Title: Nguyen Van Thoan
1Foreign Trade university
E-contracting e-contracts
- Nguyen Van Thoan
- Head of Ecommerce Department
Ha Noi, 2004
2- E-contracts
- E-contracting
3- Case 1
- October 25th, A (Australia) sent an e-mail to
B(Hanoi) asking B to design a website for As
shop. B replied by e-mail that As requirement
can be done well, and suggested that they should
sign a contract - November 2nd, A sent another email describing
all the details of the requirements for the
website. In the email, A stated that B, please
let me know if you can meet this requirements by
this Friday. Reply by email is OK -
- On November 3rd, Friday, B replied by email the
job has been started. A saw this email but had
not opened it. After the weekends, A came to
office but he had changed his mind, he did not
want B to design the website for him.
4- Case 1
- Questions
- Q1. Between A and B, is there a contract
- If so, where and when is the contract formed?
- Options 1 There has been a contract
- A sent the order, B accepted
- Time and place in location of Bs office (Hanoi)
- Options 2 There has not been any contracts
- A -----gt Order -----gt B
- A lt----- Accept lt---- B There has been no
contracts - A ------gt Confirm -----gt B At this time there
is a contract - Note Two parties should stated where and when
contract formed or which law is aplicable also
how to settle if disputs arise. - - Q2. Is there any differences if Bs mail server
located in USA? - - Q3. Is there any differences if Bs email only
gets into As information system on Sunday
sive/comprehensive6e.html http//blt.westbuslaw.co
6Case 2
- Seller (Vietnam) and Buyer (Japan) met at a Trade
Fair in Hanoi and negotiated a contract on 4th
June 2005 - - Product 5.000 ceramics vases (sample agreed)
- - Price 2 USD/pc FOB HaiPhong port, Vietnam
- - Delivery 45 days after signing of contract
- - Payment TTR 50 in advance, 50 after delivery
- - Port of delivery Yokohama, Japan
7Case 2
- June 11th, Buyer (Japan) required Seller to draft
a contract with agreed articles - Seller sent an email with the agrees articles as
contract, ending with - Best regards
- Nguyen Van NB
- Buyers replied by email with Agreed and
ending with - Best regards
- Yoko Hasagawa
- One month later, July 11, Buyer (JP) sent an
email requiring Seller to reduce the price by 10
due to bad market situations - On the same day, Seller replied saying that NOT
agree and that both sides should follow the
signed contract - On July 25, Buyer sent an email saying that if
Seller do not reduce the price, they will not
take the shipment
9Case 2
- Questions
- Is there a contract binding responsibilities of
two parties - When and where the contract is formed?
- To avoid this issues, what should Seller do?
10- Sources for online e-commerce laws
- 1. UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
(1996) - 2. U.S. Uniform Electronic Transaction Act
(UETA) (1999) - 3. EU Directive on Digital Signature (1999)
- 4. EU Directive on E-Commerce (2000)
- 5. UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures
(2001) - 6. U.S. Electronic Signature Act (2001)
G. Olivieri Law of E-Commerce
Hong Kong Summer Course 2002
11Digital signature
Public key 2 (receiver)
Private key 2 (receiver)
Order to buy 100 PCs
Order to buy 100 PCs
Encryted message
Encrypted message
Private key 1 (sender)
Public key 1 (sender)
Signed Encrypted message
Encrypted message
Signed Encrypted message
Encrypted message
Digitally signed
Digitally signed
12The Secret-Key Encryption Model
Source W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network
13The Public-Key Encryption Model
Source W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network
14The Public-Key Authentication Model
Source W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network
Source W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network
15Digital certificate
- Indentify the owner of public key/private key
- Issued by a CA
- UN/CEFACT, 3/2000, article 3, item 2.1.
- An e-mail is regarded as an offer if which
contains proposal to sign contracts and is sent
to 1 or more specific peole at the same time
stated clearly the intention to accept the stated
obligations when the receiver(s) accept the
conditions in the email. An e-mail which is sent
to many people is not regarded as fixed offer
mét bøc th îc coi lµ mét lêi chµo hµng nÕu
nã bao hµm lêi Ò nghÞ ký kÕt hîp ång vµ îc
göi Õn 1 hoÆc 1 sè ngêi cô thÓ ång thêi kh¼ng
Þnh mét cch Çy ó ý Þnh s½n sµng chÊp nhËn
trch nhiÖm khi chµo hµng ã îc chÊp nhËn. Mét
th iÖn tö göi Õn nhiÒu ngêi khng îc coi lµ
chµo hµng trõ khi cã quy Þnh cô thÓ khc.