Title: TMDLs on the Clearwater River
1TMDLs on the Clearwater River
- Fecal Coliform Impairment of the Trout Stream
Portion of the Clearwater River - By
- Corey Hanson
- Water Quality Coordinator
- Red Lake Watershed District
2Explanation of Impairment
- The trout stream reach of the Clearwater River is
listed as impaired for fecal coliform.
3Land Use
- 32 Forest
- 27 Grass/Pasture
- 19 Ag
- 11 Water/Wetland
- 8 Urban/Rural Development
- 3 Other
4Runoff Potential
5Physical Characteristics
- The gradient and velocity of the stream increase
prior to the trout stream reach. - Fecal coliform suitability decreases.
Upstream of the Trout Stream Reach
Trout Stream Reach
6Possible Sources of Fecal Coliform Bacteria
- High Probability
- Overflows from Bagley Wastewater Treatment
Facility (Improved in 2000 to eliminate
overflows) - Stormwater from the City of Bagley (Stormwater
ponds have been constructed to reduce amount of
pollutants entering river) - Wildlife
- Feedlots
- Hydrologic Modification
- Fecal Coliform deposited in calcareous fens/bogs
(under investigation) - Sampling Techniques
7Monitoring Conducted for use in the TMDL Study
- Clearwater Nonpoint Study 1992-93
- Clearwater Lake Water Quality Model Study
- 2002 - 6 stream sites, bi-weekly monitoring
- RLWD Long Term District Monitoring
- Quarterly monitoring since mid-80s
- Data entry into STORET just recently completed,
not in time for 2004 303(d) list - Clearwater Soil and Water Conservation District
- Intensive fecal coliform monitoring for this TMDL
Project from August 2002 October 2002 - Samples analyzed by Minnesota Department of
Health, data is currently available in STORET - 2004 Fecal Coliform Monitoring
8Clearwater Lake Water Quality Model Monitoring
9RLWD Long-term Monitoring Sites in the Clearwater
L. Watershed
10SWCD/MDH Monitoring Sites
CR 24 (inlet)
CR 22
Hwy 2
CR 2
CR 25
3-Mile Road
11Methods for Determination of Impairment
- From the MPCA Guidance Manual for Assessing the
Quality of Minnesota Surface Waters for
Determination of Impairment 305(b) Report and
303(d) List. - Section VIII. Assessment Based on Numeric
Standard for Protection of Recreation - Pollutant Fecal Coliform
- Affects swimming and other forms of recreation
that involve contact with the water - Standard of 200 col./100 ml
- Impairment gt10 of samples exceed standard,at
least 1 month with an average gt than the standard
12Data used for original impairment
- Clearwater Nonpoint Study Data
- Impairment found at Clearwater Lake Inlet
Monitoring Site - Samples taken April 1992-May 1993
- 36.84 of samples were gt200col/ml
- Geometric Means of 3 months were gt 200col/ml
- Only 1 yr of sampling
- Less than 5 samples per aggregate month
13Using Data Available for 2004 303(d) List
- Sampling data from October 1992 September 2002
- Recent SWCD data included, but no RLWD data
- All of the sites within the trout stream reach
wouldnt go beyond the first step of assessment
(lt10) - One site upstream of the trout stream reach would
be considered impaired based upon MPCA guidelines
Country Road 2
14Barriers to Delisting
- High spikes in fecal levels on August 28, 2002
- CR2, CR 22, and the Clearwater Lake Inlet
- lt10 of samples were gt200 col./100 ml at sites
within the listed reach (30 _at_ CR 2) - Aggregate monthly averages for August were gt200
col./100ml for all 3 sites
15August 28, 2002
162004 Fecal Coliform Sampling
172004 Fecal Coliform Sampling Results
18Next Steps
- Work with landowners to implement BMPs
- Complete TMDL Report/Delisting of the reach
- Published TMDL
19The End