Chapter 13: Mid-Ocean Rifts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 13: Mid-Ocean Rifts


Chapter 13: Mid-Ocean Rifts The Mid-Ocean Ridge System Figure 13-1. After Minster et al. (1974) Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 36, 541-576. Ridge Segments and Spreading ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 13: Mid-Ocean Rifts

Chapter 13 Mid-Ocean Rifts
  • The Mid-Ocean Ridge System

Figure 13-1. After Minster et al. (1974) Geophys.
J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 36, 541-576.
Ridge Segments and Spreading Rates
  • Slow-spreading ridges
  • lt 3 cm/a
  • Fast-spreading ridges
  • gt 4 cm/a are considered
  • Temporal variations are also known

Oceanic Crust and Upper Mantle Structure
  • 4 layers distinguished via seismic velocities
  • Deep Sea Drilling Program
  • Dredging of fracture zone scarps
  • Ophiolites

Oceanic Crust and Upper Mantle Structure
  • Typical Ophiolite

Figure 13-3. Lithology and thickness of a typical
ophiolite sequence, based on the Samial Ophiolite
in Oman. After Boudier and Nicolas (1985) Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 76, 84-92.
Oceanic Crust and Upper Mantle Structure
  • Layer 1 A thin layer of pelagic sediment

Figure 13-4. Modified after Brown and Mussett
(1993) The Inaccessible Earth An Integrated View
of Its Structure and Composition. Chapman Hall.
Oceanic Crust and Upper Mantle Structure
Layer 2 is basaltic Subdivided into two
Layer 2A B pillow basalts Layer 2C vertical
sheeted dikes
Figure 13-4. Modified after Brown and Mussett
(1993) The Inaccessible Earth An Integrated View
of Its Structure and Composition. Chapman Hall.
Layer 3 more complex and controversialBelieved
to be mostly gabbros, crystallized from a shallow
axial magma chamber (feeds the dikes and basalts)
Layer 3A upper isotropic and lower, somewhat
foliated (transitional) gabbros Layer 3B is
more layered, may exhibit cumulate textures
Oceanic Crust and Upper Mantle Structure
Discontinuous diorite and tonalite
(plagiogranite) bodies late differentiated
Figure 13-3. Lithology and thickness of a typical
ophiolite sequence, based on the Samial Ophiolite
in Oman. After Boudier and Nicolas (1985) Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 76, 84-92.
Layer 4 ultramafic rocks
Ophiolites base of 3B grades into layered
cumulate wehrlite gabbro Wehrlite intruded
into layered gabbros Below ? cumulate dunite with
harzburgite xenoliths Below this is a tectonite
harzburgite and dunite (unmelted residuum of the
original mantle)
Petrography and Major Element Chemistry
  • A typical MORB is an olivine tholeiite with low
    K2O (lt 0.2) and low TiO2 (lt 2.0)
  • Only glass is certain to represent liquid

  • The common crystallization sequence is olivine
    (? Mg-Cr spinel), olivine plagioclase (? Mg-Cr
    spinel), olivine plagioclase clinopyroxene

Figure 7-2. After Bowen (1915), A. J. Sci., and
Morse (1994), Basalts and Phase Diagrams. Krieger
  • Fe-Ti oxides are restricted to the groundmass,
    and thus form late in the MORB sequence

Figure 8-2. AFM diagram for Crater Lake
volcanics, Oregon Cascades. Data compiled by Rick
Conrey (personal communication).
  • The major element chemistry of MORBs
  • Originally considered to be extremely uniform,
    interpreted as a simple petrogenesis
  • More extensive sampling has shown that they
    display a (restricted) range of compositions

  • The major element chemistry of MORBs

  • MgO and FeO
  • Al2O3 and CaO
  • SiO2
  • Na2O, K2O, TiO2, P2O5

Figure 13-5. Fenner-type variation diagrams for
basaltic glasses from the Afar region of the MAR.
Note different ordinate scales. From Stakes et
al. (1984) J. Geophys. Res., 89, 6995-7028.
  • Conclusions about MORBs, and the processes
    beneath mid-ocean ridges
  • MORBs are not the completely uniform magmas that
    they were once considered to be
  • They show chemical trends consistent with
    fractional crystallization of olivine,
    plagioclase, and perhaps clinopyroxene
  • MORBs cannot be primary magmas, but are
    derivative magmas resulting from fractional
    crystallization ( 60)

  • Fast ridge segments (EPR) a broader range of
    compositions and a larger proportion of evolved
  • (magmas erupted slightly off the axis of ridges
    are more evolved than those at the axis itself)

Figure 13-8. Histograms of over 1600 glass
compositions from slow and fast mid-ocean ridges.
After Sinton and Detrick (1992) J. Geophys. Res.,
97, 197-216.
  • For constant Mg considerable variation is still

Figure 13-9. Data from Schilling et al. (1983)
Amer. J. Sci., 283, 510-586.
  • Incompatible-rich and incompatible-poor mantle
    source regions for MORB magmas
  • N-MORB (normal MORB) taps the depleted upper
    mantle source
  • Mg gt 65 K2O lt 0.10 TiO2 lt 1.0
  • E-MORB (enriched MORB, also called P-MORB for
    plume) taps the (deeper) fertile mantle
  • Mg gt 65 K2O gt 0.10 TiO2 gt 1.0

Trace Element and Isotope Chemistry
  • REE diagram for MORBs

Figure 13-10. Data from Schilling et al. (1983)
Amer. J. Sci., 283, 510-586.
  • E-MORBs (squares) enriched over N-MORBs (red
    triangles) regardless of Mg
  • Lack of distinct break suggests three MORB types
  • E-MORBs La/Sm gt 1.8
  • N-MORBs La/Sm lt 0.7
  • T-MORBs (transitional) intermediate values

Figure 13-11. Data from Schilling et al. (1983)
Amer. J. Sci., 283, 510-586.
  • N-MORBs 87Sr/86Sr lt 0.7035 and 143Nd/144Nd gt
    0.5030, depleted mantle source
  • E-MORBs extend to more enriched values stronger
    support distinct mantle reservoirs for N-type and
    E-type MORBs

Figure 13-12. Data from Ito et al. (1987)
Chemical Geology, 62, 157-176 and LeRoex et al.
(1983) J. Petrol., 24, 267-318.
  • Conclusions
  • MORBs have gt 1 source region
  • The mantle beneath the ocean basins is not
  • N-MORBs tap an upper, depleted mantle
  • E-MORBs tap a deeper enriched source
  • T-MORBs mixing of N- and E- magmas during
    ascent and/or in shallow chambers

  • Experimental data parent was multiply saturated
    with olivine, cpx, and opx P range 0.8 - 1.2
    GPa (25-35 km)

Figure 13-10. Data from Schilling et al. (1983)
Amer. J. Sci., 283, 510-586.
  • Implications of shallow P range from major
    element data
  • MORB magmas product of partial melting of
    mantle lherzolite in a rising solid diapir
  • Melting must take place over a range of pressures
  • The pressure of multiple saturation represents
    the point at which the melt was last in
    equilibrium with the solid mantle phases
  • Trace element and isotopic characteristics of the
    melt reflect the equilibrium distribution of
    those elements between the melt and the source
    reservoir (deeper for E-MORB)
  • The major element (and hence mineralogical)
    character is controlled by the equilibrium
    maintained between the melt and the residual
    mantle phases during its rise until the melt
    separates as a system with its own distinct
    character (shallow)

MORB Petrogenesis
  • Separation of the plates
  • Upward motion of mantle material into extended
  • Decompression partial melting associated with
    near-adiabatic rise
  • N-MORB melting initiated 60-80 km depth in
    upper depleted mantle where it inherits depleted
    trace element and isotopic char.

Figure 13-13. After Zindler et al. (1984) Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 70, 175-195. and Wilson
(1989) Igneous Petrogenesis, Kluwer.
  • Region of melting
  • Melt blobs separate at about 25-35 km

Figure 13-13. After Zindler et al. (1984) Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 70, 175-195. and Wilson
(1989) Igneous Petrogenesis, Kluwer.
  • Lower enriched mantle reservoir may also be drawn
    upward and an E-MORB plume initiated

Figure 13-13. After Zindler et al. (1984) Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 70, 175-195. and Wilson
(1989) Igneous Petrogenesis, Kluwer.
The Axial Magma Chamber
  • Original Model
  • Semi-permanent
  • Fractional crystallization derivative MORB
  • Periodic reinjection of fresh, primitive MORB
    from below
  • Dikes upward through the extending and faulting

Figure 13-14. From Byran and Moore (1977) Geol.
Soc. Amer. Bull., 88, 556-570.
  • Crystallization near top and along the sides ?
    successive layers of gabbro (layer 3)
  • Dense olivine and pyroxene crystals ? ultramafic
    cumulates (layer 4)
  • Layering in lower gabbros (layer 3B) from density
    currents flowing down the sloping walls and floor?

Figure 13-14. From Byran and Moore (1977) Geol.
Soc. Amer. Bull., 88, 556-570.
A modern concept of the axial magma chamber
beneath a fast-spreading ridge
Figure 13-15. After Perfit et al. (1994) Geology,
22, 375-379.
The crystal mush zone contains perhaps 30 melt
and constitutes an excellent boundary layer for
the in situ crystallization process proposed by
Figure 11-12 From Winter (2001) An Introduction
to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice
  • Melt body continuous reflector up to several
    kilometers along the ridge crest, with gaps at
    fracture zones, devals and OSCs
  • Large-scale chemical variations indicate poor
    mixing along axis, and/or intermittent liquid
    magma lenses, each fed by a source conduit

Figure 13-16 After Sinton and Detrick (1992) J.
Geophys. Res., 97, 197-216.
  • Model for magma chamber beneath a slow-spreading
    ridge, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  • Dike-like mush zone and a smaller transition zone
    beneath well-developed rift valley
  • Most of body well below the liquidus temperature,
    so convection and mixing is far less likely than
    at fast ridges

Figure 13-16 After Sinton and Detrick (1992) J.
Geophys. Res., 97, 197-216.
  • Nisbit and Fowler (1978) suggested that numerous,
    small, ephemeral magma bodies occur at slow
    ridges (infinite leek)
  • Slow ridges are generally less differentiated
    than fast ridges
  • No continuous liquid lenses, so magmas entering
    the axial area are more likely to erupt directly
    to the surface (hence more primitive), with some
    mixing of mush

Figure 13-16 After Sinton and Detrick (1992) J.
Geophys. Res., 97, 197-216.
Figures I dont use in class
Figure 13-6. From Stakes et al. (1984) J.
Geophys. Res., 89, 6995-7028.
Figures I dont use in class
Figure 13-7. Data from Schilling et al. (1983)
Amer. J. Sci., 283, 510-586.
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