Title: Martin Hamilton, Centre Manager - hpc-midlands.ac.uk
1HPC Midlands Cloud Supercomputing for Academia
and Industry
Martin Hamilton, Centre Manager -
2What is HPC Midlands?
- New High Performance Computing facility for
academia and industry - Jointly operated by Loughborough University and
University of Leicester - 1m funding from EPSRC/BIS e-Infrastructure
programme - Building on relationships with existing
industrial partners and software providers - Opportunity to operationalize HPC spending
3Hera The HPC Midlands Cluster
- 1m EPSRC investment institutional
contributions - 3,000 core Bull supercomputer (48 Teraflops)
- 11 x chassis (18 blades per chassis)
- 188 compute node blades, each with
- 2 x 2.0GHz (8 core) Sandy Bridge CPUs
- 15TB RAM
- 140 blades with 64GB RAM (4GB/core)
- 48 blades with 128GB RAM (8GB/core)
- 60TB Lustre storage
- QDR Infiniband interconnect
4The Delivery!
5HPC Midlands Timeline
- 8th December e-Infrastructure call received
- 5th January HPC Midlands proposal submitted
- 19th January Funding awarded
- 23rd January Tender issued against RM721
framework - 24th January Mechanical and Electrical work
commissioned - 30th January Tenders received and scored,
contract awarded to Bull - 9th February Work begins to prepare the HPC
Midlands site - 20th February Data centre extension now complete
- 24th February Work begins on the plumbing /
chilled water supply - 27th February Electrical Distribution Panel in
place - 1st March Space being prepared for new chiller
unit - 9th March 63A circuits now mostly in place
- 15th March Raised floor installed
- 21st March Dedicated chiller unit arrives and
craned into place - 26th March Delivery of HPC Midlands hardware
6Mechanical and Electrical Work (FM)
7Mechanical and Electrical Work (FM)
8Some Assembly Required
9Inside a Sandy Bridge compute node
10HPC Midlands Partners Intel
- Cutting edge hardware innovations
- Nehalem/Sandy Bridge/Ivy Bridge
- Increase in cores/threads per socket, I/O
bandwidth etc - gt2bn transistors per CPU!
- Many Integrated Core (MIC)
- Leading player in HPC compilers
- Intel Cluster Studio
- Intel will contribute training on parallel
- programming and their HPC tools
11HPC Midlands Partners ANSYS
- Market leading HPC software (CFX, FLUENT etc)
- But significant capital investment required for
licenses - Locks out SMEs and spinoffs
- Inflexible in todays challenging climate
- New model Pay As You Go access to the ANSYS
suite of products
12HPC Midlands Partners E.ON
- E.ON New Build and Technology, Plant Modelling
- Sample use cases
- Precipitator ductwork
- Gas turbine blade lifetime
- Gas turbine enclosure safety
- Wind farm resource assessment
- Steam flow in nuclear plants
13HPC Midlands Partners E.ON
14HPC Midlands Partners E.ON
15HPC Midlands Partners E.ON
16e-Infrastructure and JANET(UK)
- JANET upgrades planned for e-Infrastructure
- 26m capital investment
- Potential for e.g. new primary connections /
dedicated bandwidth for key research centres /
instruments - What would people like from JANET?
- Can we develop a model for JANET interconnects
with industrial partners? - JANET as _peer_ not backhaul
- Build on existing partnerships
- Move beyond Sneakernet scenario
17And Finally Were Hiring!
18HPC Midlands Cloud Supercomputing for Academia
and Industry
Martin Hamilton, Centre Manager -