Great Debates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Great Debates


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hard Determinism Behaviour is caused by events outside one s personal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Great Debates

Great Debates
  • Holism Vs Reductionism
  • Idiographic Vs Nomothetic
  • Free Will Vs Determinism
  • Nature Vs Nurture

What are the Debates?
  • A spectrum of two concepts.
  • A disagreement about a range of issues.
  • The different positions lead to different

Holism Vs Reductionism
  • Holism
  • Emphasis on the whole person.
  • Gestalt Psychology.
  • Interactionist Approach.
  • Reductionism
  • Breaking down complex issues into simpler parts
  • Biological Reductionism.
  • Hierarchy of sciences.

Holism - Introduction
  • Human behaviour is complex.
  • It should be looked at as a whole rather than in

Holism Gestalt Psychology
  • 1915-1945.
  • Gestalt German, meaning whole configuration.
  • The whole of behaviour and experience is more
    than the sum of its parts.
  • Kohler (1925) demonstrated insight learning in

Holism Interactionist Approach
  • Explains human behaviour in terms of links or
    interactions between different levels of
  • Takes biological, psychological, social, etc
    factors into account to build a better

Holism - Strengths
  • Provides a complete picture.
  • Does not ignore the complexity of behaviour.
  • The person is seen as an entity to be considered
    in its own right.
  • Seeks to integrate different components in order
    to understand the person as a whole.

Holism - Limitations
  • Does not lend itself to scientific inquiry and
    empirical testing.
  • Tends to neglect the importance of biological
    explanations specifically the role of genes.
  • More hypothetical than lower-level reductionist
    explanations and theories lack the predictive
    power of a scientific explanation.

Reductionism - Introduction
  • Complex phenomena can be explained by breaking
    them down into separate simpler components.

Reductionism Biological
  • Attempts to explain all behaviour in terms of
  • Assumes continuity of behaviour between animals
    and humans.

Reductionism Hierarchy of Sciences
  • Less precise, more general sciences at the top.
  • More narrowly focused and precise sciences at the
  • Watson There is only one science, Physics the
    rest is just social work.

Reductionism - Strengths
  • Has brought with it both analytic and scientific
    ways of attempting to understand and explain
  • Scientific investigation allows for empirical
  • Demonstrates how biology is for understanding and
    explaining behaviour.

Reductionism - Limitations
  • May lead to an over simplistic view of behaviour
    the complexity is missed.
  • Many theories have been developed but no attempt
    has been made to combine the theories.
  • Some physicists argue it suffers from an infinite
    regress parts can be reduced endlessly.

Holism/Reductionism Relating to Topics
  • Schizophrenia in terms of neurotransmitters and
    genes (Reductionist) in terms of socio-cultural
    explanations (higher level more holistic).
  • Humanistic a person can only be understood as a
    whole (Holistic).

Idiographic Vs Nomothetic
  • Idiographic
  • Focus on the individual and recognition of
  • Private, subjective and conscious experiences.
  • Qualitative methods of investigation.
  • Nomothetic
  • Attempts to establish laws and generalisations
    about people.
  • Three kinds of laws.
  • Objective knowledge through scientific methods.
  • Quantitative methods of investigation.

Idiographic - Introduction
  • Suggests everyone is unique and therefore every
    one should be studied in an individual way.
  • No general laws are possible because of chance,
    free will and the uniqueness of individuals.

Idiographic Methods of Investigation
  • Tends to include quantitative data, investigating
    individuals in a personal and detailed way.
  • Methods of research include case study,
    unstructured interviews, self-reports,
    autobiographies and personal documents.

Idiographic - Strengths
  • Provides a more complete or global understanding
    of the individual.
  • Satisfies key aim of science description and
    understanding of behaviour.
  • Findings can serve as a source of ideas or
    hypotheses for later study.
  • The focuses mean the individual feels valued and

Idiographic - Limitations
  • Difficult to generalise from detailed subjective
    knowledge about one person.
  • Often regarded as non-scientific as subjective
    experience cannot be empirically tested.
  • Largely neglects biological, especially genetic,

Nomothetic - Introduction
  • Focuses on similarities between people.
  • Attempts to establish laws and generalisations
    about people.
  • Laws can be categorised into three kinds
    classifying people into groups establishing
    principles and establishing dimensions.

Nomothetic Three Kinds
  • Classifying people into groups
  • Such as the DSMIV for classifying people with
    mood disorders.
  • Establishing principles
  • Such as the behaviourist laws of learning.
  • Establishing dimensions
  • Such as Eysencks personality inventory which
    allows for comparisons between people.

Nomothetic Methods of Investigation
  • Uses scientific and quantitative data.
  • Usually uses experiments and observations.
  • Group averages are statistically analysed to
    create predictions about people in general.

Nomothetic - Strengths
  • Regarded as scientific as it is precise
    measurement prediction and control of behaviour
    investigations of large groups objective and
    controlled methods allowing replication and
  • Has helped psychology as a whole become
    scientific by developing laws and theories which
    can be empirically tested.
  • Combines biological and social aspects.

Nomothetic - Limitations
  • Predictions can be made about groups but these
    may not apply to individuals.
  • Approach has been accused of losing sight of the
    whole person.
  • Gives a superficial understanding people may
    act the same but for different reasons.
  • Extensive use of controlled laboratory
    experiments creates a lack of generalisation to
    everyday life.

Idiographic/Nomothetic Working Together
  • Both have a role but relative value of each
    depends on the purpose of the research.
  • Two approaches can be complementary idiographic
    can further develop a nomothetic law.
  • Both can contribute to scientific approach
    idiographic suited to description nomothetic to

Idiographic/Nomothetic Relating to Topics
  • Child development Bowlbys maternal deprivation
    theory (Nomothetic).
  • Memory case studies on how memory is affected
    by brain damage (Idiographic complemented
    nomothetic, furthering general laws).
  • Humanistic emphasises individual (Idiographic)
  • Psychodynamic use of case studies (Idiographic).

Free Will Vs Determinism
  • Free Will
  • The ability to make decisions and choose
    behaviours freely.
  • How is it tested?
  • Determinism
  • All behaviour is caused by prior events.
  • Internal and external.
  • Hard and soft determinism.
  • Biological, psychic and environmental determinism.

Free Will - Introduction
  • Dictionary A hypothetical and often reified
    internal agency that functions independently of
    externally imposed forces.

Free Will How is it Tested?
  • Cannot meet the rigours of scientific testing due
    to the lack of an operational definition.
  • Abstract and hypothetical concepts have to be
    turned into measureable and observable operations.

Free Will - Strengths
  • Allows individual differences and the uniqueness
    of a person.
  • Observable that some people choose to act in a
    way different to others.

Free Will - Limitations
  • Difficult to measure/prove.
  • Difficult to accept an explanation of behaviour
    if we follow free will.
  • Not scientific.
  • Nearly always there are some sort of forces in
    making a decision.

Determinism - Introduction
  • All behaviour is caused by underlying factors.

Determinism Internal/External
  • Internal Determinism
  • Internal causes of behaviour are seen as causes
    of behaviour.
  • Such as biological factors and mental processes.
  • External Determinism
  • Behaviour occurs because there is a cause in the

Determinism - Hard/Soft
  • Hard Determinism
  • Behaviour is caused by events outside ones
    personal control.
  • Sees free will as an illusion as behaviour is
    always predictable and therefore determined.
  • Soft Determinism
  • Behaviour is determined or caused by a persons
    own character, wishes or conscious desires.
  • A compromise free will plays a part but there
    are always other forces.

Determinism - Biological
  • Includes the controlling role of different parts
    of the brain, hormonal system and genetics on
  • Some studies have indicated a genetic
    predisposition towards some behaviours.

Determinism - Psychic
  • Represented by Freuds psychodynamic theory.
  • Human behaviour, thoughts and feelings are caused
    by the life and death instincts and by repressed
    conflicts, wishes and memories in the unconscious
  • Because it is unconscious people believe they are

Determinism - Environmental
  • Behaviour is caused by factors within the
    external environment.
  • The power of the situation (as demonstrated by
    Asch and Milgram) and how social factors can have
    a strong effect on behaviour.
  • Free will is seen as an illusion.

Determinism - Strengths
  • More scientific as it can be measured.
  • Has a compromise for free will and explains why
    it seems as if it is free will when in reality it
    is not.
  • Can be applied to many areas of psychology.
  • Helps Psychology be seen as a science as it means
    all behaviour is predictable and can be controled.

Determinism - Limitations
  • Some behaviour is unpredictable and does not
    follow the conventions/predictions.
  • Takes away individuals choices and uniqueness.

Free Will/Determinism Relating to Topics
  • Obedience Milgrims participants felt that had
    to obey him (Deterministic).
  • Offending behaviour most theories include some
    elements of determinism.
  • Humanistic people direct their own lives and
    goals (Free will).
  • Cognitive people select what they want (Soft

Nature Vs Nurture
  • Nature
  • The effect of genes.
  • Methods of investigating effect of Nature.
  • Nurture
  • The effect of the environment.
  • Types of environmental influence.
  • Levels of environment.
  • Methods of investigating effect of Nurture.

Nature - Introduction
  • Concerned with how genes influence behaviour.
  • Genes are passed to offspring from the parents.
  • Genotype.

Nature Methods of Investigating
  • Twin Studies Using MZ twins if they have a
    high concordance nature must play a part.
  • Adoption studies If the offspring act the same
    as their biological parents rather than adoptive
    parents nature must play a part.
  • Largely scientific.

Nature Strengths
  • Can be seen in many studies that Nature has a
    large part.
  • Experiments have influenced useful applications
    for treatments.
  • Scientifically tested.

Nature - Limitations
  • Neglects the role of the environment.
  • Often hard to find twins or adoption studies to
    relate to the topic of interest.

Nurture - Introduction
  • Concerned with the role of the environment.
  • The environment shapes all of a persons
    personality and behaviours.
  • Phenotype.

Nurture Types of Environmental Influence
  • External and individual.
  • Post-natal.
  • Acting on a passive individual.

Nurture Levels of Environment
  • Lerner (1986).
  • The influence of the environment can be narrow,
    such as pre-natal, or more general, such as
    sociocultural environment.

Mothers Psychological State
Postbirth Experiences
Where and when born
Nurture Methods of Investigation
  • Twin studies Using MZ twins reared apart if
    there is low concordance nurture may play a large
  • Adoption studies If there is a high concordance
    between adoptive parents and low concordance
    between biological parents nurture may play a
    large part.

Nurture Strengths
  • Takes the environment into consideration.
  • Has created useful treatments such as behaviour

Nurture - Limitations
  • Neglects the biological impact on behaviour.
  • Often hard to find twins or adoption studies that
    satisfy the needs of a relevant topic of interest.

Nature/Nurture Relating to Topics
  • Biological all behaviour is due to innate
    forces (Nature).
  • Behaviourist all behaviour is due to
    environmental forces (Nurture).
  • Gender Batista Boys hormones overtook
    upbringing (Nature).
  • Schizophrenia Family and twin studies show high
    concordance rates (Nature).
  • Child Development Harlows Monkeys they
    attached because of external forces (Nurture).
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