Title: The Mysterious Giant Of Barletta
1The Mysterious Giant Of Barletta
2The Mysterious Giant of Barletta takes place long
ago in the small town of Barletta, Italy. Italy
is far away from the United States on the
continent of Europe.
North America
3Can you find Italy on the map of Europe? (Hint
It is shaped like a boot.)
4Barletta is located on the coast of Italy. In
1309, a statue washed up on the shores of the
Adriatic Sea. The people of Barletta had no idea
where the statue came from.
How do you think the people of Barletta felt when
the statue appeared? Why?
5Talk to a partner What do you think the people
did with the statue?
6The people of Barletta stood the statue in the
middle of their town for everyone to see. They
call him Giant. Even today the people in Barletta
love the statue. Click here to see the real
statue standing in Barletta. http//www.take.it/te
ndenze/pagpers/alberto/barletta.htm Look how much
larger the statue is than the man! Do you
understand why the people call him a giant? What
other words can we use to describe the size of
the statue?
7In the story the towns people will use the
statue to help them solve a problem. What kind
of problem could a statue help to solve?
- A giant is a large imaginary creature that looks
like a human - Which of the following is NOT a giant?
10Question 1
- Explain why you believe that picture does not
represent a giant.
- Something that is mysterious is very hard to
explain - For example, the statue in Barletta is
mysterious because nobody knows where it came
from or how it got there.
12Question 2
- Think of something that you have read about in
another book that is mysterious. Tell me about
- A pedestal is the base that a statue stands on
14Question 3
- Draw the statue of liberty standing on a pedestal.
- A square is an open area in the middle of a town.
16Question 4
- What could you do in a town square?
- A weakling is a person that is not strong
18Question 5
- Would it be easy or hard for a weakling to build
a wall out of large bricks? - Explain why
19Way to go!!! Give yourself a pat on the back.
20Oops.try again.