Title: An Air Quality Proving Ground (AQPG) for GOES-R
1An Air Quality Proving Ground (AQPG) for GOES-R
- R. M. Hoff (UMBC GEST/JCET), S. A. Christopher
(UAH), F. Moshary (CCNY), S. Kondragunta (STAR),
R. B. Pierce (NESDIS/CIMSS), - M. Green (DRI), A. Huff (Battelle)
- GOES-R Proving Ground January 2010 Call
2IDEA (http//star.nesdis.noaa.gov/smcd/spb/aq/)
3GOES Aerosol and Smoke Product (GASP)
GASP is derived from a single visible channel and
from a 28 day tracking of the darkest pixel in a
scene Cannot do what MODIS and other
multiwavelength sensors can do!
4GOES lt---gt GOES - R
- Single wavelength
- 1/2 hourly scenes
- Requires 28 day spin-up
- Has a known diurnal bias
- Less precise than MODIS AOD
- Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) MODIS at GEO
- 16 spectral channels
- Full disk, CONUS, and special scans
- 5 minute images
- AOD should be as good as MODIS
5Aerosol Detection Physical Description
- Spectral (wavelength dependent) thresholds can
separate thick smoke, light smoke, and clear sky
6Air Quality Proving Ground
- Using MODIS Models Ground data in hand, can
we create cases that look interesting enough to
train users? - NOAA is creating proxy data sets from model data
- UMBC/UAH identifying cases which impact multiple
areas and stations (UMBC, UAH, UW, CCNY, ..?)
7AQPG Workflow
8AQPG Case 1 - Aug 20-24, 2006
- Mark Green of DRI is working on a case study
which exercises the AQPG - This is a case with smoke in the US Northwest and
sulfate haze in the east - Period chosen in part because it occurred during
the Second Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS II) - We have a proxy GOES-R product for this case
produced by Brad Pierce - A model is guilty until proven innocent- Bill
9Evaluation of the Case
- Use GOCART aerosol module - predicts
concentrations of seven aerosol species (SO4,
hydrophobic OC, hydrophilic OC, hydrophobic BC,
hydrophilic BC, dust, sea-salt) other
pm2.5(p25) - Output at 15 minute intervals
- Model PM2.5 calculated as pm2_5_dryp25bc1bc2o
te - NH4 not included so added 0.375SO4 to account
for ammonium in ammonium sulfate - Added larger dust and sea salt categories to
obtain PM10
10Contour map of IMPROVE network particulate sulfur
11Contour map of IMPROVE organic carbon for 8/24/06
12GOES and WRF-Chem AOD show similar patterns
WRF-Chem does a good job predicting SO4
Good correlation for OC, but WRF-Chem biased
factor of 3 low - not surprising as sources are
not inventoried
14The overall WRF-Chem PM2.5 prediction is
dominated by this under-prediction of OC
15Impact of speciation on AOD
Bondville- WRF-Chem AOD close to AERONET AOD
except when WRF-Chem predicts clouds- much higher
SO4 AOD predicted
Howard- Increase in SO4 and OC AOD with WRF-Chem
clouds (growth of hydrophilic OC and well as SO4)
16Next Steps
- Several more case studies have been identified
- Amy Huff of Battelle Memorial Institute will be
forming a user group at the EPA National Air
Quality Conference in March - We will have a workshop in August to start
training users on the case studies - Funding has been provided by GOES-R program
office (Steve Goodman) under cooperative
agreement number NA09NES4400022 and through the
CREST Cooperative Agreement