Understanding Natural Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding Natural Language


A parse tree is a structure where each node is a symbol from the grammar. The root node is the starting nonterminal, the intermediate nodes are nonterminals, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding Natural Language

Understanding Natural Language
14.0 The Natural Language Understanding Problem
14.1 Deconstructing Language A
Symbolic Analysis 14.2 Syntax 14.3 Syntax and
Knowledge with ATN parsers
14.4 Stochastic Tools for Language
Analysis 14.5 Natural Language Applications 14.6
Epilogue and References 14.7 Exercises
Additional source used in preparing the
slides Patrick H. Winstons AI textbook, Addison
Wesley, 1993.
Chapter objective
  • Give a brief introduction to deterministic
    techniques used in understanding natural language

An early natural language understanding system
SHRDLU (Winograd, 1972)
It could converse about a blocks world
  • What is sitting on the red block?
  • What shape is the blue block on the table?
  • Place the green cylinder on the red brick.
  • What color is the block on the red block? Shape?

The problems
  • Understanding language is not merely
    understanding the words it requires inference
    about the speakers goals, knowledge,
    assumptions. The context of interaction is also
  • Do you know where Rekhi 309 is?
  • Yes.
  • Good, then please go there and pick up the
  • Do you know where Rekhi 309 is?
  • Yes, go up the stairs and enter the
    semi-circular section.
  • Thank you.

The problems (contd)
  • Implementing a natural language understanding
    program requires that we represent knowledge and
    expectations of the domain and reason effectively
    about them.
  • nonmonotonicity
  • belief revision
  • metaphor
  • planning
  • learning

Shall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art
more lovely and more temperateRough winds do
not shake the darling buds of May,And summers
lease hath all too short a date Shakespeares
Sonnet XVIII
The problems (contd)
  • There are three major issues involved in
    understanding natural language
  • A large amount of human knowledge is assumed.
  • Language is pattern based. Phoneme, word, and
    sentence orders are not random.
  • Language acts are products of agents embedded in
    complex environments.

SHRDLUs solution
  • Restrict focus to a microworld blocks world
  • Constrain the language use templates
  • Do not deal with problems involving commonsense
    reasoningstill can communicate meaningfully

Linguists approach
  • Prosody rhythm and intonation of language
  • Phonology sounds that are combined
  • Morphology morphemes that make up words
  • Syntax rules for legal phrases and sentences
  • Semantics meaning of words, phrases, sentences
  • Pragmatics effects on the listener
  • World knowledge background knowledge of the
    physical world

Stages of language analysis
  • 1. Parsing analyze the syntactic structure of a
  • 2. Semantic interpretation analyze the meaning
    of a sentence
  • 3. Contextual/world knowledge representation
    Analyze the expanded meaning of a sentence
  • For instance, consider the sentence
  • Tarzan kissed Jane.

The result of parsing would be
The result of semantic interpretation
The result of contextual/world knowledge
Can also represent questionsWho loves Jane?
Parsing using Context-Free Grammars
  • A bunch of rewrite rules
  • 1. sentence ? noun_phrase verb_phrase 2.
    noun_phrase ? noun 3. noun_phrase ? article
    noun 4. verb_phrase ? verb 5. verb_phrase ?
    verb noun_phrase 6. article ? a 7. article ?
    the 8. noun ? man 9. noun ? dog10. verb ?
    likes11. verb ? bites

these are the terminals
these are the nonterminals
  • It is the search for a legal derivation of the
  • sentence ? noun_phrase verb_phrase ? article
    noun verb_phrase? The noun verb_phrase? The man
    verb_phrase? The man verb noun_phrase? The man
    bites noun_phrase? The man bites article noun?
    The man bites the noun? The man bites the dog
  • Each intermediate form is a sentential form .

Parsing (contd)
  • The result is a parse tree. A parse tree is a
    structure where each node is a symbol from the
    grammar. The root node is the starting
    nonterminal, the intermediate nodes are
    nonterminals, the leaf nodes are terminals.
  • Sentence is the starting nonterminal.
  • There are two classes of parsing algorithms
  • top-down parsers start with the starting symbol
    and try to derive the complete sentence
  • bottom-up parsers start with the complete
    sentence and attempt to find a series of
    reductions to derive the start symbol

The parse tree
Parsing is a search problem
  • Search for the correct derivation
  • If a wrong choice is made, the parser needs to
  • Recursive descent parsers maintain backtrack
  • Look-ahead techniques help determine the proper
    rule to apply
  • Well study transition network parsers (and
    augmented transition networks)

Transition networks
Transition networks (contd)
  • It is a set of finite-state machines
    representing the rules in the grammar
  • Each network corresponds to a single nonterminal
  • Arcs are labeled with either terminal or
    nonterminal symbols
  • Each path from the start state to the final
    state corresponds to a rule for that nonterminal
  • If there is more than one rule for a nonterminal
    there are multiple paths from the start to the
    goal (e.g., noun_phrase)

The main idea
  • Finding a successful transition through the
    network corresponds to replacement of the
    nonterminal with the RHS
  • Parsing a sentence is a matter of traversing the
  • If the label of the transition (arc) is a
    terminal, it must match the input, and the input
    pointer advances
  • If the label of the transition (arc) is a
    nonterminal, the corresponding transition network
    is invoked recursively
  • If several alternative paths are possible, each
    must be tried (backtracking)---very much like
    nondeterministic finite automaton---until a
    successful path is found

Parsing the sentence Dog bites.
  • A successful parse is the complete traversal
    of the net for the starting nonterminal from
    sinitial to sfinal .
  • If no path works, the parse fails. It is not a
    valid sentence (or part of sentence).
  • The following algorithm would be called using
    parse(sinitial )
  • It would start with the net for sentence.

The algorithm
  • Function parse(grammar_symbol)
  • begin save pointer to current location in input
    stream case grammar_symbol is a terminal
    if grammar_symbol matches the next word in
    the input stream then return(success)
    else begin reset input stream
    return(failure) end

The algorithm (contd)
  • case
  • grammar_symbol is a nonterminal begin
    retrieve the transition network labeled by
    grammar_symbol state start state of
    network if transition(state) returns
    success then return(success)
    else begin reset input stream
    return (failure) end endend.

The algorithm (contd)
  • Function transition(current_state)begin case
    current_state is a final state return
    (success) current_state is not a final
    state while there are unexamined
    transitions out of current_state do
    begin grammar_symbol the label on
    the next unexamined transition if
    parse(grammar_symbol) returns (success)
    then begin next_state state at
    the end of the transition if
    transition(next_state) returns (success)
    then return(success) end
    end return(failure) endend.

Modifications to return the parse tree
  • 1. Each time the function parse is called with a
    terminal symbol as argument and that terminal
    matches the next symbol of input, it returns a
    tree consisting of a single leaf node labeled
    with that symbol.
  • 2. When parse is called with a nonterminal, N, it
    calls transition. If transition succeeds, it
    returns an ordered set of subtrees. Parse
    combines these into a tree whose root is N and
    whose children are the subtrees returned by

Modifications to return the parse tree (contd)
  • 3. In searching for a path through a network,
    transition calls parse on the label of each arc.
    On success, parse returns a tree representing a
    parse of that symbol. Transition saves these
    subtrees in an ordered set and, on finding a path
    through the network, returns the ordered set of
    parse trees corresponding to the sequence of arc
    labels on the path.

Comments of transition networks
  • They capture the regularity in the sentence
  • They exploit the fact that only a small
    vocabulary is needed in a specific domain
  • If a sentence doesnt make sense, it might be
    caught by the domain information. For instance,
    the answer to both of the following questions is
    there is none
  • Pick up the blue cylinder
  • Pick up the red blue cylinder

The Chomsky Hierarchy and CFGs
  • A CFG a single nonterminal is allowed on the
    left-hand side.
  • CFGs are not powerful enough to represent
    natural language
  • Simply add plural nouns to the dogs world
    grammarnoun ? mennoun ? dogsverb ?
    bitesverb ? likeA men bites a dogs will be a
    legal sentence

Options to deal with context
  • Extend CFGs
  • Use context-sensitive grammars (CSGs)With CSGs
    the only restriction is that the RHS is at least
    as long as the LHS
  • Note that the one higher class, recursively
    enumerable languages or Turing recognizable
    languages is not an usually regarded as an option

A context-sensitive grammar
  • sentence ? noun_phrase verb_phrasenoun_phrase ?
    article number nounnoun_phrase ? number
    nounnumber ? singularnumber ? pluralarticle
    singular ? a singulararticle singular ? the
    singulararticle plural ? the pluralsingular
    noun ? dog singularsingular noun ? man
    singularplural noun ? men pluralplural noun ?
    dogs pluralsingular verb_phrase ? singular
    verbplural verb_phrase ? plural verb

A context-sensitive grammar (contd)
  • singular verb ? bitessingular verb ?
    likesplural verb ? biteplural verb ? like

The dogs bite
  • sentence ? noun_phrase verb_phrase ? article
    plural noun verb_phrase? The plural noun
    verb_phrase? The dogs plural verb_phrase? The
    dogs plural verb? The dogs bite

CSGs for practical parsing
  1. The number of rules and nonterminals in the
    grammar increase drastically.
  2. They obscure the phrase structure of the language
    that is so clearly represented in the
    context-free rules
  3. By attempting to handle more complicated checks
    for agreement and semantic consistency in the
    grammar itself, they lose many of the benefits of
    separating the syntactic and semantic components
    of language
  4. CSGs do not address the problem of building a
    semantic representation of the text
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