

Rachels Smith and Jones Cases
  • Rachels assumes that we will agree that Smith,
    who kills his nephew, is no worse, morally
    speaking, than Jones, who merely lets his nephew
  • Rachels argues that if letting die were in itself
    less bad than killing, Jones defense that I
    didnt kill him I only let him die would carry
    some weight.
  • So we conclude that Jones is just as
    reprehensible as Smith.
  • But what is the ground of our judgment of the
    agent in each case?

Rachels Smith and Jones Cases
  • Note that Jones was perfectly prepared to kill
    his nephew, and would have done so had it proved
  • Someone who is fully prepared to perform a
    reprehensible action, in the expectation of
    certain circumstances, but does not do so because
    the expected circumstances do not eventuate, is
    just as reprehensible as someone who actually
    performs that action in those circumstances.
  • To think otherwise would seem to place some moral
    value on one person having opportunity or luck
    and the other not.
  • We should judge Jones just as harshly as Smith,
    given what he was prepared to do, even if he had
    not let his nephew die.

Rachels Smith and Jones Cases
  • Modified Jones Case Jones manages to slip and
    fall and knock himself unconscious before he can
    drown the child, which he is attempting to do.
  • By the time he regains consciousness, the child
    (unaware of Jones intentions) manages to call
    his parents, and Jones opportunity is gone.
  • Here, Jones neither kills his nephew nor lets him
    die, but it would be agreed that given his
    preparedness to kill the child for personal gain,
    he is as reprehensible as Smith. (49)

Tooleys Smith and Jones Cases
  • Case 1 Jones wants Smith dead, and shoots him.
  • Case 2 Jones is about to shoot Smith, when he
    sees that Smith will be killed by a bomb unless
    Jones warns him, as he easily can.
  • Jones does not warn Smith, and the bomb explodes,
    killing Smith.

Tooleys Homicidal Sons Case
  • Two sons are looking forward to the death of
    their wealthy father, and independently decide to
    poison him.
  • Son 1 puts poison in his fathers whiskey, and
    is discovered doing so by Son 2, who was just
    about to do the same.
  • Son 2 allows his father to drink the poisoned
    whiskey, and refrains from giving him the
    antidote, which he happens to possess.
  • Tooley says that the agent whokills is morally
    no worse than theone who lets his victim die.

Revisiting the Cases
  • We judge Jones to be just as reprehensible as if
    he had killed Smith, but since he was fully
    prepared to kill him had he not been saved the
    trouble by the bomb, we should make the same
    judgment even if he had neither killed Smith nor
    let him die (say, if both the bomb and the bullet
    were duds).

Revisiting the Cases
  • With the homicidal sons, the son who didnt kill
    was prepared to do so, and given this, would be
    as reprehensible as the other even if he had not
    let his father die (say, if he did not have the

Revisiting the Cases
  • Both Rachels and Tooley overlook that what
    determines whether or not someone is
    reprehensible is not simply what he does, but
    what he is prepared to do.
  • While Rachels is correct that we will be inclined
    to judge Smith and Jones equally harshly, it is
    because they were both prepared to kill for
    motives of personal gain.
  • The same is true of Tooleys examples.
  • In their efforts to ensure that each person in
    their cases does not differ in any morally
    relevant way, they make the agents too similar
    each agent is guilty of the same moral offense.

Revisiting the Cases
  • What modifications do Rachels and Tooleys cases
    require if they are to be used to legitimately
    gauge our attitudes towards killing and letting
  • With Rachels case of Smith Jones, we must
    remove Jones being prepared to kill the child
    it must be the case that, though Jones was
    prepared to let his nephew die, he was not
    prepared to kill the child.
  • It further cannot be the case that he is not
    prepared to kill the child because he fears
    punishment, or that he is too lazy, or that the
    idea simply hadnt occurred to him.
  • Rather, he must be reprehensible enough to let
    the child die for his gain, but not enough to
    kill the child.
  • With these modifications, Smiths behavior is,
    indeed, morally worse than Jones.

The Social Argument
  • The reason we have morality is to make it
    possible for people to live together in
    reasonable peace and security.
  • It is clearly preferable to have (modified)
    Jones-like people around than Smith-like people
    we are threatened by the latter, but not by the
  • This is why killing is, indeed, morally worse
    than letting die.

Back to Euthanasia
  • Nesbitt does not reconnect the killing/letting
    die distinction back to Rachels central topic of
    interest euthanasia.
  • If killing is, indeed, worse than letting die,
    would active euthanasia thereby necessarily be
    worse than passive euthanasia?
  • If Nesbitts larger social theory about morality
    is correct, does it back up the idea that active
    euthanasia is worse than passive euthanasia?
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