Title: Learning by Ear: Creating Sound without Fury
1Learning by Ear Creating Sound without Fury
Mary Ellen Bornak bornakm_at_bucks.edu John
Sheridan sheridaj_at_bucks.edu
Bucks County Community College Newtown, PA
2Sounding Us Out
Mary Ellens a beach
3Discussion Sound Bites
- Sound and cognition
- Sound and learning
- Instructional design
- Digital sound
- Sound Production
- Sound Workstation
4Dual Cognitive Processing
- Multiple input
- Visual, auditory
- Multiple process
- Eye, ear
- Multiple paths
5Dual Process Learning
- Single Memory Process
- Visual working memory
- (Animation and text)
- Dual Memory Process
- Visual plus auditory memory
- (Animation, text, and sound)
- Result Out-Performance
- Retention, recognition, transfer
6Audio Listening Skills
- Listening skills help students
- Identify main ideas
- Recall details
- Sequence events
- Draw conclusions
- Identify perspectives
- Predict outcomes
7Auditory Stimulation
- Transfers to reading skills
- Results in more reflection
- Utilizes familiar brain paths
Captures imagination, drama,
8Audio Demonstrations
- Renowned speakers, leaders model
- Oral clarity, style, coherence, expression,
- rhetorical devices, strategies
9Instructional Strategies
- Real life aspect
- News broadcasts, interviews
- Instruction
- Explain assignments
- Teacher presence
- Penns Prof. Bill Berner
- demonstrates expertise
- http//mediamogul.seas.upenn.edu8080/ramgen
10Instructional Strategies
- Memory Aid
- Rhythm and sound
- Photo, text and sound
- Language class
- Storytelling
- Effective teaching
- Experiential literature
- Richness of web
- Culture, language
http//wiredforbooks.org/carol/ http//wiredforboo
11Spinal Cord Protection
Audio Teacher Presence
By the vertebral column, meninges, cerebrospinal
fluid, and vertebral ligaments.
12Adding Narration to Slides
- Merlot Charles Ansorge LTA
PowerPoint Tutorials
13Portable Station Decisions
- High-end
- ProTools
- MBox
- Low-end
- FreeTools
- No XP version
- Windows Recorder
- IPod
- Audacity
Considerations Platform PC, Mac Web File
format Capture Compression
14High-End Hardware Setup
- Computer
- MBox
- Condenser mic
- Low-impedence mic cable (2)
15Add-On Equipment
- Portable mic stand
- Gooseneck mic holder
- Headphones
16Mic Choice Key to Quality Sound
Handheld mics, Imic and Lavelier
17Software Choices
- Sound recording
- ProTools
- Windows Recorder (free)
- Audacity (free)
- Sound editing
- ProTools
- Audacity (free)
- File conversion
- ProTools
- Jukebox (free)
18Free Recording Software
19Basic Mic, Free Recorder
Mic basics Quality Position
20Hardware Ready to Record
- Laptop
- MBox
- Mic
- Mic Stand
- Cables
- Headphones
21On Call Our Portable Studio
- 1. Request
- 2. Script assured
- 3. In-office setup
22Script Is ReadyNow
- Start with clean sound environment
- Survey office noise
- Heater
- Air Conditioner
- Telephone
- Hallway noise
- Interruptions
23Prepare for the Worst
- Unexpected Noise
- Grass blowing outside the window
- Security guards squawking radio
- Bad Takes
- Dont stand on the cables
- Plan for Retakes
24Checklist Reminders
- Set headphone volume
- Set mic level
- Highest without clipping
- Loudest passage
- Record a take
- Dont rush
- Affects quality
- Talent performance
- Playback
- Check for clean signal
- Do Multiple takes
25Working with Pro Tools
- Copy and paste
- Editing Fades (in, out, cross)
- Repair wave form
Mixing Effects, equalization
Compression Volume
peaks Reverb Dialogue depth
26Mixing/Final Outputin Pro Tools
- Automation
- Mix
- Mute
- Effects
- Set Output Levels
- Final Mix Down
27Audio Mastering Data
- File format
- AIFF, Wav, MP3 or real audio?
- Sampling rate
- 44.1 kHz for CD quality
- Bit depth
- 16-bit depth for CD quality
- Bounce to disk
- Mono
- Stereo
28From .wav to .mp3
- Jukebox File Converter Interface
29Show Time
30Putting Heads Together To Take Home Ideas
- Share successful uses
- Ideas to cut costs
- Embed or stream?
- Equipment high-end, low-end
- References and tutorials
- Any software/recommendations