River Valley Civilizations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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River Valley Civilizations


River Valley Civilizations Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, and China The Minoans dominated trade in the Mediterranean from 2000 to 1400 BCE They traded pottery, swords ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: River Valley Civilizations

River Valley Civilizations
  • Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, and China

Fertile Crescent River Valley
  • Mesopotamia is from the Greek
  • MesoLand between
  • PotamiaThe rivers
  • The Tigris and the Euphrates are the primary
    rivers flowing into the Persian Gulf
  • They flooded once a year
  • This gave farmers silt to plant in
  • Silt allowed for large crop yields

Geography of the Fertile Crescent
  • The fertile crescent is located between the
    Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea in
    Southwest Asia

Disadvantages and Solutions in Mesopotamia
  • Unpredictable flooding/Drought at other times
  • Developed irrigation
  • No natural barriers for defense
  • Built walls around villages
  • Limited resources
  • Trade for raw materials

Sumerians Create City States
  • By 3000 BCE Sumerians had built cities
  • Shared their culture
  • Developed their own governments
  • Each city and the surrounding land formed a
  • Functioned like independent countries

The Role of Priests and Rulers
  • Early government was controlled by the priests
  • The temple and priests had important functions in
    everyday life
  • During war the strongest fighter was chosen to
    lead the military
  • Power ended when the war ended
  • As war became more common they took total control
    of the military
  • Eventually took control of the city-state

The Spread of Cities
  • Sumerians engaged in long distance trade
  • 2500 BCE city-states were all over the Fertile
    Crescent (Syria, Iraq, and Turkey)
  • Resulted in Cultural Diffusion
  • The transfer of an idea or product from one
    culture to another

Sumerian Culture
  • Religion was polytheistic made up of many gods
  • Creation myth is in the Epic of Gilgamesh
  • First social classes are established
  • Invented the wheel, sail, and plow
  • Architecture known for use of columns and arches
  • Sumerian writing known as cuneiform

The First Empire Builders
  • From 3000 to 2000 BCE the Sumerians were in
    constant wars
  • This weakened the city-states
  • Neighboring civilizations attacked and conquered
  • Sumerian civilization was adapted to these
    conquerors needs

Sargon of Akkad
  • 2350 BCE Sargon defeated the city-states of Sumer
  • The Akkadians adopted most Sumerian culture
  • Spread Sumerian culture beyond Mesopotamia
  • Sargons dynasty lasted 200 years before it

The Babylonian Empire
  • 2000 BCE the Amorites invaded Mesopotamia and
    took the capital at Babylon
  • The Babylonian empire reached its height under
    the ruler Hammurabi
  • 1792 to 1750 BCE

Hammurabis Code
  • Hammurabi knew that a single code of laws would
    unify his empire
  • The existing rules were combined into the Code of
  • Relied on the eye for an eye principle
  • Government had a responsibility for what occurred
    in society

Nile River Valley
The Geography of Egypt
  • The Nile flows northward across Africa
  • It floods annually and was used for
  • Egypt is divided into upper and lower
  • Southern portion is upper Egypt
  • Northern portion is lower Egypt
  • Egypt is divided by the cataracts rapids on the

Egypt Unites Into a Kingdom
  • 3200 BCE Egypt is divided into two kingdoms
  • King Narmer united the two kingdoms
  • Resulted in the double crown
  • Capital located at Memphis where upper and lower
    Egypt met
  • Began the period known as the Old Kingdom

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Pharaohs Rule as Gods
  • Egyptians believed their pharaohs were gods
  • Government based on religious authority is known
    as a theocracy
  • Pharaohs made the sun rise, the Nile flood, and
    crops grow
  • Promoted truth and justice
  • Pharaoh ruled even after death
  • The ka (life force) never died

Why Build Pyramids
  • Since the ka continued to live its needs must be
  • This is why Egyptians built pyramids
  • The Great Pyramid is more than 2 million cut
    stone blocks
  • Height is 481 feet
  • Covers more than 13 acres

Egyptian Culture
  • Polytheistic believe in more than one god
  • Re - The sun god
  • Osiris - The god of the dead
  • Isis - Mother goddess
  • Egyptians believed in an afterlife
  • Judged for their deeds after death
  • Mummification was for the royal and elite

Life in Egyptian Society
  • Society was governed by a class structure
  • Could marry into a higher class
  • Could work their way into a higher class
  • To earn highest position they had to be able to
    read and write
  • Army
  • Royal treasury
  • Priesthood
  • Pharaohs Court

Egyptian Writing
  • The development of writing was the key to the
    development of Egyptian society
  • Hieroglyphics Greek for Hieros and Gulph,
    meaning sacred writing
  • Originally written in clay tablets
  • Later written on papyrus paper from papyrus

Egyptian Science and Technology
  • Calendar based on 365 days, 12 months of 30 days,
    5 extra days for feasting and holidays
  • System of written numbers for counting, adding,
    and subtracting
  • Medicine
  • Check pulse
  • Set broken bones
  • Treat wounds
  • Treat fevers
  • Surgery

Indus River Valley
Geography of the Indian Subcontinent
  • Indian subcontinent India, Pakistan, and
  • Separated from Asia by the Hindu Kush, Karakorum,
    and Himalayan ranges
  • Indus and Ganges rivers made it a good place to
  • Monsoons from mid-July to October brought rain
  • Sometimes caused flooding
  • If the monsoons failed, drought threatened crops

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Environmental Challenges
  • The yearly floods were unpredictable
  • The rivers sometimes changed course
  • Monsoons were unpredictable

Civilization Emerges on the Indus
  • Consisted of over 100 planned cities
  • Most are in present day Pakistan
  • Called Harappan civilization
  • Cities laid out on grid system
  • Buildings were uniform in size
  • Plumbing a sewage systems were built

Harappan Culture
  • Language
  • Modern linguists have not deciphered it yet
  • Consists of about 400 symbols
  • The symbols have dual purpose
  • Phonetic sounds
  • Direct objects

  • Culture
  • Few weapons have been found indicating peaceful
  • Toys indicate prosperity
  • Animals were important in culture
  • Religion is like modern day Hinduism

Indus River Civilization Ends
  • 1750 BCE building quality decreases
  • A 1970 satellite photo revealed evidence of
  • Probably accompanied by flooding and changes in
    the rivers course
  • Trade became impossible and people left the
  • 1500 BCE the Aryans (nomads from the north)
    invaded the valley.
  • Indian civilization continued under the Aryans

Ancient China
Geography of China
  • Natural barriers isolated China from other river
  • To the east - Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and
    the Pacific Ocean
  • To the west - deserts and the icy Plateau of
  • In the southwest - Himalayan Mountains
  • In the north - The Gobi Desert and Mongolian

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The River Valleys of China
  • The Yellow River (Huang He) and Yangtze River
    (Chang Jiang) provided early Chinese civilization
    with the water needed for development
  • Huang He often flooded destroying villages
  • Due to isolation China did not trade.
  • They had to produce everything themselves.
  • Natural boundaries did not totally protect China
    from invasion

Civilization Emerges in Shang Times
  • The Chinese civilizations were thriving before
  • 2000 BCE the first Chinese cities emerge
  • Mythical first dynasty called the Xia Dynasty
  • Led by a mathematician named Yu
  • Created flood control and irrigation to control
    the Huang He
  • Shang Dynasty emerged in 1700 BCE and lasted
    until 1027 BCE
  • They were the first to leave written records

Shang Dynasty
Fought Many Wars
Northern China
Shang Dynasty 1700 BCE-1027 BCE
Left Written Records
Lived in walled Cities
Development of Chinese Culture
  • Family
  • The group is more important than the individual
  • Chief loyalty is to the family
  • Filial Piety respect for elders
  • Women were inferior to men
  • Marriages are arranged

Social Classes
  • The ruling class was made up of the warrior
  • They owned the land
  • They governed scattered villages
  • Sent tribute (payment) to the Shang king

Religious Beliefs
  • The family ancestors (spirits) held power over
    the family
  • Could bring good and bad fortune to living family
  • The spirits were not gods
  • The family made sacrifices to ancestors to keep
    them happy

Development of Writing
  • Each character stood for one syllable or unit of
  • No connection between written and spoken Chinese
  • The writing system was unified throughout China
  • Spoken Chinese varied by region
  • People needed to know 1,500 characters to be
    barley literate
  • Scholars had to know 10,000 characters
  • Limited the education of the Chinese

Zhou and the Dynastic Cycle
  • Around 1027 BCE a people called the Zhou
    overthrew the Shang
  • The Zhou adopted much of the Shang culture
  • The mandate of heaven the ruler was given
    divine approval
  • Good kings were supported by the gods and poor
    kings were removed from power

Dynastic Cycle
disasters such as floods, famines, peasant
revolts, and invasions occur
in time, dynasty declines and becomes corrupt
taxes are raised power grows weaker
Strong Dynasty establishes peace and prosperity,
it is considered to have mandate of heaven
old dynasty is seen as having lost Mandate of
Heaven rebellion is justified
dynasty is overthrown through rebellion and
bloodshed new dynasty emerges
new dynasty gains power, restores peace and
order, and claims to have mandate of heaven
Zhou Government
  • Controlled through Feudalism
  • Feudalism a political system in which nobles,
    or lords, are granted the use of land legally
    belonging to the king. The nobles owe loyalty
    and military service to the king and protection
    to the people who live on their estates
  • At first the lords submitted to the Zhou
  • Gradually the lords grew stronger and the towns
  • Local lords became less dependent on the Zhou and
    began to war between themselves

Improvements in Technology and Trade
  • Built roads and canals
  • Coined money
  • Built blast furnaces
  • Allowed for iron production

III. Seafaring Traders
A. The Minoans
  • Lived on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea
  • Traded in the eastern Mediterranean
  • Their culture influences the early Greeks

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B. Culture
  • They were a peaceful society
  • Their civilization ended about 1200 BCE
  • Possibly due to earthquakes and volcanoes

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C. The Phoenicians
  • 1100 BCE the Phoenicians control Mediterranean
  • Known for their shipbuilding and ability to sail
  • Based out of modern day Lebanon

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D. Trade in the Mediterranean
  • Various cities produced different trade goods
  • Colonies were built all over the Mediterranean
  • 814 BCE Carthage is settled
  • It becomes the greatest of the colonies

E. The Alphabet
  • The Phoenician alphabet used symbols to represent
  • Phonetic - one sign for one sound
  • The alphabet spread through trade
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