Mormonism Jesus (Jehovah) Lucifer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mormonism Jesus (Jehovah) Lucifer


Jesus (Jehovah) Lucifer s Brother Introduction The Mormon view of Jesus is at least startling (if not repulsive) to those whose faith is rooted and grounded in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mormonism Jesus (Jehovah) Lucifer

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Introduction
  • The Mormon view of Jesus is at least startling
    (if not repulsive) to those whose faith is rooted
    and grounded in the Bible's teachings. Most
    Mormons hold the following basic belief's
    regarding Jesus
  • He is the God whose name is Jehovah in the Bible
  • He was born as the result of God having sexual
    relations with Mary
  • He is not the only son of God, in fact, Lucifer
    is one of His younger brothers
  • Just as God (Elohim), Jesus continues to have a
    physical body
  • Unlike Elohim, He somehow progressed to Godhood
    in the First Estate

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Lesson Outline
  • Jesus is Jehovah, one of the sons of God
  • Physically fathered by Elohim
  • Jesus inhabits a body of flesh and bones
  • Progressed to Godhood in the First Estate

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Jesus is Jehovah, Older Brother of Lucifer
  • Position documented
  • The story of Lucifer is the most terrible
    example of such apostasy. ... He pitted his own
    plan and will against the purposes of God. He
    strove to gain the birthright of his Elder
    Brother, Jesus the Christ. When his proposition
    was rejected, he forsook all that he had gained,
    .... He was no longer Lucifer, bearer of truth,
    who walked in light, but Satan, teacher of
    untruth, who slunk in darkness. He became the
    enemy of God and of all who try to walk according
    to the Lord's commandments. One-third of the
    spirits present in that vast assembly supported
    Satan and became enemies of the truth that they
    had formerly cherished. With him these rebellious
    spirits lost their fellowship with the valiant
    sons of God. Bruce McConkie (Apostle), Evidences
    and Reconciliations, p. 209

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Similarly Satan had contended for the
    subservience of Moses. Satan, also a son of God,
    had rebelled and had been cast out of heaven and
    not permitted an earthly body as had his brother
    Jehovah. Much depended upon the outcome of this
    spectacular duel. Could Lucifer control and
    dominate this prophet Moses, who had learned so
    much directly from his Lord? Spencer W. Kimball
    (President/Prophet), Faith Precedes the Miracle,
    p. 87

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Elohim Physically Fathered Him
  • Position documented
  • And so, in the final analysis it is the faithful
    saints, those who have testimonies of the truth
    and divinity of this great latter-day work, who
    declare our Lord's generation to the world. Their
    testimony is that Mary's son is God's Son that
    he was conceived and begotten in the normal way
    that he took upon himself mortality by the
    natural birth processes that he inherited the
    power of mortality from his mother and the power
    of immortality from his Fatherin consequence of
    all of which he was able to work out the infinite
    and eternal atonement. Bruce McConkie (Apostle),
    The Promised Messiah, pp. 472-473)
  • When the time came that His first-born, the
    Saviour, should come into the world and take a
    tabernacle, the Father came Himself and favoured
    that spirit with a tabernacle instead of letting
    any other man do it. The Saviour was begotten by
    the Father of His spirit, by the same Being who
    is the Father of our spirits, and that is all the
    organic difference between Jesus Christ and you
    and me. Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses,
    volume 4, p.218

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Jesus Continues to Have a Flesh and Blood Body
  • Position documented
  • He was the Son of our Heavenly Father, as we
    are the sons of our earthly fathers. God is the
    Father of our spirits, which are clothed upon by
    fleshly bodies, begotten for us by our earthly
    fathers. Jesus is our elder brother spirit
    clothed upon with an earthly body begotten by the
    Father of our spirits. --Brigham Young
    (President/Prophet), Journal of Discourses,
    volume 10, p. 2

MormonismJesus (Jehovah) Lucifers Brother
  • Progressed to Godhood in the First Estate
  • Position documented
  • During his pre-mortal life Jesus Christ rose
    to the status of Godhood. At that time he was
    foreordained to be the Savior of this world.
    Father Abraham was privileged to see in vision
    the grand council in heaven that was held prior
    to the peopling of this earth, and he saw, as the
    Lord showed him, "many of the noble and great
    ones." --Milton R. Hunter (Seventy), LDS
    Conference Report, October 1949, p. 69
  • Refuted
  • John 11-3
  • Hebrews 138
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