Export Controls 101 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Export Controls 101


Julie Taubman Research Compliance Officer (RCO) Graduate School and Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Appalachian State University taubmanjl_at_appstate.edu or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Export Controls 101

Export Controls 101
  • Julie Taubman
  • Research Compliance Officer (RCO)
  • Graduate School and Office of Research and
    Sponsored Programs
  • Appalachian State University
  • taubmanjl_at_appstate.edu or 828-262-7981
  • http//www.orsp.appstate.edu/compliance/export-con

Goals of the Presentation
  • Understand essential aspects of export controls
  • Recognize export control issues
  • Contact RCO for assistance
  • Become familiar with our export control policy
    and procedures

Topics to be Discussed
  • What is an export?
  • What are export controls?
  • Exclusions to export controls
  • Basics of exporting items and technology
  • The end user and the destination country of the
  • International Travel
  • Penalties for non-compliance
  • Red Flags and Questions

What is an export?
  • A transfer of items, software or technology to a
    foreign person, foreign entity or foreign

The Definition of Technology
  • Technology includes information that can be used
    or adopted for the development, production or use
    of a good. Information can take the form of
    technical data or technical assistance.
  • Examples include but are not limited to blue
    prints, sketches, models, drawings, software,
    manuals, training and technical services

Deemed Export
  • A deemed export is an export of technology or
    source code to a foreign person in the U.S.

Examples of a deemed export of technology or
source code Visual inspection of controlled
technology Oral exchange of technical
information Guidance is given on the practice or
application of a technology
Foreign Person
  • The definition of foreign person includes
  • any foreign government,
  • foreign corporation or organization that is not
    incorporated or organized to do business in the
    U.S., and
  • anyone who is not a U.S. citizen or lawful
    permanent resident (a green card holder).

Examples of exports
  • Shipment of physical items outside of U.S.
  • Discussion of unpublished research at a
    conference in the U.S. with foreign nationals
  • Visit to a lab on campus by a foreign national
    scholar where technical data is displayed
  • Participation of foreign nationals in research
  • Receiving an email with technical data on a
    foreign nationals computer

Export Controls
  • Export controls are the set of laws, policies and
  • regulations that prohibit the unlicensed export
  • certain items, technology and software.
  • Exports are controlled for various reasons
  • Anti-terrorism
  • Non-proliferation of weapons
  • National security
  • Crime control
  • Regional stability
  • Foreign policy purposes
  • Multilateral agreements

Export Controls Regulations
  • Export Administration Regulations (EAR) for dual
    use items
  • Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and
    Security (BIS)
  • International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR)
    for military items
  • Department of State
  • Sanction Programs
  • Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets
    Control (OFAC)

Example of a Dual Use Item
Triggered Spark Gaps can be used in both a
medical device that breaks up kidney stones and
as a detonations device for a nuclear weapon.
Do export controls cover all exports?
  • Almost, but there are some exclusions

Exclusions to Export Controls for Information and
  • Public Domain Exclusion
  • Published information that is generally
    accessible to the public does not require a
  • Education/Teaching Exclusion
  • Instruction in science, math and engineering
    courses listed in course catalogues may be
    conducted without a license
  • Fundamental Research Exclusion
  • Basic and applied research in science and
    engineering conducted in the U.S. where the
    resulting information is ordinarily published and
    shared broadly within the scientific community
    National Security Decision Directive 189

Fundamental Research Exclusion
  • Applies to information and software, not to
    tangible items
  • The information or software must be generated
    within the U.S.
  • Once it is generated in the U.S., the information
    and software can be disseminated outside of the

Fundamental Research Exclusion
  • The Fundamental Research Exclusion
  • does not apply if there are any
  • restrictions on publication.
  • The EAR permits a brief (90 day) advance
  • review by sponsors to
  • Prevent divulging proprietary information or
  • Insure that publication will not comprise patent
    rights of a sponsor.

Fundamental Research Exclusion
  • Fundamental Research Exclusion does not apply if
    a grant or contract includes clauses that
  • Give a sponsor the right to approve publication
  • Restrict participation of foreign nationals in
    the research

Appalachians Export Control Policy
  • Appalachian State University will fulfill its
    mission of teaching, research, and service in a
    manner that complies with federal export control
    and embargo regulations, while also ensuring
    reasonable efforts to identify situations in
    which the University may claim exclusions or
    exemptions under public domain or fundamental

Appalachian Policy Protecting the Fundamental
Research Exclusion
  • If a proposal includes clauses restricting
  • access to or publication of research and
    technical data and/or
  • limiting participation of foreign nationals in
    research effort
  • Researcher and ORSP can work with the General
    Counsel in an attempt to remove or modify the
    restrictive clauses

Technology Control Plans
  • Research that does not qualify for the
    Fundamental Research Exception requires a
    Technology Control Plan
  • All relevant materials, items, software or
    hardware, data, or technical information must be
    secured from use and/or observation by foreign
    nationals without an export license
  • A template of a Technology Control Plan is
    available on the Export Controls website

What is an export license?
  • An export license is issued by an export agency
    and authorizes an export, reexport or other
    regulated activity as specified on the

Exporting Items and Technology
  • Determining if an export requires
  • an export license
  • Who will receive the export?
  • What is the export?
  • Where is the export going?
  • What will they do with the export?

Appalachian Procedure Restricted Party Screening
  • It is illegal to conduct business
  • with entities or individuals that
  • are barred by the government.
  • The recipient of any exchange
  • of information, items or
  • monies should be screened
  • through government
  • restricted party lists.
  • Submit a Request for Restricted Party Screening

Embargoed Countries
  • Generally, any transactions with embargoed
    countries will be constrained or prohibited. Very
    little unauthorized (license or license
    exception) activity can happen with these
  • Comprehensive sanction programs against Cuba,
    Iran and Sudan
  • Limited sanction programs against Burma, North
    Korea and Syria

Jurisdiction and Classifying an Export
  • Submit an Export Assistance Form for Technology
    or Goods to RCO or
  • Request classification from a vendor of the item

Export Control Information from a Vendor
Microsoft Program ECCN LIC
Windows XP Embedded 5D002 ENC
Windows XP Home Edition 5D992.b.1 NLR
Windows XP Professional 5D992.b.1 NLR
Windows XP SP1, SP2 5D992.b.1 NLR
Windows XP SP3 5D992.b.1 NLR
Determining if an export requires a license
  • After classifying the item or technology with
  • the Commerce Control List of the EAR, the item
  • or technology will have an Export Control
  • Classification Number (ECCN) which will list
  • The reasons for control
  • Designate any specific License Exceptions and
  • Provide a List of Items Controlled
  • With this information, we can determine if an
  • Export license is required by consulting the
  • Country Chart

If an export license is required
  • Processing an export license can take up to 6

Foreign Trade Regulations
  • Items that require an export license or are
    valued over 2500 require filing of Electronic
    Export Information (EEI) into the Automated
    Export System (AES) of the Census Bureau
  • This provides the export with an International
    Transaction Number (ITN)
  • If you have a freight forwarder file for you,
    prior to shipment confirm that they will provide
    you with the ITN

International Travel
  • After you submit your Travel Authorization
  • Read the Export Control Briefing. Even if you
    frequently travel internationally and have never
    had a problem, it is a good idea to understand
    export controls to prevent an unintentional
  • Please obtain Foreign Travel Insurance from the
    Office of International Education and Development.

Taking A Laptop or Other Item Abroad
  • Since export controls apply to items that are
    hand carried abroad, it is important to read the
    Laptop Briefing. In order to take a laptop abroad
    with you, youll need to
  • Classify the laptop, software and stored data to
    show it does not need a license or
  • For Appalachian owned items, determine if a
    Temporary Export Exception (TMP) applies, and
    submit a One Time Certification
  • For personal Items, determine if a Baggage
    Exception (BAG) applies.

Customs Can Seize Your Laptop
  • New York Times (10/24/06) At U.S. Borders,
    Laptops Have No Right to Privacy
  • One member who responded to our survey said she
    has been waiting for a year to get her laptop and
    its contents back, said Susan Gurley, the
    groups executive director. She said it was
    randomly seized. And since she hasnt been
    arrested, I assume she was just a regular
    business traveler, not a criminal.
  • Appeals are under way in some cases, but the law
    is clear. They Customs dont need probable
    cause to perform these searches under the current
    law. They can do it without suspicion or without
    really revealing their motivations, said Tim
    Kane, a Washington lawyer who is researching the
    matter for corporate clients.

Example Letter to Customs Certifying the
Temporary License Exception
  • Example of a letter from NASA
  • DATE
  • 1. The individual named in this letter is a
    ____________________employee carrying a
  • (______________________-owned /personally-owned)
    laptop computer authorized
  • for temporary export under EAR Licensing
    Exception 740.9(a)(2)(i) TMP Tools
  • of the Trade. Software loaded on the laptop is
    authorized for export under NLR.
  • Data files on the laptop (do/do not) contain
    technical data as defined by US export
  • regulations and (do/do not) require authorization
    for export. The total value of this
  • temporary export is under 5000.00
  • 2. The following information is provided
  • a. Individual Hand Carrying Laptop Computer
    Name/Employee Number
  • b. Description of Laptop Computer Make/Model
    Number/Serial Number..

Penalties for Non-compliance
  • Failure to comply with export controls has heavy
  • Criminal penalties
  • 250,00 fine for individuals and/or 10 years
  • 1 million fine for businesses
  • Civil penalties
  • 250,000 per transaction

GAO Warns of Possible University Export Control
  • In 2006 GAO study warns that the Departments of
    State and Commerce have not fully assessed the
    potential for transfers of export-controlled
    information to foreign nationals in the course of
    U.S. university research.
  • The study urged closer attention to available
    data on foreign students at U.S. universities.

Recent Export Control Cases
  • Dr. J. Reece Roth, former University of Tennessee
  • Convicted of illegal exporting defense articles
  • John Carrington, previous State Senator and
    President of a Fingerprint Lab
  • Received 12 months probation and a 850,000
    criminal penalty for the illegal export of crime
    control equipment to China through intermediaries
    in Italy and Hong Kong

Areas of Particular Concern
  • Research in the following areas
  • Engineering
  • Space sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Biomedical research with lasers
  • Research with encrypted software
  • Research with controlled chemicals, biological
    agents, and toxins

Contracts and Grants
  • Shipments of equipment to a foreign country
  • Training or collaboration with foreign nationals
  • Research activities performed in an embargoed
  • Reference to export controlled technologies in an
    award document
  • Restrictions on publication rights
  • Restrictions on foreign participation

Red Flags from the EAR
  • The customer is reluctant to offer information
    regarding end use.
  • The product is incompatible with the technical
    level of the country to which it is being
    shipped, such as semiconductor manufacturing
    technology being shipped to a country that has no
    electronics industry.
  • The customer is unfamiliar with the terminology
    of a field but still requests technical data.
  • E-mails from domains such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc,
    when it would appear that the requestor should
    have a .edu or business.com e-mail address

Contacts for export controls assistance
  • Julie Taubman, Research Compliance Officer
  • Empowered Official Dr. Edelma Huntley, Chief
    Research Officer
  • Susan McCracken, Director of Office of Research
    and Sponsored Programs
  • Charlotte Smith, Assistant Director of Office of
    Research and Sponsored Programs

Question Foreign National on a Research Project
  • How do export controls apply to a foreign
    student working on a sponsored project?

Answer Foreign National on a Research Project
  • As long as the sponsored project doesnt have
    limitations on the free publication of the
    results and no foreign national or national
    security restrictions, foreign nationals may
    support the fundamental research (basic and
    applied research) of the project.

Question Suspicious End User

What do you do if you dont know the recipient of
your export well or have suspicions that they may
re-export to another country or another person?
Answer Suspicious End User
  • If you are suspicious about an end user, one way
    to protect yourself and the University is to ask
    them to sign an End-User Certificate.
  • A Destination Control Statement may also be
    included with an export to combat re-exports.

  • Thanks for coming to Export Controls 101!
  • Thanks to NASA Kennedy Space Center for allowing
    us to use their
  • letter to Customs for the carrying of a laptop.
  • The certification material for laptops is adapted
    from the basic
  • design and content of Stanford Universitys
    Export Controls
  • Page.  We appreciate Stanford in granting us to
    permission to use its
  • content for the benefit of Appalachian State
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