Trade, Inclusive Growth and Inclusive Policy Making - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Trade, Inclusive Growth and Inclusive Policy Making


Trade, Inclusive Growth and Inclusive Policy Making Ponciano Intal, Jr. Overview Inclusive growth : broad-based, pro-poor growth, growth with equity International ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Trade, Inclusive Growth and Inclusive Policy Making

Trade, Inclusive Growth and Inclusive Policy
  • Ponciano Intal, Jr.

  • Inclusive growth broad-based, pro-poor growth,
    growth with equity
  • International trade promotive of inclusive growth
    entails complementary measures in both policy and
    institution building
  • Promoted by inclusive policy making
  • Benefit from expansion and deepening of community
    based monitoring systems.

Benefits of International Trade
  • International trade welfare enhancing overall.
  • Globalizers grew faster, higher trade, higher
    share of manufacturing to total employment and
    output, and higher wage rates than
    non-globalizers (WB Rama)
  • Trade key element of East Asian Miracle
  • Trade reference against global competitors,
    impetus for greater efficiency, product quality,
    supply reliability, creativity, organizational

Trade and Inclusive GrowthFactors
  • However, international trade not automatically
    growth inclusive except with homogenous factors
    and factor mobility between sectors
  • Critical factors toward inclusive growth (a)
    Investment climate and investment rate (b)
    capability, infrastructure and access to skill
    development ( c ) agriculture volatility and
    natural resources concentration (d) quality of
    institutions, regulatory climate and governance

Trade and Inclusive Growth Experiences
  • Increasing inequality in high growth East Asia
    (e.g., China)
  • Sharp trade expansion with rise in poverty
    incidence in some African countries e.g.,
    Madagascar, Burundi, Central Af Repblic
  • Sharp rise and diversification in manufactured
    exports but declining share of manufacturing in
    total output and employment (Philippines)

Trade and inclusive growth
  • Any happy resolution bet. the globalization
    demands of economic efficiency and the imperative
    of social equity of inclusive growth?
  • Rests on
  • quality of the investment response,
  • workings of the labor market and industrial
  • overall macroeconomic environment, and
  • quality of government institutions and related
    policies, among others.

Investment and Adjustment
  • Effective restructuring and successful adjustment
    involves investments.
  • Investment rates(2006) RP-17 Thailand-23
    Vietnam-34 China-43.
  • Wrenching adjustment in RP manufacturing in
    tandem with low and declining investment rate
  • Improving investment climate and performance key
    policy concern for RP

Investment ClimateDeterminants of FDI
  • Regressed FDI to GDP ratio on selected indicators
    in World Competitiveness Survey 2002-2006 for
    selected Asian countries
  • Ratio increases if GDP rises, school system
    meets demands of competitive economy, lower
    investment risk, more facilitative customs, lower
    unit labor cost, currency depreciates, lower
    bribery and corruption, better quality of the
    govt bureaucracy, improved infrastructure
  • Ratio decreases if higher real domestic
    interest rate

Determinants of FDI (contd)
  • FDI influenced by quality of economic governance,
    quality of institutions, structural factors like
    quality of infrastructure and educational system.
  • Determinants of FDI above also echoed by domestic

Improving Agri Productivity and Transportation
  • Robust agri productivity growth key factor plus
    rising labor intensive manufactures for fast rate
    of poverty reduction in countries like China,
    Vietnam, Indonesia (1980s) among recent success
  • Stagnant agri productivity, high population
    growth, poor rural roads led to farmers as net
    food consumers and malnutrition in some African
  • RP turned agri net importer, hurt poverty
  • Agri development central to pro-poor growth esp.
    in Africa. Good roads important for farmers in
    hinterlands get access to main domestic markets
    under open trade
  • Good seeds, fertilizer, irrigation, R D and
    farmer training important for robust agri
    productivity growth

Human capital, Safety net
  • Improved human capital, labor management
    relations and basic social safety net in health
    and education increase labor productivity and
    mobility intersectorally and across skills,
    result to smoother adjustment and support
    inclusive growth.
  • Rural education key factor for fast reduction in
    poverty in China in 1980s
  • Social cost of labor displacement high
    globalization raises firm churning and labor
    displacement hence, basic limited duration basic
    safety net needed

Inclusive Policy Making
  • Trade lib and inclusive growth not automatic.
    Needed pro-poor complementary measures that
    contribute to competitiveness productivity
  • Inclusive policy making (IPM) facilitates
    effective pro-poor complementary measures
  • IPM explicit regard of impact of policies on
    poor/marginalized groups, and enhance citizen
    participation in governance
  • Benefits improved targeting and effective
    programs, better citizen appreciation of trade
    offs, higher probability of consensus and
    win-win solutions better policies supports
    dynamic local leaders cooperation with various
    local stakeholders (Bulacan, Cebu as examples)

Community Based Monitoring System
  • CBMS supports IPM thru on the ground information
    useful for policy formulation, design of programs
    and monitoring/evaluation of impacts and
    effectiveness of policies and programs
  • Directly supportive of local governance
  • Well designed system of designated CBMS areas as
    observation posts allow monitoring of impacts
    of national policies as well as structured
    feedback on household responses to shocks and
    national policies and programs.

CBMS (contd)
  • Drive for inclusive growth in an open economy can
    come from better targeted programs and more
    pro-poor programs at the local level.
  • CBMS contributes to improved resource allocation
    at the local level.
  • Example Sta. Elena, Camarines Sur case CBMS
    digitized maps and data used as decision tools by
    local officials (e.g., selection of scholars),
    raise budget of social development fund, helped
    identify priority barangays for water system and
    rural roads project feasibility study proposals
    with funding from national government.
  • If similar cases multiply, then government
    expenditures more effective and pro-poor (or
    growth inclusive).

Concluding Remarks
  • Basic question raised how can trade
    liberalization and expansion be growth inclusive?
  • Paper highlights importance of investment
    climate, investing in people (with a bias for the
    poor and the hitherto unskilled) and
    institutions, robust agricultural productivity
    and good domestic transport links, basic and
    limited-duration social safety nets in education
    and health for inclusive growth in an open
  • Inclusive policy making and CBMS contribute to
    effective and pro-poor policies and programs
    needed to make trade expansion growth inclusive.
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