1Thinking About Medication GroupRob Allison,
Maggie Stronach, Ceri Owen, Ruth Lambley
2Aims of presentation
- Brief outline some literature regarding
medication - Describe a Thinking about Medication group in
York - Personal experiences related to medication and
the group
5The dominant approach
- The dominant approach in psychiatry is a
biological one (Bentall, 2009) - The main tool for psychosis-related problems is
medication (Bentall, 2009 Coleman, 2004 NICE,
2009), usually prescribed indefinitely (Whitaker,
6The harm done
- side effects including neuroleptic malignant
syndrome, Parkinsonian symptoms, tardive
dyskinesia, blindness, fatal blood clots, heat
stroke, swollen breasts, leaking breasts,
impotence, obesity, sexual dysfunction, blood
disorders, painful skin rashes, diarrhoea,
nausea, forgetfulness, seizures, diabetes,
increased risk of suicide, early death - Lewander, 1994 Keefe et al, 1999
- Arana, 2000 Kane Freeman, 1994
- Glazer, 2000a Glazer, 2000b)
7The harm done
- MRI studies antipsychotics cause atrophy of the
cerebral cortex and an enlargement of the basal
ganglia (Gur et al, 1998 Chakos et al, 1994
Madsen et al, 1998) (cited in Whitaker, 2004) - the drugs cause changes in the brain associated
with a worsening of the very symptoms the drugs
are supposed to alleviate (Whitaker, 2004, p.8)
8The power of belief.. (Kirsch, 2009)
- Expectancy of improvement
- The strong therapeutic response to
- antidepressant medication is almost
- as strong to placebo
- Statistically significant but not clinically
meaningful - the dirty little secret many have long been
unimpressed by the magnitude of the differences
observed between treatments and controls, what
some of our colleagues refer to as the dirty
little secret in the pharmaceutical literature
(Hollon, DeRubeis, Shelton Weiss, 2002)
9Despite evidence, prescriptions increase!
- Evidence consistently shows that maintaining
patients on antipsychotics produces poor
long-term outcomes and 40 of those diagnosed
would do better if they were never exposed to
them or gradually withdrew from them (Whitaker,
2004) - Maintenance Antipsychotic Therapy Is the Cure
Worse than the Disease? concluded that an
attempt should be made to determine the
feasibility of drug discontinuance in every
patient (Gardos Cole, 1977) - Research since then confirm the wisdom of this
advice - But in spite of this, antipsychotics are been
prescribed more and more and to a larger group of
10Medication on the increase
- Prescriptions (UK)
- 1988-2001, issued prescriptions (generally)
increased by 56 - 19922002, issues prescriptions for
antidepressants increasing by 243 - (NICE, 2004)
- 19982008, 48 increase in prescriptions for
antipsychotic medication - (Information Centre for Health and Social Care
(2008), - cited in Moncrieff, 2011)
- 20062010, 43 increase in prescriptions for
selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (most
commonly prescribed group of anti-depressants) to
nearly 23m a year (NHS Prescription Services)
(accessed 7th April, 2011)
11Medication for profit?
- The pharmaceutical industry is the most
profitable in the world (Bentall, 2009, p.197) -
global market for antipsychotic medication is
approx 15 billion per year (Lewis Lieberman,
2008) - By 2002, the combined profits for the top 10 (of
Fortune 500 top 500 highest gross revenues of
American public corporations ) was more than the
profits of all the other 490 companies put
together!! (Law, 2006, cited in Bentall, 2009,
12MIND study
- Several studies indicate non-adherence for
medication range from 30-50 (Tacchi Scott,
2005) - In a MIND study, it was found that 70 of people
who were prescribed psychiatric medication felt
pressured to take it, with a similar proportion
also feeling powerless or passive about taking
them (MIND, 2005) - 18 found the medication to be mainly helpful BUT
21 found them unhelpful, with the remaining 71
somewhere in the middle - 60 stopped taking their medication because of
the adverse effects - 25 tried to come off their medication against
medical advice, with nearly half not telling
their doctor at all due to fear of opposition - It was also found that even when doctors were
involved, they were not always helpful
13Mental health service disengaging from people
- The power-imbalance influences the way services
are delivered and perceived - Many people experiencing mental distress distance
themselves from mental health practitioners in
order to take control and either come off or
reduce their medication - Coleman (2004) reports that it was only after
leaving mental health services was he was able to
feel empowered to take control of his own
recovery, which he suggests has been a similar
experience for many others
14Mental health service disengaging from people
- Rather than discuss with mental health
professionals, many people will instead attempt
to alter their medication and, effectively, take
control of their medication without the
involvement of mental health professionals - Implies that mental health services struggle to
engage with people when they most need it - Implies that mental health services, at times,
work against people rather than work with people - This is particularly concerning given the
difficulty in reducing psychiatric medication and
the adverse effects of withdrawal (Moncrieff,
15The way antipsychotic medication is used
- (But) the real problem with antipsychotics is
not their effectiveness, but the way that they
are used - (Bentall, 2009, p.222)
- Moncrieff (2007/2009) - alternative model of
drug action, disease-centred model to a
drug-centred model - It is the consequences of being in these altered
states that amount to the therapeutic effects of
the drug (Moncrieff, 2007/2009)
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17Thinking About Medication Group
- Background Research has shown that people
frequently want more information about
psychiatric drugs and benefit from the
opportunity to talk about issues related to them.
- The group is based on a similar group run by Guy
Holmes (Clinical Psychologist with a special
interest in Psychiatric medication) in
Shrewsbury, and a group run by Rufus may and Adam
Jhuragoo in Hebden Bridge called Coming-Off.com. - Aim Help people access information about drugs
they maybe taking or considering. Provide a space
to talk through experiences, exchange views and
give and receive support. Provide access to
expertise from other sources. To explore pros and
cons of taking medication and explore alternative
coping strategies.
18Thinking About Medication Group
- Whos involved Two people with experience of
taking Psychiatric medication, who have been part
of the steering group. Rob Allison Mental Health
Nurse Lecturer, Karen Flowerdew, Consultant
Clinical Psychologist, Andy Elmslie Consultant
Psychiatrist, Sarah Smith Pharmacist and Maggie
Stronach Mental Health Nurse. - Pilot run we ran a pilot in early 2011, planned
12 sessions with timetabled agenda, open group,
rotating facilitators
19Thinking About Medication Group
- Agenda
- Intros, suggestions/content for sessions
- Repeat last session, reflection
- Research in different psychiatric medication
- Recovery, relating to medication
- Illicit/non-prescribed drugs
- Psychological therapies alternatives to
medication - Open session
- Pros cons of psychiatric medication,
withdrawals, etc - Practical issues related to medication,
empowerment - Complimentary therapies
- Reflections - what have people got from the
group? - Evaluations, plans for future
20Thinking About Medication Group
- What did people want from the group?
- We provided self-help materials, some brought
different information to the group, some wanted
to come off their medication, some wanted
information about side effects, some talked about
how much they valued their medication, some
wanted support and advice regarding how they
could talk to their psychiatrist regarding their
medication and have more influence over their
prescribing, some wanted tips about how to safely
reduce their medication - What worked well and not so well?
- Good initial turnout. Better advertising hence
the conference. - Worked better when less structured sessions.
- Constant rotating of facilitators confusing, feel
would work better with couple core facilitators,
allow more flow between sessions.
21Thinking About Medication Group
- Future plans
- Conference on 2/3/2012 with speakers including,
Phil Thomas, Rachel Waddingham, Guy Holmes - Group to restart at Sycamore House from Weds 14th
march 2012, and every Wednesday, self referral,
group open to all who take or considering taking
psychiatric medication.
22Patients (and carers if appropriate) should be
informed of the benefits and side-effects
profiles of antipsychotics and be involved in the
choice of antipsychotic NICE schizophrenia
23An illustration of my feelings about being given
chlorpromazine when Id asked for something not
sedating so I can keep up with my postgraduate
24Side effects are even more frightening when you
cant anticipate them and dont understand what
is happening. Having concerns dismissed is
Flickr / Kheel Centre
Whose data? OUR DATA!
Patient decision aids because informed consent
is important.
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