Title: Cryptography and Network Security Chapter 9
1Cryptography and Network SecurityChapter 9
- Fifth Edition
- by William Stallings
2Chapter 9 ???pt???af?a ??µ?s??? ??e?d??? ?a?
- Every Egyptian received two names, which were
known respectively as the true name and the good
name, or the great name and the little name and
while the good or little name was made public,
the true or great name appears to have been
carefully concealed. - The Golden Bough, Sir James George Frazer
3K??pt???af?a ??st???? ??e?d??? (Private-Key
- ? pa?ad?s?a?? ???pt???af?a ?d??t????/µ?st????/µ??a
d???? ?e?d??? ???s?µ?p??e? e?a µ??? ??e?d?. - ?? ??e?d? a?t? µ???a?eta? a?aµesa st?? ap?st??ea
?a? t?? pa?a??pt? - ?? t? ??e?d? ap??a??f?e?, t?te p??tteta? ?
asfa?e?a t?? ep????????a? - ?p?s?? e??a? s?µµet?????, ta µe?? e??a? ?sa.
- ?e? p??state?e? t?? µetad?t? ap? t? e?de??µe?? ?a
?atas?e?ase? ? ap?de?t?? e?a µ???µa ?a? ?a
?s????ste? ?t? t? este??e ? µetad?t??.
4???pt???af?a ??µ?s??? ??e?d??? (Public-Key
- ???a? ?s?? ? µe?a??te?? a?a?a???? st? 3000 et??
?st???a t?? ???pt???af?a? - ???s?µp??e? d?? ??e?d?a. ?? d?µ?s?? ?a? t?
?d??t??? (public key private key) - E?a? as?µµe??? d??t? ta d?? µe?? de? e??a? ?sa.
- ???s?µ?p??e? e??p?a st???e?a ap? t? ?e???a
a???µ?? ??a ?a ?e?t?????se? - S?µp?????e? ?a? de? a?t??a??sta t?? ???pt???af?a
?d??t???? ??e?d???o
5G?at? ??e?a??µaste t?? ???pt???af?a ??µ?s???
- ??apt?????e ??a ?a a?t?µet?p?se? d?? ßas??a
?eµata - ??a??µ? ??e?d??? (key distribution)
- ??f?a?e? ?p???afe? (digital signatures)
- ??a?a??f???e ep?s?µa ap? t??? Whitfield Diffie
Martin Hellman st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? Stanford t?1976 - ?ta? ???st?? ????te?a st?? ???pt???af??? ?????t?ta
6???pt???af?a ??µ?s??? ??e?d??? (Public-Key
- ? K??pt???af?a ??µ?s??? ??e?d??? (? ?s?µµet??
???pt???af?a) ???s?µ?p??e? d?? ??e?d?a - ?? d?µ?s?? ??e?d? (public-key), p?? µp??e? ?a
e??a? ???st? se ????? ?a? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a t??
???pt???af?s? µ???µat?? ?a? t?? ep?ßeßa??s?
??f?a??? ?p???af??. - ?? ?d??t??? ??e?d? p?? e??a? ???st? µ??? st??
?at??? t?? ?a? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a t??
ap????pt???af?s? µ???µat?? ?a? ??a ?a ?p???a?e? ?
?at???? t?? e?a ??f?a?? e???af?. - ??epe? ?a e??a? ad??at? ?a p??sd????se? ?ap????
t? ?d??t??? ??e?d? ????????ta? µ??? t? d?µ?s??. - ???a? ?s?µµet?? ??at? a?t?? p?? µp??e? ?a
???pt???afe? µ???µata ?a? ?a ep?ßeßa???e?
??f?a?e? ?p???afe?, de? µp??e? ?a ap????pt???afe?
?a? ?a ßa?e? ??f?a?e? ?p???afe?.
7???pt???af?a ??µ?s??? ??e?d???
8S?µµet???? vs ??µ?s??? ??e?d???
9???pt?s?st?µata ??µ?s??? ??e?d???
10Efa?µ??e? ???pt???af?a? ??µ?s??? ??e?d???
- ???pt??af?s?/ap????pt???af?s?
- ??f?a?e? ?p???afe?
- ??ta??a?? ??e?d???
- ?ap???? a??????µ?? e???a? ?ata?????? ?a? ??a t??
t?e?? ???se??, e?? a???? µ??? ??a ?ap??e? ap?
11?pa?t?se?? ap? t??? ???pt???af????? ???????µ???
??µ?s??? ??e?d???
- ?? a??????µ?? ??µ?s??? ??e?d??? ßas????ta? se d??
??e?d?a ta ?p??a - ???a? ?p?????st??a ad??at? ?a ß?e?e? t? ?d??t???
??e?d? ap? ?ap???? p?? ??????e? µ??? t? d?µ?s?? - ???a? ?p?????st??a e????? ?a ???pt???afe?/ap????pt
??afe? ?ap???? µ???µata ?ta? ??????e? t?
a?t?st???? ??e?d? - ?t? ???pt???fe?ta? µe t? e?a ??e?d?
ap????pt???afe?ta? µe t? a???, ?a? t? a?t?st??f?.
(de? ?s??e? ??a ????? t??? a??????µ??? d?µ?s???
??e?d???). - ???a? e?a??et??a d?s???e? ?? pa?apa?? apa?t?se??
?a? e?a??st?? a??????µ?? t?? p??????.
12?sfa?e?a s?st?µat?? d?µ?s??? ??e?d???
- ?p?? ?a? sta s?µµet???a s?st?µata, pa?ta µp??e?
?e???t??a ?a ???e? ep??es? brute force - ???a ed? ta ??e?d?a e??a? p??? µe?a?a (gt512bits)
- ? asfa?e?a ßas??eta? st? µe?a?? d?af??a t??
d?s????a? a?aµesa st?? e????? ???pt???af?s?/ap????
pt???af?s? ?a? t? d?s???? ???pta?a??s? - ???s?µ?p??e? p??? µe?a???? a???µ??? ?a? a?a e??a?
p??? p?? a??? ap? t?? s?µµet???? ???pt???af?a -
- ??µ??????? Rivest, Shamir Adleman of MIT in
1977 - ? p?? ???st?? ?a? ? e???te?a ???s?µ?p????µe???
a??????µ?? d?µ?s??? ??e?d??? - ?as??eta? st?? ???s? a?e?a??? se d??aµ? ?a? se
a???µ?t??? modulo - ???s?µ?p??e? p??? µe?a???? a?e?a????
- ? asfa?e?a t?? ßas??eta? st? d?s????a
pa?a???t?p???s?? µe?a??? a???µ??
14???pt???af?s? ?a? ?p????pt???af?s? µe t?? RSA
- ???pt???af?s? µ???µat?? ? (st? µetad?t?)
- ?aµßa?eta? t? d?µ?s?? ??e?d? t?? ap?de?t?
PUe,n - ?p??????eta? t? C Me mod n, ?p?? 0Mltn
- ?p????pt???af?s? t? ciphertext C (st?? appde?t?)
- ???s?µ?p??e?ta? t? ?d??t??? ??e?d? PRd,n
- ?p??????ta? t? M Cd mod n
- ?? µ???µa M p?epe? ?a e??a? µ????te?? ap? t? n
(a????? p?epe? ?a ????ste? se tµ?µata)
15??µ??????a ??e?d??? st?? RSA
- ?a?e ???st?? d?µ?????e? e?a ?e????
d?µ?s???/?d??t???? ??e?d??? - ?p??e???ta? d?? µe?a???? p??t??? a???µ??? t??a?a
p, q - ?p??????e? t? modulus np.q
- ?ts? ?ste f(n)(p-1)(q-1)
- ?p??e?e? t??a?a t? ??e?d? ???pt???af?s?? (d?µ?s??
??e?d?) e - ?ts? ?ste 1lteltf(n), ???(e,f(n))1
- ???e? t?? pa?a?at? e??s?s? ??a ?a ß?e? t? ??e?d?
ap????pt???af?s?? (?d??t??? ??e?d?) d - e.d1 mod f(n) and 0dn
- ??µ?s??p??e? t? ??e?d? ???pt???af?s?? PUe,n
- ??atae? µ?st??? t? ??e?d? ap????pt???af?s??
16G?at? ?e?t????e? ? RSA?
- ?p? t? ?e???µa t?? Euler ?s??e?
- af(n) mod n 1, ?p?? ???(a,n)1
- St?? RSA ????µe
- np.q
- f(n)(p-1)(q-1)
- ?p??e???µe p??se?t??a t??? e d ?ste ?a e??a?
a?t?st??f?? mod f(n) - O? e? t??t?? e.d1k.f(n) ??a ?ap??? k
- ?a? ep?µe???
- Cd Me.d M1k.f(n) M1.(Mf(n))k
- M1.(1)k M1 M mod n
17?a?ade??µa RSA ???sµ?? t?? ??e?d???
- ?p??????µe p??t??? a???µ??? p17 q11
- ?p????????µe n pq 17 x 11187
- ?p????????µe f(n)(p1)(q-1)16x10160
- ?p??????µe t? e, tet??? ?ste ?a e??a? p??t?? ??
p??? t? f(n)160 (???. ???(e,160)1) ?p??e???µe
e7. - ??????µe t? d, tet??? ?ste
- de mod 160 1 ?a? d lt 160
- ? s?st? t?µ? e??a? d23 epe?d?
23x716110x161 - 6. ??µ?s?e???µe t? ??µ?s?? ??e?d? PU7,187
- 7. ??ataµe µ?st??? t? ?d??t??? ??e?d?
18?a?ade??µa ???pt???af?s? /?p????pt???af?s? RSA
- ????µa M 88 (?s??e? 88lt187)
- ???pt????f?s?
- C 887 mod 187 11
- ?p????pt????f?s?
- M 1123 mod 187 88
19???s? se d??aµ?
- ?p????µe ?a ???s?µ?p???s??µe t?? a??????µ?
Square and Multiply p?? e??a? ???????? ?a?
ap?d?t???? - ?as??eta? st?? epa?e???µe?? ???s? st? tet?a????
?a? st??? p???ap?as?asµ??? p?? e??a? apa?a?t?t??
??a ?a ?p?????s??µe t? te???? ap?te?esµa - ???se?te t? d?ad??? a?apa?astas? t?? e??et?.
- ?pa?t???ta? µ??? O(log2 n) p???ap?as?asµ?? ??a
e?a? a???µ? n - eg. 75 74.71 3.7 10 mod 11
- eg. 3129 3128.31 5.3 4 mod 11
20???s? se d??aµ?
- c 0 f 1
- for i k downto 0
- do c 2 x c
- f (f x f) mod n
- if bi 1 then
- c c 1
- f (f x a) mod n
- return f
21?p?te?esµat??? ???pt???af?s?
- ? ???pt???af?s? ???s?µ?p??e? ???s? se d??aµ? e
- ?pe?d? t? e e??a? µ????, a?t? ???eta? ??????a,
- S???a ep??e???µe e65537 (216-1)
- ???a a? e??a? ?pe?ß????a µ???? (p.?. e3)
µe???eta? ? asfa?e?a - ?? t? e e??a? sta?e??, p?epe? ?a e?µaste s???????
?t? ???(e,f(n))1 - ?p????pt??ta? ?p??ad?p?te p ? q p?? de? e??a?
s?et??a p??t?? ?? p??? t? e
22?p?te?esµat??? ?p????pt???af?s?
- ? ap????pt???af?s? ???s?µ?p??e? ???s? se d??aµ? d
- ?? d p?epe? ?a e??a? µe?a??, a????? e??a? µ?
asfa?e?. - ?p????µe ?a ???s?µ?p???s??µe t? Chinese Remainder
Theorem (CRT) ??a ?a ?p?????s??µe ta mod p q
?e????sta. ??te ta s??d?a???µe ??a ?a pa???µe t??
ep???µ?t? apa?t?s? - ??t? e??a? pe??p?? 4 f??e? ???????te?? ap? t? ?a
t? ?a???µe aµesa - ???? ? ?at???? t?? ?d??t???? ??e?d??? p??
??????e? t?? t?µe? t?? t?µe? t?? p q µp??e? ?a
efa?µ?se? a?t?? t?? te?????
23??µ??????a ??e?d??? RSA
- ?? ???ste? t?? RSA p?epe?
- ?a ep??e???? st?? t??? d?? p??t??? a???µ??? p,q
- ?a ep??????? t? e?te t? e e?te t? d ?a? ?a
?p?????s??? t? a???. - ?? p??t?? a???µ?? p,q p?epe? ?a e??a? a??eta
µe?a??? ?ste ?a µ?? p????pt??? e????a ap? t?
modulus np.q
24?sfa?e?a t?? RSA
- ???a?e? ep??ese?? st?? RSA
- brute force key search ad??at? ???? t??
te?ast??? a???µ?? p?? ???s?µ?p?????ta? - ?s??µat??e? ep??ese?? ßas????ta? st? ds????a
?p?????sµ?? t?? f(n), pa?a???t?p????ta? t?
modulus n - ?p??ese?? ?????sµ??
- ?p??ese?? ep??e?µe??? ciphertext (Chosen
ciphertext attacks)
25?? p??ß??µa t?? pa?a???t?p???s??
- ? µa??µat??? p??se???s? e?e? t?e?? µ??fe?
- ?a?a???t?p???se t? np.q, ?a? st? s??e?e?a
?p?????se t? f(n) ?a? te??? t? d - ??e? ape??e?a? t? f(n) ?a? ?p?????se t? d
- ??e? ape??e?a? t? d
- S?µe?a RSA µe ??e?d?a 1024-2048 bit ?e??e?ta?
asfa??? - ?f?s?? ta p, q e??a? pa??µ???? µe?e???? ?a?
p?????? ??a ta ???t???a p?? e???? te?e?.
26Progress in Factoring
27? p???d?? st?? pa?a???t?p???s?
28?p??ese?? ?????sµ?? st?? RSA(Timing Attacks)
- ??apt?????a? ap? t?? Paul Kocher sta µesa t??
de?aet?a? t?? 90. - ??µeta??e???ta? t? d?af???p???s? st? ???????
d?a??e?a t?? ?e?t??????? - p.?. ? p???ap?as?asµ?? µ????? a???µ?? e?a?t? t??
p???ap?as?asµ?? µe?a??? a???µ?? - ? t? p??e? e?t??e? e?te????ta? µeta ap? e?a IF
- S?µpe?a??e? t? µe?e??? t?? ???sµat?? µe ßas? t?
????? p?? pa???e? ? e?t??? ??a ?a e?te?este? - St?? pe??pt?s? t?? RSA e?µeta?e?eta? t? ????? p??
pa???e? ? ???s? se d??aµ?. - ??t?µet?a
- ???s? sta?e??? ?????? ???s?? se d??aµ?
- ???s???? t??a??? ?a??ste??se??
- ????ap?asµ?? t?? ciphertext µe e?a? t??a?? a???µ?
p??? t?? ???s? t?? se d??aµ?.
29?p??ese?? Ep??e?µe??? Ciphertext(Chosen
Ciphertext Attacks, CCA)
- O RSA e??a? e?pa??? se ep??ese?? ?p??e?µe???
Ciphertext - O ep?t??eµe??? e?e? t? d??at?t?ta ?a ep??e?e? t?
ciphertext ?a? ?a pa???e? p?s? t?
ap????pt???af?µe?? ?e?µe?? - ?p??e?e? t? ciphertext ets? ?ste ?a e?µeta?e?eta?
t?? ?d??t?te? t?? RSA ?a? µe t?? t??p? a?t? ?a
pa???e? p????f???e? p?? t?? ß?????? st??
???pta?a??s? - O? a?t?µet?? ? RSA p??te??e? t?? t??p?p???s? t??
plaintext µes? µ?a? d?ad??as?a? p?? ???µa?eta?
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OASP)
30Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OASP)
- S???t?saµe
- ??? a??e? t?? ???pt???af?a? d?µ?s??? ??e?d???
- ??? a??????µ? RSA, t?? ???p???s? t?? ?a? t??
asfa?e?a t??