Title: MLAB 2401: Clinical Chemistry Keri Brophy-Martinez
1MLAB 2401 Clinical ChemistryKeri Brophy-Martinez
- Functional proteins that catalyse biological
reactions - Involved in all essential body reactions
- Found in all body tissues
- Seen in serum following cellular injury or from
degraded cells - Decrease the amount of free energy needed to
activate a specific reaction
3General Properties of Enzymes
- Not altered or consumed during reaction
- Reusable
- Accelerate speed of reactions
4General Properties of Enzymes
- Holoenzyme
- Functional unit
- Consists of
- Apoenzyme
- Cofactor/coenzyme
- Proenzyme/zymogen
- Inactive enzyme
5General Properties of Enzymes
- Role
- Increase reaction rates while not being consumed
or altered - Enzyme
- Substrate Product
6Definitions and Related Terms
- Active site
- Specific area of the enzyme structure that
participates in the reaction(s)/interacts with
the substrate
7Definitions and Related Terms
- Allosteric site
- Non-active site
- May interact with other substances resulting in
overall enzyme shape change
8Definitions and Related Terms
- Isoenzymes
- Structurally different enzymes that catalyze the
same reaction - Multi molecular form
- Similar catalytic activity
- Differing biochemical or immunological
characteristics - Can detect by different electrophoresis patterns,
absorption patterns, or reaction with specific
9Definitions and Related Terms
- Cofactor
- Non-protein substances required for normal enzyme
activity - Types
- Activator inorganic material such as minerals
- (Ca 2, Fe2)
- Co-enzymes organic in nature
- (ATP, ADP, nicotinamide)
10Enzyme Kinetics
- Reactions occur spontaneously if energy is
available - Enzymes lower the activation energy for the
chemical reactions
11Enzyme Kinetics
- Activation energy
- Excess energy that raises all molecules at a
certain temperature to the activation state
12Enzyme Kinetics
- Basic reaction
- S E ES E P
- Where
- S substrate
- Substance on which the enzyme acts
- E Enzyme
- ES enzyme-substrate product
- Physical binding of a substrate to the active
site of enzyme - P Product
13Enzyme Kinetics Specificity
- Enzymes differ in their ability to react with
different substrates - Absolute specificity
- Enzyme combines with only one substrate and
catalyzes one reaction - Group specificity
- Combine with all substrates containing a specific
chemical group - Bond specificity
- Enzymes specific to certain chemical bonds
- Stereoisomerism
- Enzymes that mainly combine with only one isomer
of a particular compound
- Relationship of the reaction velocity/rate to the
substrate concentration - The Michealis-Menten Constant (Km)
- The substrate concentration in moles per liter
when the initial velocity is ½ V max.
Michaelis-Menten Curve
- First order kinetics
- Rate is directly proportional to substrate
concentration - Zero order kinetics
- Plateau is reached
- depends only on enzyme concentration
- Equation used to distinguish different kinds of
inhibition - Where
- V0 velocity/rate of enzymatic activity
- Vmax The maximal rate of reaction when the
enzyme is saturated - Km (constant)the substrate concentration that
produces ½ of the maximal velocity - S substrate concentration
17Lineweaver-Burk Plot
- Adaptation of Michaelis-Menten equation
- Yields a straight line
18Influencing Factors on Enzymatic Reactions
- Substrate Concentration
- Enzyme Concentration
- The higher the enzyme level, the faster the
reaction - pH
- Most reaction occur in range of 7.0-8.0
- Changes in pH can denature an enzyme
- Temperature
- Most reactions performed at 37 o C
- Increasing temp increases rate of reaction
- Avoid high/low temps due to denaturation of
enzyme - Cofactors
- Influence the rate of reaction
- Inhibitors
- Presence can interfere with a reaction can be
reversible or irreversible
19Types of Inhibition
- Competitive
- Any substance that competes with the substrate
for the active binding sites on the substrate - Reversible
- Non-competitive
- Any substance that binds to an allosteric site
- Uncompetitive
- Inhibitors bind to the ES complex
- No product produced
20Noncompetitive Inhibition
Irreversible Inhibition
Competitive Inhibition
21Types of Inhibition
22Enzyme Nomenclature
- Historical
- ID of individual enzymes was made using the name
of the substrate that the enzyme acted upon and
adding ase as the suffix - Modifications were often made to clarify the
reaction - International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) in 1955
appointed a commission to study and make
recommendations on nomenclature for
23Enzyme Nomenclature IUB
- Components
- Systematic name
- Describes the nature of the reaction catalyzed
- Example alpha 1,4-glucagon-4-gluconohydrolase
- Recommended name
- Working or practical name
- Example amylase
- Numerical code
- First digit places enzyme in a class
- Second and third digit represent subclass(s) of
the enzyme - Fourth digit specific serial number in a subclass
- Example
24Enzyme Nomenclature IUB
- Standard Abbreviated name
- Accompanies recommended name
- Example AMS
- Common Abbreviated name
- Example AMY
25(No Transcript)
26Enzyme Classification General
- Plasma vs. non-plasma specific enzymes
- Plasma specific enzymes have a very definite/
specific function in the plasma - Plasma is the normal site of action
- Concentration in plasma is greater than in most
tissues - Often liver synthesized
- Examples plasmin, thrombin
27Enzyme Classification General
- Non-plasma specific enzymes have no known
physiological function in the plasma - Some are secreted in the plasma
- Increased number of this type seen with cell
disruption or death
28Enzyme Classification
- Six classes
- Oxidoreductases
- Involved in oxidation-reduction reactions
- Examples LDH, G6PD
- Transferases
- Transfer functional groups from one substrate to
another - Examples AST, ALT
- Hydrolases
- Catalyze the hydrolysis of various bonds
- Examples acid phophatase, lipase
29Enzyme Classification
- Lyases
- Catalyze removal of groups from substrates
without hydrolysis, product has double bonds - Examples aldolase, decarboxylase
- Isomerases
- Involved in molecular rearrangements
- Examples glucose phosphate isomerase
- Ligases
- Catabolism reactions with cleavage of ATP
- Example GSH
- Bishop, M., Fody, E., Schoeff, l. (2010).
Clinical Chemistry Techniques, principles,
Correlations. Baltimore Wolters Kluwer
Lippincott Williams Wilkins. - http//regentsprep.org/Regents/biology/units/homeo
stasis/processes.cfm - http//student.ccbcmd.edu/gkaiser/biotutorials/pr
oteins/fg9.html - Sunheimer, R., Graves, L. (2010). Clinical
Laboratory Chemistry. Upper Saddle River Pearson