Tversky and Kahnemann: Framing of Decisions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tversky and Kahnemann: Framing of Decisions


Tversky and Kahnemann: Framing of Decisions Agenda: Expected Utility Theory Violations of EU s axioms of choice: Framing Effects Nontransparent Dominance – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tversky and Kahnemann: Framing of Decisions

Tversky and Kahnemann Framing of Decisions
  • Agenda
  • Expected Utility Theory
  • Violations of EUs axioms of choice Framing
  • Nontransparent Dominance
  • Certainty and Pseudocertainty Effects
  • Tradeoff Contrast
  • Extremeness Aversion
  • Conflict between descriptive and normative
    theories and conclusion

Expected Utility Theory
  • Normative model of the modern theory of decision
    making under risk (Neumann Morgenstern)
  • Four substantive assumptions
  • 1. Cancellation
  • elimination of any state of the world that yields
    the same outcome regardless of ones choice
  • necessary for the representation of preference
    between prospects as the maximization of expected
    utility - (highly challenged and questioned)

Expected Utility Theory
  • 2. Transitivity of preference
  • necessary for the representation of preference by
    an ordinal utility scale u such that A is
    preferred to B whenever u(A) gt u(B) (independent
    on other available options - (questioned)
  • 3. Dominance
  • if one option is better than another in one state
    and at least as good in all other states, the
    dominant option should be chosen - (simple,
    compelling and accepted)
  • 4. Invariance
  • different representations of the same choice
    problem should yield the same preference,
    independent of their description - (basic
    principle, tacitly assumed, accepted)

Problem Violations of
axioms of choice
  • Several experiments have proven that the
    deviations of actual behavior from the normative
    model are too widespread to be ignored, too
    systematic to be dismissed as random error, and
    too fundamental to be accommodated by relaxing
    the normative system (Tversky Kahnemann),
    Allais Paradox (1953) Ellsberg Paradox (1961)...
  • Theory of rational decision cannot provide
    adequate description of choice behavior
  • Kahnemann Tversky (1979) developed an
    alternative outcome-based approach called
    PROSPECT THEORY in order to explain many of the
    EU anomalies

  • Expected utility theory assumes description
    invariance different formulations of the same
    choice problem should give rise to the same
    preference order
  • Evidence that variations in the framing of
    options (in the description) yield systematically
    different preferences
  • Framing effects lead to violation of the
    invariance and the dominance axioms of expected
    utility theory

Nontransparent Dominance
  • Lottery Example Choose from a box with
    differently coloured marbles

Problem 1 (N88) Option A 90 white
6 red 1 green 1 blue
2 yellow 0 win 45
win 30 lose 15 lose
15 Option B 90 white 6 red
1 green 1 blue 2
yellow 0 win 45 win
45 lose 10 lose 15

Problem 2 (N124) Option C 90 white
6 red 1 green 3
yellow 0
win 45 win 30 lose
15 Option D 90 white 7 red
1 green 2 yellow
0 win 45 lose 10
lose 15
Nontransparent Dominance
  • Results of Lottery Example
  • Two formulations of the same problem elicit
    different preferences (violation of invariance)
  • finer partition used in problem 1
  • the number of positive and negative outcomes
    alone can enhance the attractiveness of an option
    (option C)
  • Dominance rule is obeyed only when its
    application is transparent
  • Dominance can be masked by a frame

Nontransparent Dominance
  • Transparency in a Perceptual Example
  • whether relation of dominance is detected depends
  • Framing (transparency)
  • Details of partitioning
  • Sophistication and experience of decision maker

Certainty and Pseudocertainty Effects
Problem 1 (N77) Which of the following options
do you prefer? A. sure gain of 30 B. 80 chance
to win 45, 20 chance to win nothing
Problem 2 (N81) Which of the following options
do you prefer? C. 25 chance to win 30,
75 chance to win nothing D. 20 chance to
win 45, 80 chance to win nothing
Certainty Effect
  • Problem 1 and 2 In problem 2, the probabilities
    of winning are reduced by a factor of four
  • Preference switched due to certainty effect
    Reduction of probability of winning from
    certainty to 0.25 has greater effect than the
    reduction from 0.8 to 0.2

Certainty and Pseudocertainty Effects
Problem 1 (N77) Which of the following options
do you prefer? A. sure gain of 30 B. 80 chance
to win 45, 20 chance to win nothing
Problem 2 (N81) Which of the following options
do you prefer? C. 25 chance to win 30,
75 chance to win nothing D. 20 chance to
win 45, 80 chance to win nothing
Problem 3 (N85) Two-stage game Stage 1 75
chance to end the game without winning anything,
25 chance to move to stage 2 Stage 2 E. sure
win of 30 F. 80 chance to win 45, 20 chance
to win nothing
Pseudocertainty Effect
  • Problem 2 and 3 Identical in terms of
    probabilities and outcomes
  • Framing as two-stage game encourages the
    application of cancellation Failing to reach
    second step is discarded
  • Pseudocertainty Effect Risk-averse choice in
    problem 3 but not in 2, outcome that is actually
    uncertain (3) is weighted as if it were certain

Certainty and Pseudocertainty Effects
Problem 1 Overweighing of the outcome that is
obtained with certainty due to loss aversion
Problem 2 Reduces probability of winning by
factor of 4
Problem 3 Introduces ex ante stage that gives
25 chance for second stage
Different choice due to certainty effect
violation of cancellation
Application of cancellation - same choice as in
problem 1 risk-averse choice due to
Same problem, differently framed
Framing - Findings
  • Axioms of rational choice are
  • generally satisfied in transparent situations
  • often violated in nontransparent situations
  • Framing enriches and complicates analysis of
  • Framing of decisions depends on
  • Language of presentation
  • Nature of display
  • Context of choice

Simonson and Tversky (1992)
Value Maximization
  • Basic assumption of classical economic theory
    Consumer selects alternative with highest value,
    preference is independent of the context
  • BUT consumer preferences are influenced by
    context of choice
  • Effects of Context on Choice

1. Tradeoff Contrast
  • People tend to compare an available option to
  • other choices that are currently available (Local
  • options that have been encountered in the past
    (Background Effect)
  • e.g. a circle appears large when surrounded by
    small circles and small when surrounded by large
  • Applies to single attributes (e.g. size) as well
    as to tradeoffs between attributes (e.g. price
    and quality)

Local Effect
  • If y is clearly superior to z but x is not
  • Tradeoff Contrast Hypothesis implies
  • Addition of z can increase ys market share,
  • Violates value maximization principle popularity
    of an option cannot be increased by enlarging the
    offered set

? Asymmetric Dominance Effect
Enhancement Detraction
  • Assumption no strong preference between x and z
    z is dominated by y but not by x
  • Tradeoff Contrast Hypothesis offered set will
    affect choice even when no option has a decisive
    advantage over another

Once a third option is introduced, the decision
maker can compare three tradeoffs, which...
  • Enhances the attractiveness of y y fares better
    in triple than in pairs (explained by extremeness
  • Detracts from the attractiveness of w w fares
    worse in triple than in pairs

2. Extremeness Aversion (1/3)
  • Implications of value maximization
  • If y is between x and z on all relevant
    attributes, then
  • Middle option (y) is expected to lose relatively
    more than the other extreme option x from the
    introduction of z
  • At variance with extremeness aversion y will
    lose relatively less than x from the introduction
    of z

Extremeness Aversion (2/3)
  • Main features
  • An option is more attractive to the respondent if
    it is an intermediate option in a choice set
  • Attractiveness is lower for extreme options
  • Based on Principle of Loss Aversion losses loom
    larger than gains
  • Alternatives are evaluated in terms of their
    advantages and disadvantages relative to other
    options disadvantages are weighted more heavily
    than advantages

Extremeness Aversion (3/3)
  • Each extreme option (x and z) has a large
    advantage and a large disadvantage relative to
    the other extreme small advantage and small
    disadvantage relative to the middle option (y)
  • Middle option (y) has small advantages and small
    disadvantages relative to both extremes
  • If (pairwise) disadvantages loom larger than the
    corresponding advantages, the middle option
    should fare better in the triple than in the

Example for Extremeness Aversion
  • In group 1 2, the cameras varied across three
  • two qualitative dimensions (optics, resolution)
  • one price dimension
  • Group 3 introduction of a forth dimension
    (recording of video sequences) for camera 3 in
    order to emphasize its quality and innovativeness

  • Framing effects and associated failures of
    invariance are ubiquitous - cant be ignored by
    adequate descriptive theory
  • Invariance is normatively indispensable - no
    adequate prescriptive theory should permit its
  • Seems unrealizable to construct a theory that is
    both descriptively and normatively acceptable

Prospect Theory
  • Several models of risky choice tried to explain
    the observed violations of expected utility
  • PROSPECT THEORY differs by being descriptive,
    without normative claims
  • Explains preferences, whether or not they can be
  • Accommodates violation of dominance and
    invariance, especially in nontransparent

  • To retain rational model in its descriptive role,
    relevant bolstering assumptions must be validated
  • Defence of rationality The substantial
    violations of the standard model are
  • restricted to insignificant choice problems
  • attributable to the cost of thinking and will
    thus be eliminated by proper incentives
  • quickly eliminated by learning (accurate and
    immediate feedback)
  • inconsequential because of corrective effects of
    the market
  • Where they fail, implications of the descriptive
    analysis must be traced

  • Thanks for your attention.

Nontransparent Dominance
  • Transparency in a Perceptual Example
  • whether relation of dominance is detected depends
  • Framing (transparency)
  • Details of partitioning
  • Sophistication and experience of decision maker

Compromise and Polarization
  • Both inequalities hold
  • Addition of an extreme option increases share of
    the middle option relative to the other extreme
  • Expected if disadvantages loom larger than
    advantages on both attributes
  • Only one inequality holds (disadvantages loom
    larger than advantages only on one dimension but
    not on the other)
  • e.g. extremeness aversion for quality, little or
    no extremeness aversion for price
  • Consumers find lowest quality more aversive than
    highest price
  • Asymmetry between price and quality
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