Title: Development of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty Basin Management Program
1Development of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty Basin
Management Program
2Project Vision/ Goals
- To develop draft integrated water resource
management plan and the pilot environmental
information management system for
Druksiai/Drisviaty lake as building blocks for
development of the transboundary water resource
management system
3Background information on the project development
- Project partners
- Belarus
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection of the Republic of Belarus - Institute of Zoology of Belarusian Academy of
Sciences - Lithuania
- Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency, Basin
Management and Pollution Prevention Department - Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University
- The lake is the part of the National Park
Braslavskie Ozera on the Belarusian side. - The pollution of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty has been
the issue of concern for Belarus and Lithuania
for years.
4Background information on the project
development (2)
- Project needs
- cross-border assessment of environmental risks
- joint system of early warning and cohesive basin
management plan. - integration of the interests of all stakeholders
to create preconditions for joint water resource
management of lake Druksiai/Drisviaty.
- conduct a cross-border assessment study
- develop the draft integrated water resources
management plan - develop a pilot environmental information
management system (interactive database) for lake
Druksiai/Drisviaty - contribute to transparency of decision-making
- provide with training in water resource
management, GIS, public relations and awareness
raising - build public awareness of the main issues related
to environment and security in the area (in
cooperation with the ENVSEC media and public
participation component)
6Actives and project plan
Joint project planning, local consultations with stakeholders, data collection December - February
Cross-border assessment study March - April
Development of the draft integrated water resources management plan April - June
Development of the pilot environmental information management system (interactive database) June - September
Workshop on water resource management and GIS June
Workshop on public relations and awareness raising November
Testing and launch of the pilot electronic database September - November
Development of the draft project development proposal and reporting December
- Peipsi/Chudskoe Nenanus-Daugava
Dniester - lake basin
8Peipsi/Chudskoe lake basin
- The region
- 4th largest lake and the largest transboundary
lake in Europe (since 2004) - Major environmental problems
- Eutrophication
- Water polluttion (major sources - sewage and and
oil shale mines, agriculture, point pollution) - Overfishing
9Peipsi/Chudskoe lake basin
1994 Treaty on the conserv tion and use of
fishing stocks in Lake Peipsi, Lake Lämmijärv and
Lake Pihkva 1996 Agreement on Co-operation in
the field of Environment 1997 Agreement on
Co-operation in the field of Protection and
Sustainable Use of Transboundary Watercourses
- Two Joint Commissions
- on Fishery
- on Transboundary Waters
2001 2004 Development and use of transboundary
10Peipsi/Chudskoe lake basin
- Major achievements
- Joint monitoring of the transboundary waters
under the Commissions, plus international
research and applied projects. - Joint Estonian-Russian Transboundary Water
Management Programme for the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe
basin developed under h UNDP/GEF project. - Annual Peipsi Forums as stallholders meetings for
supporting cooperation and contributing to the
regional activities. - Regular cooperation among different bodies and
organizations both under state programs and
international projects aimed at different topics
tourism. Regional development, water protection,
biodiversity etc.
11What can Internet-based GIS provide?
- GIS may facilitate assessment of past, current
and future development in the drainage basin and
become the basis for a common data and
information base used for various river basin
management applications, e.g. - Flood forecasting
- Characterisation
- Modelling of transport paths of pollutants
- Source apportionment
- Optimisation of pollution abatement strategies
- Scenario based trend analysis
- Building a common transboundary river basin
identity through making maps and joint analysis - The Internet-based GIS is the most appropriate
environmental information handling, production
and dissemination tool for river basins including
water bodies - Establishment of an institutional solution for
the continued updating and management of the
river basin information infrastructure and
systems. - Implementation of Water Framework Directive.