Title: TSM 363 Fluid Power Systems
1TSM 363 Fluid Power Systems
2Hydrostatic Transmission is popular in ORE
3Mechanical Drivetrain
- A mechanical drivetrain systemconsists of an
engine, a clutch,a transmission, a universal
drive-line, a differential, and the wheels.
- Transmission is used to increaseor decrease speed
- A differential is needed inmechanical
drivetrain, becauseit allows the outside wheel
torotate faster than in the insidewheel when
the vehicle turns.
4Hydrostatic Transmission Drivetrain
- With a hydrostatic transmission, itconsists of
an engine, a clutch,a hydrostatic transmission,
a universal driveline, a differential, and the
- Change the displacement of thepump (or motor)
can change the vehicle speed.
- HT improves maneuverability gt wide range of
T/n ratio gt compacted, less mass inertia gt
dynamic braking (inst. reverse) gt able to stall
undamaged gt no interruption of power
5Basic Concept of Hydrostatic Transmission
A hydrostatic transmission is simply a pump and
motor(s) connected in a circuit.
6Basic Types of HST
7Typical Closed-Circuit HST Configurations
(a) Fixed pump-fixed motor
8Typical Performance of VP-FM HST
9Typical Performance of FP-VM HST
10Typical Performance of VP-VM HST
11Typical HST Releasing Recharging
12Typical Controls of Closed-Circuit HSP
13Typical Open-Circuit HST Configurations
(a) Needle valve controlledfixed pump-fixed motor
14Typical E/H Controlled Open-Circuit HSP
15Typical HST Arrangement - 1
16Typical HST Arrangement - 2
17Typical HST Arrangement - 3
18Example Typical Calculations of HST
Suppose both the pump and the motor in a
hydrostatic transmission have disp. DM 1.925
in3/rev, and the volumetric efficiency are 0.90
for both the pump and motor. The pump is driven
by an engine at 2400 rpm, what is the motor speed?
19A Special HST Application
20Lecture Summary
- Discussed the basic concepts of HST
- Closed-circuit HST FP-FM VP-FM FP-VM VP-VM
- Open-circuit HST
- Applications of HST
- In-line design
- Sprit design
- V-controlled design
- Sprit-torque design