Title: Study on Statistical Training in International Cooperation
1Session VI Capacity Building in Gender
Statistics 5. Development of Gender Statistics
training modules for sub-Saharan
Africa InWEnt Gender Statistics Workshop Addis
Ababa, 15-16 December 2008
2- InWEnt Statistics training fields
- InWEnt develops and provides statistics training
for partner countries in different thematic
development policy relevant fields - On Measuring Democracy, Governance and Human
Rights - Statistical Indicators for Environment Policy in
Africa - System of National Accounts
- On Measuring HIV/AIDS and its socio-economic
impacts - Measuring progress Statistics for MDG
indicators - Public Relations and statistics Building
Bridges between users and producers - NEW Gender Statistics - a crosscutting issue
3- InWEnt Statistics training formats
- InWEnt develops and provides statistics training
for partner countries in different formats - Short term classroom courses in Germany or in
partner countries - E-learning/online courses on the InWEnt Global
Campus 21 platform - Blended learning courses combining
e-learning/online courses with classroom sessions
in Germany or partner countries - NEW Engendering statistics training and
Add-on modules (eg integrate a gender
statistics or a HIV/AIDS module into another
4- InWEnt Transfer of knowledge
- To provide up-to-date, highly practice oriented
state-of-the-art training InWEnt collaborates
with development policy and statistical
information system key specialists from the North
and from the South, from international, regional,
national organisations and the private market
plus its own internal resources - The organisation of courses in partner countries
is as a rule organised in collaboration with
partner institutions in the countries natural
partnerships with training institutions
5- InWEnt Transfer of knowledge (2)
- Peer learning is one of the recent concepts
applied in e-learning and classroom courses - Courses are conceived in a way to allow final
use by partner institutions - Design courses in a way to allow multiplication
through train the trainers schemes more at
regional levels towards national applications
6- Gender Statistics Training for African
Statistical Systems - Considering the economic and social relevance of
gender equity for development - referring to the identification of data gaps to
construct indicators for monitoring gender equity
policies - and convinced of the fact that engendering
public statistics is a question of development of
the performance of public statistical systems - InWEnt has put focus on contributing to the
development of gender statistics in Africa and
particularly Gender Statistics training
7- Gender statistics training for African
Statistical Systems (2) - NSDS need to be THE reference framework for the
development of GS including training - a
prerequisite of succes - The topic was intensely discussed with AfDB and
discussions led to a common initiative to develop
and provide GS training in Africa - An approach that shall go further the
development of individual training courses or
modules - take account of the needs of the
African Statistical Systems in a more strategic
and conceptual way - coherence with the strategic
plans - ideally the NSIs are the driving forces.
STCs etc. integral part of the concept. Ideally
concertation with all actors involved.
8- Gender statistics training for African
Statistical Systems (3) - Three options for course development retained (to
be discussed) - The following three options seem to cope with
the actual specialist discussion and the
situation/needs of African Statistical Systems - Thematic approach
- Datasources or statistical operations approach
- Mixt of both
9- Concrete steps - forward
- More general
- Clear committment from InWEnt to contribute to
the devlopment of Gender Statistics in Africa
mainly in terms of training - InWEnt to continue to support the development of
Gender Statistics in Africa in actively
contributing to provide opportunity for exchange
and collaboration between all actors concerned
within the given institutional frameworks
10- Concrete steps forward (2)
- Training
- As a first step develop an e-learning training
course composed by 5 thematic topics ready for
second half of 2009 - An introduction to gender statistics Why Gender
Statistics/What is Gender Statistics and gender
analysis? How to get it off the ground - Gender and MDGs
- Womens contribution to GDP
- Gender and work time use surveys
- Health and HIV/AIDS
11- Concrete steps forward (3)
- Training
- Other topics might follow later such as
- Access to assets
- Dissemination/publication/public relations
- Etc.
12Concrete steps forward (4) Training The second
step might be the development of the one or the
other course considering options 2 (datasources
approach eg. Household surveys) and 3 (mixed
appraoch eg. employment or MDGs) - Depending on
the identification of needs !
13 InWEnt is grateful for any idea or
contribution to its proposalsThe floor is now
to the audience
14Thank you for your attention