Effective Procedures for Dealing with Discipline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Effective Procedures for Dealing with Discipline


Effective Procedures for Dealing with Discipline * After a school has evaluated their current approaches to discipline, the school will need to evaluate their ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Effective Procedures for Dealing with Discipline

Effective Procedures for Dealing with Discipline
Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors   Discipline process described in narrative format or depicted in graphic format Team has established clear, written procedures that lay out the process for handling both major and minor discipline incidents
Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors   Discipline process includes documentation procedures There is a documentation procedure to track both major and minor behavior incidents  
Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors   Discipline referral form includes information useful in decision making Information on the referral form includes ALL of the required fields Students name, date, time of incident, grade level, referring staff, location of incident, race, problem behavior, possible motivation, others involved, and administrative decision
Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors   Problem behaviors are defined Written documentation exists that include clear definitions of all behaviors listed
Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors   Major/minor behaviors are clearly differentiated Most staff members are clear about which behaviors are staff managed and which are sent to the office. (e.g., appropriate use of office referrals). Those behaviors are clearly defined, differentiated and documented
Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors   Suggested array of appropriate responses to major (office-managed) problem behaviors There is evidence that all administrative staff members are aware of and use an array of predetermined appropriate responses to major behavior problems
Information System
  • 1. Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem
  • 2. Computer Application
  • 3. Decision Making

Information System
  • Does your data give you an accurate picture?
  • Are behaviors reported and entered into data
    system with fidelity?
  • Do you share behavioral data with all staff?
  • Does the full staff understand the importance of
    behavioral data and the problem-solving process?

Positive Behavior Interventions SupportsA
Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-W
ide Prevention Systems

ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades,
DIBELS, etc.
Tier 2/Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary
Check-in/ Check-out
Social/Academic Instructional Groups
Daily Progress Report (DPR)
(Behavior and Academic Goals)
Individualized Check-In/Check-Out, Groups
Mentoring (ex. CnC)
Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional
Assessment Interview,
Scatter Plots, etc.
Brief Functional Behavioral Assessment/ Behavior
Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP)
Complex FBA/BIP
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised Aug.,2009 Adapted
from T. Scott, 2004
Data System- Checklist
  • What is the process? How do I refer? How do I
    complete form? What is the purpose of the form?
    What should I expect to happen when I complete a
    minor or major incident report? How does it get
    to office? Do you want to know when I refer to
    school nurse? Or school counselor? When should I
    expect to hear back from office? Do we track
    minor offenses? Is the form different for minors?
    What is the process for referring minors?

Developing Appropriate Definitions of Problem
Appropriate Definitions of Problem Behaviors
  • What one teacher may consider disrespectful, may
    not be disrespectful to another teacher. For
    that reason, problem behaviors must be
    operationally defined.

SWIS Definitions Example
Appropriate Definitions of Problem Behaviors
  • Clear set of definitions for all categories on
    the office discipline referral form exists and is
    in line with the SWIS definitions
  • Once behaviors are defined, all faculty, staff,
    administration, students and families will need
    to be trained on the definitions

SWIS Compatible Definitions
  • www.swis.org
  • Also in example section
  • Operationally defined
  • Problem behaviors
  • Locations
  • Possible motivations
  • Others involved
  • Administrative decisions

Behavior Definitions
Developing Behavior Tracking Forms
Major Discipline Incidents
  • Defined
  • Discipline incidents that must be handled by the
  • These may include but are not limited to
    physical fights, property damage, drugs, weapons,
    tobacco, etc.
  • Purpose
  • Once problem behaviors are operationally defined,
    it is essential that the team distinguish the
    major discipline incidents from the minor to
    determine the appropriate consequence

Minor Discipline Incidents
  • Defined
  • Discipline incidents that can be handled by staff
    and usually do not warrant a discipline referral
    to the office.
  • These may include but are not limited to
    tardiness to class, lack of classroom material,
    incomplete classroom assignments, gum chewing,
  • Purpose
  • To determine appropriate consequence and where
    the consequence should be delivered
  • These incidences are still tracked but the
    consequence is delivered in the classroom

Emergency or Crisis Incidents
  • Defined
  • Incidents that require immediate response from
    administration and/or crisis response team.
  • These incidences may cause short-term change to a
    schools PBIS Plan and may include, but are not
    limited to bomb threats, weapons alerts,
    intruder, fire evacuations, etc.
  • Purpose
  • Maintain order and safety during emergency
  • Each school is urged to consult their district
    and school policies for emergency/crisis incidents

T- Chart
  • List Major Problem Behaviors
  • Defiance/Disrespect/Non-Compliant
  • Abusive or inappropriate Language
  • Fighting or Physical Aggression
  • Disruption
  • Theft/Forgery
  • Property Damage/Vandalism
  • Use or Possession of Drugs/Alcohol
  • List Minor Problem Behaviors
  • Eating, drinking, chewing gum
  • Disruption
  • Horseplay
  • Defiance to another student
  • Pushing or shoving
  • Lying/cheating
  • Public Display of Affection
  • Writing on School Property
  • Disrespect, minor to another student or another
    students belongings

Characteristics of a Compatible Referral Form
  • A clear distinction must exist between problem
    behaviors that are staff-managed (minor) versus
    problem behaviors that are office-managed or
    crisis (major)

What is an Office Discipline Referral (ODR)?
  • What it IS
  • Kid - Staff Member - Administrator interaction
  • Underestimation of actual behavior
  • Piece of information used to make decisions
  • Data point

What is not an Office Discipline Referral (ODR)?
  • What it IS NOT
  • Punishment
  • A Reflection on teachers skills
  • A way to change or re-teach behavior
  • A first attempt at correcting behavior

Office Discipline Referral (ODR) Forms
  • Be sure to answer the following 5 questions on
    each referral form
  • Who, Why, What, When Where?
  • Clarity on the referral form takes the guess work
    out of the data entry persons job
  • Data will be more reliable and accurate as
    judgement calls are minimized

Characteristics of a Compatible Referral Form
  • Students Name
  • Date
  • Time of Incident
  • Students Teacher (optional)
  • Students Grade Level
  • Referring Staff
  • Location of Incident
  • Problem Behavior
  • Possible Motivation
  • Others Involved
  • Administrative Decision
  • Other Comments
  • No more than 3 extra info.

Developing the ODR
  • Challenges
  • The form is not filled out correctly
  • Solutions
  • Re-train faculty or return to faculty to fill out
    completely before processing

Goal of the Tracking Form
  • Collect data that are necessary to identify
    effective ways of changing inappropriate
    classroom behavior (minor) before it results in
    an office discipline referral (major)

Classroom Tracking Forms
  • Classroom behaviors take up considerable amounts
    of teacher time that could be better spent on
  • Forms assist in identifying the pattern of
    behavior and determining interventions that will
    be most effective for the student(s)

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  • When does a recurring behavior become a major?
  • Same behavior (3 minors 1 major)
  • From one particular teacher
  • Suggested time frame ( 3 minors within 4 weeks)
  • Used as a tool to identify patterns of behavior
  • When are the behaviors occurring? (math,
  • What are the recurring behaviors?
  • What are the classroom interventions that have
    been used? Are these interventions working or
    does something else need to be utilized?
  • Why is the behavior occurring? (motivation,
    example Johnny rips up his math sheet and is
    given time out and gets out of his work. He
    always gets to avoid doing his math work)

Developing a Coherent Office Discipline Referral
Office Discipline Referral Process
  • Evaluate current discipline process and
  • Is the discipline referral process meaningful and
  • Identify whether teachers are following the
    current plan for completing referrals
  • Interview teachers on their perceptions regarding
    the schools responsiveness to problem behavior

Discipline Referral Process
  • The next step in establishing a data-based
    decision-making system is to insure that a school
    has a predictable and coherent Discipline
    Referral Process.
  • This process must be defined, taught, and agreed
    upon with all staff, and must include definitions
  • major discipline incidents
  • minor discipline incidents
  • emergency or crisis incidents
  • a continuum of discipline procedures

The Completed Office Discipline Referral Process
  • Contains definitions of major discipline
    incidents, minor discipline incidents, crisis
    incidents, a continuum of discipline procedures
  • Can be summarized in a narrative or graphic form
  • Is presented to all staff for approval
  • Is trained to all staff

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