Title: Making Career Decisions Through Enterprising Ideas
1Making Career DecisionsThroughEnterprising Ideas
- Stephen J. Swain, ATP
- Rural Rehabilitation Specialist
- Breaking New Ground Outreach Program
2Session Overview
- The Professionals Responsibilities
- Career Decision Map
- Decision Process
- Personal Information
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
- Identifying Resources
- Alternative Enterprises
3The Professionals Role
- Explain the process
- Assist in the evaluation process
- Provide support during the process
- Accountability help set a time-table and hold
accountable to times challenge clients answers
and provide input
4Career Decision Roadmap
Past Work Experience skills, abilities, training,
interest, values
Transitions college, economy, family...
Change farming enterprise expand, new,
Continue current farming or career path
Additional training or education
Take part-time job
Begin new enterprise
Lifelong learning
Begin career with new skills and
5Personal Information
- Name_______________________________
County_____________ - Address_____________________________
Phone_____________ - City_____________________ State_____ Zip
Code________ - Social Security Number___________________________
- Cell Phone_____________
- E-Mail address___________________________________
____ - Sex M___ F___ Birthday_____/_____/____
Veteran Y__ N____ - Beside yourself, how many wage earners are in you
household?_______ - Do you own or rent where you live now? Own____
rent____ other_____ - How many years have you been farming?
6Personal Information
- Off-farm work experience
- Employer/Job Title Dates Salary
Duties/Responsibilities -
- Education and training
- What is the highest grade completed?
- List any additional training or education
received since high school
7Personal Information
- Military service (including technical training
received) and approximate dates -
- List any other formal non-farm skill training
(vocational technical school, apprenticeship
classes, etc.) - Leadership skills
- List organizational involvement and indicate any
offices held (e.g. Farm Bureau, Grange,
Extension, 4-H, leadership programs)
8Personal Information
- Job interests
- Circle the jobs that interest you
- ___Agribusiness
- ___Communication and Media
- ___Construction
- ___Recreation/Forestry
- ___Health Manufacturing
- ___Marketing
- ___Personnel Services
- ___Public Service/Self Employed
- ___Other
9Personal Information
- Explain your disability and its significance in
your job search and future employment. - What types of skills, tools, or resources do you
need to accomplish the type of job you are
10Personal Information
- Overcoming barriers what do you think you need
help with? - ___Deciding what to do ___Obtaining job leads
- ___Improving my skills ___Earning my diploma
- ___Dealing with medical problems
- ___Obtaining other training
- ___Improving my job search skills
- ___Overcoming my disability
- ___Securing a job
- ___Other
11Personal Information
- Do you have transportation available?
- Yes ____ No ____
- Involvement with other agencies (Placement,
Workforce Development, VR, SS, etc.). Please
list. - Benefits received from other agencies
12Personal Information
- Check any of the following that you need more
information on - ___Government programs ___Handling utility bills
- ___Food stamps ___Veterans benefits
- ___FHA, VR, or other mortgage information
- ___Social Security benefits
- ___Retirement planning
- ___Investment counseling
- ___Medical counseling ___Stress counseling
- ___Family counseling ___Legal counseling
- ___Other________________________________
13Self Assessment
- Agricultural Skills Grade your proficiency
- Farm Management
- Record Keeping records, budgets, cash flow
- Financial Management profit/loss statement,loan
application, sources of credit - Marketing store vs. sell, futures marketing,
commodity contracting - Computers report generation
- Labor payroll, communication,
economical/efficient us of labor - Estate Planning is there a plan?
14Self Assessment
- Crop Production
- Plant Nutrition and Growth soil analysis,
cropping system - Fertilization selection of system
- Preparation method of ground preparation
no-till, ridge-till, conventional - Diseases and Pests identification, control
methods - Planting and Harvesting equipment, field loss,
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20Self Assessment
- Livestock Production
- Production and management systems pasture,
confinement, organic, - Feeding feed ingredients, complete, pelletted,
micro-packs, wheat, corn, milo, dried distillers
grain - Housing and Handling system, age of facilities,
ventilation control - Disease and Pests identification, treatment
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23Self Assessment
- Agricultural Mechanics
- Agricultural Equipment Maintenance
- Small Engines
- Buildings
- Concrete
- Electricity
- Hand Tools
- Miscellaneous Tools
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26Financial Analysis
- Sales and Inventory values
- Variable costs to each enterprise
- Fixed costs to each enterprise
- Cash flow projections
- Outstanding loans and obligations
- What would happen if changes were made?
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30Career Awareness
- Background
- Fathers occupation
- Fathers highest level of education
- Mothers occupation
- Mothers highest level of education
- Number of moves your family made
- Types of communities in which you lived.
- ___Rural ___Suburban ___Metropolitan
31Career Awareness
- Accomplishments
- High School and College (academic or
extra-curricular) - Other Training Accomplishments (academic or
extra-curricular) - Volunteer Accomplishments
- Work Accomplishments
- Other Accomplishments
32Career Awareness
- Activities
- High School and College (academic or
extra-curricular) - Other Training Activities (academic or
extra-curricular) - Volunteer Activities
- Work Related Activities
- Any Other Areas (hobbies, recreation, clubs, etc
33Career Awareness
- Skills
- Used in High School and College Accomplishments
- Used in Other Training Accomplishments
- Used in Volunteer Accomplishments
- Used in Work Related Accomplishments
- Used in Other Areas (hobbies, recreation, clubs)
- Used in Past Work Experiences
34Self Assessment
- Transferrable Skills
- Leadership
- Organization
- Sales and Marketing
- Decision-making
- Self directed will work independently
- Teamwork
- Take responsibility
35Career Awareness
- Interests Likes/Dislikes of Accomplishments
- School Accomplishments Likes/Dislikes
- Other Training Accomplishments Likes/Dislikes
- Volunteer Accomplishments Likes/Dislikes
- Work Related Accomplishments Likes/Dislikes
- Any Other Areas Likes/Dislikes
36Career Awareness
- Values List/Rank Top 5 in Importance
- Such as dependability, trustworthy,
independence, rural setting, remain on farm - Review and List Top 5 Skills
- Review and List the Top 5 Likes and Dislikes
- What do you want to do?
37Career Action Plan
- Rank 5 most important factors related to the job.
- Challenge
- Opportunity for advancement
- Training program
- Salary
- Security
- Initial job assignment
38Career Action Plan
- Hours per week
- Size of the company
- Type of industry
- Independence of action
- Travel
- Educational opportunity
39Career Action Plan
- Prestige
- Work Environment
- Co-Workers
- Type of boss
- Frequency of moves
- Job location
- Seeing results of job
- Others
40Career Action Plan
- 5 Most Important Non-Job Factors
- Climate
- Proximity
- Cultural activities
- Recreational activities
- Spouses career opportunity
- Type of community
41Career Action Plan
- Commuting distance
- Frequency of moves
- Cost of living
- Adult education activities
- Public schools
- Other (list)
42Career Action Plan
- Describe your ideal non-job environment
- Your ideal job and ideal non-job environment make
up your desired lifestyle. - From here, you can make more intelligent
decisions for where you want to go and how to get
43Family Resources
- Is there effective communication?
- Does the family work and play together?
- Is positive self-esteem encouraged?
- Is there pride in the family and priority for
family activities? - Does the family act as a support network?
- Is there a willingness to accept temporary help
from outsiders? - Is there flexibility in family roles?
- How are the problem-solving skills of the family?
44Family Resources
45Assessing Farm Resources
- Resource Inventory
- Capital Resources accumulated goods and assets
devoted to the production of other goods - Earning capacity
- Debt ratio
- Cash flow
- Labor and Management Resources
46Resource Inventory Resource Inventory
Resource Size (Building/equip.) Amount/No. Value Comments
Row crops
Small grains
Earning capacity
Debt ratio
Cash flow
47Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses
You Other 1 Other 2 Needed
Skills Strength Weakness Strength Weakness Strength Weakness
Crop management
Livestock management
Mechanical ability
Building construction skills
Personnel management
Financial management
Securing resources
Physical endurance
Emotional endurance
Decision making
Accepting risks
48Labor Resource Requirements Labor Resource Requirements Labor Resource Requirements Labor Resource Requirements Labor Resource Requirements Labor Resource Requirements
Labor Resource Allocation by Use Labor Resource Allocation by Use Labor Resource Allocation by Use Labor Resource Allocation by Use
Month of the Year Month of the Year Month of the Year
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Cropland Cropland
Cropland (Total)
Livestock Livestock
Livestock (Total)
Enterprise Totals (Cropland Livestock
Month of the Year Month of the Year Month of the Year
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Full-time Labor Full-time Labor Full-time Labor
Person 1
Person 2
Part-time Labor Part-time Labor Part-time Labor
Person 1
Person 2
Available Labor (Total of Part and Full)
Excess or Deficit Labor (Subtract available labor from enterprise labor requirements)
50Assessing Farm Resources
- Sources of budget information
- Agricultural Marketing Resource Center
http//www.agmrc.org/ - Business DevelopmentltEnterprise Budgeting Tools
- Crop Conversion Calculator (link is on above web
site) http//www.tritrainingcenter.org/code/farms
51Assessing Farm Resources Exercise
- Client
- 40 year old male, single, teenage son lives
nearby but near college age - Back impairment, limited to lifting 20 lb.
- Background in field crops and livestock
- Wants to purchase 10 acres to raise and sell
organic produce
52Assessing Farm Resources Exercise
- What are the potential labor and volume needs to
earn 20,000 per year over production costs? - How much of each product does he raise?
53Alternative Enterprises
- Field crops
- Fish and Game
- Forest Products
- Poultry
- Fruits
- Horticulture/Nursery
- Livestock and Animals
- Service and Recreation (Agri-Tourism)
54Alternative Enterprises
- Resource Information
- National Sustainable Agriculture Information
Service http//attra.ncat.org - Agricultural Marketing Resource Center
http//www.agmrc.org - Small Farms Alternative Enterprises
55Alternative Enterprises
- Missouri Alternatives Center http//agebb.missour
i.edu/mac/ - National Agriculture Library http//www.nal.usda.
gov/afsic/pubs/altlist.shtml - Enterprising Ideas for Farmers, Ranchers, and
Rural Families with Physical Disabilities
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61Enterprising Ideas for Farmers, Ranchers, and
Rural Families with Physical Disabilities
- Bed and Breakfast
- Dog training
- Horse breeding and training
- Insurance agency
- Real estate sales and appraisal
- Wood and metal shop
62Enterprising Ideas
- Bee production equipment
- Cabinet Making and Woodworking
- Small engine repair service
- Soil fertility consulting
- Seed corn dealership
- Grain marketing, commodity brokerage
- Llamas
- Organic produce
63Enterprising Ideas
- Maple syrup food products
- Mobile concession stand
- Farm drainage and backhoe service
- Fish farm and hatchery
- Animal cages
- Feed supply store
- Handmade crafts
- Farm implement assembly
64Case Study
- Client is 35 years old, married with two
children - Post-traumatic stress syndrome
- Lives in a modular home on about 1 acre bordering
on a woods with a small stream running behind the
house - Has chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, hogs
- Wants to farm on a larger scale
65Case Study
- VR authorization to develop a business plan to
farm - Client visit
- Learn about family, what he wants to do
- Present VR small business enterprise program and
the required business plan and cash flow - Learn where the land to farm is coming from
- Learn all the livestock he wants to raise
66Case Study
- Client visit
- Learn what he knows about livestock production
- Run some rough financial projections on cattle
and hog production - Learn how he intends to market the livestock
- Project volume sales for desired income
- Leave instructions for information needed for the
business plan and cash flow
67Case Study
- Communicate by e-mail and telephone
- Client decides that he cannot deal with the
stress of marketing and handling the number of
dollars required for the projected farming
operation - Changes the farming operation to contract
livestock production - Still cannot handle the stress from the dollar
68Case Study
- Third business plan and cash flow
- Wildlife control business
- Fewer dollars involved less stress
- Has always hunted and trapped
- Had some of the equipment already for the
business - Authorized and funded by VR
- Business started and operating