CS5038 The Electronic Society - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS5038 The Electronic Society


CS5038 The Electronic Society 2. A Quick Overview of Electronic Retailing B2C Retailing: types and ways to succeed Consumer Categories Consumer Decision Criteria – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS5038 The Electronic Society

CS5038 The Electronic Society
  • 2. A Quick Overview of Electronic Retailing
  • B2C Retailing types and ways to succeed
  • Consumer Categories
  • Consumer Decision Criteria
  • Online Purchasing Aids
  • E-Tailing Business Models
  • Click and Mortar Strategy
  • E-tailing Problems
  • The middleman problem e.g. travel industry

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Retailing
  • Ability to create direct relationships with
    consumer without intermediaries like
    distributors, wholesalers, or dealers
  • Brick-and-mortar Traditional offline retailer
  • Click-and-mortar offline online presence
  • B2C Market success is derived from
  • Offering quality merchandise at good prices
  • Excellent customer service
  • Convenience
  • Goods that sell well online
  • Brand recognition and guarantees
  • Digitized products music, video, software
  • Frequently purchased, inexpensive items
  • Well-known items with standard specifications
  • no need to inspect

Portals, trust sites (2 slides ago)
Prentice Hall, 2002
Click and Mortar Strategy
  • Channel route to customer (through
    delares/vendors/re-sellers/dealers and
    distributors, or directly (own shop or web-site))
  • Channel Conflict
  • Any situation where channel members are
    antagonistic due to real or perceived differences
    in incentives, rewards, policies or support
  • Levis stopped online direct sales, because
    distributors complained
  • Selling off old stock directly to make room for
    fresh models may undercut dealers.
  • Have to coordinate parallel channels of
    distribution, and coordinate marketing strategies
  • e.g., car dealer network online direct sales

Click and Mortar Strategy (B)
  • Successful Strategies
  • Empower the customer 24/7 service and
  • Store locators Product information Inventory
  • Speak with one voice integrate back-end systems
  • Customer gets the same information through
    telephone or webpage
  • Leverage the channels use best channel for each
    part of business process
  • E.g. order electronically physical sales return.

Customers are not all the same!
  • Consumer types
  • Individual consumers
  • Organizational buyers
  • Goal of shopping
  • Pragmatic buy something useful, cheaply
  • Hedonistic have fun
  • Personality
  • Impulsive buyers purchase quickly
  • Patient buyers make some comparisons first
  • Analytical buyers do substantial research
    before buying

Consumer Categories
19 Social Shoppers enjoy shopping
20 Habit die-hards stuck in their ways
47 want to shop electronically
14 Experimenters ready to try new things
14 Ethicalwill purchase provided it is honest
and pc
17 Convenience responsive to things which save
time or make life easier
16 Value shoppers will purchase where they see
Shopping avoider Hunter gatherers ? enjoy
comparison/ search New technologists? because
it's cool
Michael De Kare-Silver
Warning these statistics are probably out of
Diffusion of Innovation
A widely-accepted picture of technology adoption
Rogers, Everett M. (1962). Diffusion of
Innovations, Glencoe Free Press.
The Long (Fat) Tail
Demand, in units
Trad. channel cut-off for viable stock
E-commerce. cut-off for viable stock
Titles, ordered by sales, decreasing
J.K. Rowling
J.R. Hartley
A few big hits (green). A lot of stuff that sells
poorly (yellow). But a lot of the potential sales
(in the area under the curve) are yellow.
Consumer Behaviour
Prentice Hall, 2002
Purchasing decision-making model
  • 6 major phases
  • Need identification
  • Develop Consideration Set
  • Information search and evaluation of alternatives
  • Choice Decision
  • Configuration/Personalization
  • Upgrade/Replacement
  • Need to help the Consumer at each stage of this
  • Return to this later from market-research

Consumers Decision Criteria
  • Value proposition
  • customer service, better prices, higher quality
  • Personal service
  • treat the customer as a unique individual
  • Convenience
  • self-contained site that serves all customer
  • Other criteria
  • service after the sale, online help, return
  • Advertisers try to Influence consumer decision
  • Productsportfolio of items available
  • Price of the products
  • Promotion of products (ads giveaways)
  • Packaging and delivery.

Online Purchasing Aids
  • Shopping portals
  • Comprehensive portals - many different sellers
  • Shop.lycos.com
  • Niche oriented - specialised line of products
  • Shopbots and agents
  • Tools scout the Web for specific search criteria
    - Mysimon.com
  • Business ratings sites
  • Sites that rate e-tailers - Bizrate.com,
  • Trust verification sites
  • Evaluate and verify trustworthiness of e-tailers
    - TRUSTe
  • Escrow services
  • 3rd party to assure quality and proper exchange
  • Communities of consumers
  • Epinions.comsearchable recommendations on
  • PriceGrabber.comcomparison shopping

One-to-One Marketing
  • Build a long term association
  • Meeting customers cognitive needs
  • Customer may have novice, intermediate or expert
  • E-loyaltycustomers loyalty to an e-tailer
  • costs Amazon 15 to acquire a new customer
  • costs Amazon 2 to 4 to keep an existing
  • Trust in EC
  • Deterrence-based threat of punishment
  • Knowledge-based reputation
  • Identification-based empathy and common values
  • Referrals Viral Marketing
  • Personalisation

  • E-Commerce sites can treat customers differently
  • Offer recommendations, special deals
  • Personalise web site
  • Adjust prices
  • In theory, personalised shop one of the great
    benefits of e-commerce
  • Can also take advantage of more of long tail
  • Dont need to keep stock in same way as
    traditional shop
  • Can do things like Print On Demand

Personalisation - Marketing ModelTreat
different customers differently
Prentice Hall, 2002
  • Process of matching content, services, or
    products to individuals preferences
  • Build profiles N.B. Privacy Issues
  • Solicit information from users
  • Use cookies to observe online behavior
  • Use data or Web mining

  • Build profiles
  • What has X bought?
  • What has X looked at?
  • Demographics age, gender, etc
  • Recommendation
  • Rules If X buys Harry Potter 6, recommend HP 7
  • Data Mining Other people who bought Harry Potter
    also bought Lord of the Rings
  • Collaborative Xs overall buying profile is
    similar to Y, so recommend whatever Y bought

Data Mining
searching for valuable information in extremely
large databases
  • Automated prediction of trends and behaviors
  • Example from data on past promotional mailings,
    find out targets most likely to respond in future
  • Automated discovery of previously unknown
  • Example find seemingly unrelated products often
    purchased together
  • Example Find anomalous data representing data
    entry errors
  • Mining tools
  • Neural computing
  • Intelligent agents
  • Association analysis - statistical rules
  • Web Mining - Mining meaningful patterns from Web
  • Web content mining searching Web documents
  • Web usage mining searching Web access logs

  • If done well, perceived very positively
  • Real benefit, not just marketing spam
  • Credit-card companies have done this well
  • Have the most purchasing data?
  • Data privacy issues
  • Can Visa sell data about you to Amazon?
  • Spyware to track all of your web browsing?

Personalise Web Sites
  • Let customers create their own shop front
    focusing on their interest
  • Adjust appearance (eg, for visually disabled, or
    strict, religious consumers)
  • Do-able, not huge success

Personalised Pricing
  • Companies would love to be able to charge people
    different amounts for the same product
  • Airline seats, cars, etc
  • Full price for people who are keen, in a rush,
    dont care about money
  • Discount for choosy/finicky

Personalised Pricing (B)
  • Amazon, etc have tried this, but customers hated
  • So has gone underground for now.
  • Technology permits this, but societys
    expectations does not allow it

  • E-Shops (and other sites) can make money via
  • Google makes billions from its sponsored links
  • Amazon has adverts as well

Web Advertising
  • Conventional advertising focuses on visual appeal
  • Less successful on web
  • Flashy animated banner adverts are a nuisance and

Targeted adverts
  • Web allows relevant adverts to be associated with
    a web page
  • Google sponsored links based on search
  • Amazon could display different adverts for sci-fi
    and romance novel
  • Very effective if done well
  • So Web sites can charge more for targeted adverts

Web adverts
  • Initially treated like TV adverts, put huge
    effort into flashy multimedia banner ads
  • Now focusing on simple targeted adverts instead
  • Advertising models cannot be blindly moved from
    TV to web
  • need new models!

Consumer Satisfaction
Prentice Hall, 2002
Customer Focus Summary
  • Sometimes technology really helps
  • Recommender systems, targeted adverts
  • Sometimes technology works, but society doesnt
    like it
  • Differential pricing
  • Trust sine qua non

E-Tailing Business Models (by revenue)
  • Subscription models
  • Charge monthly or annual subscription fee for
  • Transaction fee models
  • Service fee based on the level of transaction
  • Advertising-supported models
  • Charge fee to advertisers instead of customers
  • Sponsorship models
  • Companies sponsor the business through donations
    (usually supplemental income)
  • Alternative Classification (by service)
  • Direct marketing sell directly to consumers
  • Pure-play e-tailers do not maintain physical
  • Traditional retailers with Web sites 2 channels
  • On-Demand Delivery Services (ODDS)
  • Firms that have a fleet to deliver direct to

E-tailing Failures and Lessons Learned
  • Profitability Each additional sale must lead to
    additional profits
  • if it doesnt make cents it doesnt make sense
  • Some pure play e-tailers lose money on every sale
    to grow to profitable size and scale
  • Branding drive to establish brand can lead to
    excessive spending
  • Strategy based on assumption that they will get
    quick customer recognition
  • Performance
  • Web sites need to function in a fast,
    user-friendly manner
  • Security (well return to this later)
  • Static design or dynamic sites rich databases
    of useful information encourage customers to
  • Incorrect Revenue Model many were relying on
  • Lack of funding takes time to acquire
    sufficient customer base, investors were not
    willing to wait / take the risk
  • First-mover may make mistakes, second-mover can

Middleman Problem(a case study in the travel
  • Retailers are middleman between provider and
  • Traditionally make money by mark-up
  • Buy product from supplier for 10, sell it to
    customer for 15
  • Difference (5) is profit margin

Middleman problem
  • Competition keeps profit margin down
  • If you have a 5 mark-up, customers will go to
    competitor with 4 mark-up
  • Suppliers may sell direct to customer
  • If supplier sells product to customer for 12, he
    and customer benefit
  • Disintermediation
  • Hard to make money by mark-up in e-Commerce.

Example Flights
  • Pre-Internet, airlines sold flights to consumers
    via travel agents.
  • Travel agent charged 100, gave airline 80 and
    kept 20 as mark-up
  • If customer bought directly from airline, would
    be charged 100 (same as from travel agent)
  • How did agents add value?

Example Flights
  • In Internet age, airlines sell flights directly
    to customer
  • Airline sells flight to both customer and travel
    agent for 80.
  • If travel agent sells flight to customer for 80,
    he wont make any money
  • If travel agent charges 100, customer will buy
    direct from airline for 80
  • How can travel agent make money in Internet age?
  • Especially a small one, not Expedia

Business Models
  • Sell extras, upgrades
  • Sell flight at cost price, but extras at high
  • E.g., insurance, delivery
  • Use loss leaders and technology lock-in, e.g.
    http//www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19907546 .
  • Make sales elsewhere
  • Sell advertising space on website
  • Sell customer data.
  • Address niche market
  • Specialize in travel to, say, Poland
  • Flights, hotel, airport transfer, tours
  • Specialize in selling flights to universities
  • Failures from poor understanding of niche, e.g.
    Pink it, Shrink it http//www.bbc.co.uk/news/b
  • In these cases, how is value added?

Business Models (B)
  • Branding
  • Build up a good reputation, so customers trust
    you to offer OK deals, good delivery
  • If youre trustworthy and cheap enough, it is
    not worth the hassle of looking at competitors
  • Satisficing
  • Means trusted shop can charge a bit more
  • Marketing helps branding
  • Customers visiting site helps
  • Even if no purchase, just looking

Business Must Change
  • Successful Internet travel agents differ from
    successful pre-Internet travel agent
  • Old small shop selling generic flights to local
    customers with high mark-up
  • Joes travel agency
  • Wheres the added value for the custommer?
  • New focus on product niche, high mark-up extras,
    advertising revenue, brand
  • Expedia, escape2poland.co.uk
  • Wheres the added value for the customer?

Internet Business Model
  • Internet requires new business model(s)
  • Management issue (mostly), not technology
  • But must be resolved in order for e-commerce to
    really take off
  • Poor business models one cause of dot-com
  • Pouring in money before business model issue
    resolved is a mistake!

E-Commerce Bus. Mod. Summary
  • Initially tried to make e-shops similar to high
    street shops. But
  • Need different business model
  • Trust issues much more important
  • Need appropriate legal framework

Organizational Change
  • Internet (and most new tech) cannot be fully
    exploited unless society changes
  • Change is painful for companies
  • Many bankrupt small travel agents
  • Many bankrupt dot-com investors

Organizational Change
  • Change is painful for individuals
  • Loss of skills Joe has worked for 30 years
    selling generic hols to Spain, does this well
  • Must ditch this, learn new skills
  • Dislike model Joe dislikes encouraging
    customers to buy overpriced insurance
  • Loss of income average income of travel agents
    may go down, even if they adapt

  • Consumer Categories value shoppers, convenience
  • Consumer Decision Criteria value, service,
  • Online Purchasing Aids portals, shop-bots,
    trust sites
  • E-Tailing Business Models
  • Click and Mortar Strategy
  • E-tailing Problems channel conflict, wrong
    revenue model
  • Case study from Travel Industry
  • Need for organizational change

E-Commerce in the News
  • OFT details widespread ongoing problems with
    compliance with UK Distance Selling Regulations
  • More than a third of the UK's top online
    retailers could be breaking consumer laws, the
    Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has said.
  • http//www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19910561
  • http//www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/research/OFT1452_
  • Facebook pays 238 000 in (corporation) tax in
    the UK despite advertising revenue of 175 000
    000 (estimated).
  • Only reports 20 000 000 revenue in the UK.
  • http//www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/19910456
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