Title: Importance of Nursing Diagnosis Research
1Importance of Nursing Diagnosis Research
- Margaret Lunney, RN, PhD
- Chairperson, Research Committee
- NANDA International
- Keynote address given at the AENTDE conference in
Valladolid, Spain - October 25th 26,th 2007
2Nursing diagnosis research is critically needed
for ongoing development of the nursing diagnosis
taxonomy for international use.
3Classifications are needed whenever the
communication of names for phenomena are
4To develop and maintain a classification, ongoing
research is needed. Research processes are used
to establish evidence.
5Knowledge of the research process is available in
books, articles, and workshops.
6The goal is to promote nursing research to
support the nursing diagnosis classification.
7To adequately support an international
classification, nursing diagnosis research is
needed in every country for 3 reasons.
81. The EHR is international and inevitable.
92. The usefulness of an international
classification depends on global consensus.
103. Changes in clinical practice are continuous,
so studies are needed to identify, describe,
explain, and predict clinical practice patterns.
11Research is a systematic, disciplined process to
develop, refine, and expand a body of knowledge.
Theoretical Framework for Nursing
Diagnosis Research
Types of Nursing Diagnosis Research
12In many types of studies, the foundation of the
research process is the theoretical framework.
13 Theoretical Framework linguistic theory
provides useful explanations for the importance
of developing scientific classifications.
14Words are maps to the territory
15The meanings of words are known through context.
Context is known through experience.
16The meanings of words are extensional(physic
al world)andIntensional(ideas about
thephysical world)
17We cant think without names. The names for
things influence our thinking. Thinking about
things also influences our naming.
18We experience only a small fraction of phenomena,
e.g., Bessie the cow.
19Human beings abstract from their experiences and
8. Wealth 7.
Asset 6. Farm asset 5. Livestock
4. Cow 3. Bessie 2. Perception 1.
Process___________________________ Words are
abstractions of similarities, not differences
(read from bottom up)
20Nurses abstract from their interactions with
patients and families.
Energy level Is adequate
Wants help from a nurse
Calm demeanor
No signs of distress
Self esteem?
Vital signs Are good
Color is good
21This is an example of an abstraction ladder
applied to nursing diagnosis.
- 8.
Neuman Systems Model 7. Lines of Defense - 6. Functional Health Patterns
- 5. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
- 4. Decision Making
- 3. Decisional Conflict re feeding
- 2. Cheryls Breastfeeding
- 1. Breastfeeding experience____________
- Words are abstractions of similarities, not
differences - (read from bottom up)
22 Summary A theory of nursing diagnosis is that
we name things to think about them, interpret the
meaning, and, with others, provide actions for
quality care.
23Use this theoretical framework to explain the
importance of nursing diagnosis research.
24Many types of nursing diagnosis research are
25Qualitative methods that can be used are
participant action research, grounded theory, and
Nurses from Hackettstown Regional Medical Center w
orking in participant action research study
26Example Participant Action Research.An
advantage is that you involve the stakeholders,
e.g., patients or nurses.
27We used action research methods to conduct a
consensus validation study of the common
diagnoses (NANDA), interventions (NIC) and
outcomes (NOC) for 2 local populations.
28The action research methods for consensus
validation were developed by Dr. Judy Carlson of
Honolulu, Hawaii.
29In this study, 100 consensus of staff nurses was
achieved on relevant NANDA, NIC and NOC terms for
2 populations.
People with Diabetes
Women in Labor one hour after delivery
30The results were brought back for use at the
The nurses who produced the research product use
the research findings.
31Quantitative designs for ndx research can be
nonexperimental, quasi-experimental, or
32This is what part of the tool we used for the
respiratory study looked like.
- Defining Characteristics Present/
Absent - ABG from Baseline, Abnormal ______/________
- ABG from Normal Values, Abnormal ______/________
- Values
- pH ______/________
pCO2 ______/________ - HCO3 ______/________
- pO2 ______/________
- O2 Sat ______/________
- Adventitious Breath Sounds
- Crackles/Rales
- Fine _______/_______ Course _______/_____
__ - Gurgles/Rhonchi _______/_______
- Wheezes _______/_______
- Stridor _______/_______
33Guidelines can be found in books and examples in
journals can be followed. Also, ask for help
from a mentor.
34Quantitative clinical validation studies are
critically needed because we do not know unless
we systematically investigate.
35Guidelines for planning a quantitative clinical
study were described by Carlson Lunney (1995).
36The science of nursing needs a broad base of
research to support its diagnostic language.
37Nurses worldwide need to work together to design
and conduct studies of new and existing diagnoses.
38Will you help us to build a future for nursing
science by conducting nursing diagnosis research?