Conservative Challenge 1980-2000 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conservative Challenge 1980-2000


Conservative Challenge 1980-2000 Rise of Conservatism Supply side economics SDI Central America End of Cold War Domestic Problems Nomination of Clarence Thomas 2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conservative Challenge 1980-2000

Conservative Challenge1980-2000
  • Rise of Conservatism
  • Supply side economics
  • SDI
  • Central America
  • End of Cold War

Rise of Conservatism
  • National international phenomenon
  • New Deal? Gt Society New Left losing appeal
  • Centralized, socialized market economies lost
    support in W Europe
  • Biggest surprise Collapse of Communism
  • 1964 Goldwater Campaign beginning of
    resurgence of conservatism
  • Policies of Nixon, Ford, writings of William F.
    Buckley economist Milton Friedman
  • Evidence shift to the right
  • By 1980 loose coalition of econ. polit
    conservs, religious fundamentalists, corporate
    sponsored PACs BIG force for change
  • Opposed Big Gov, New Deal Liberalism, Gun
    Control, Feminism, Gay Rights, Welfare,
    Affirmative Action, Sexual Permissiveness, Drug
  • Responsible for undermining Family Values, Work
    Ethic, National Security

Leading Issues
  • Late 70s lower taxes, improved morals, less
    affirmative action
  • Taxpayer Revolt 1978 CA passed Prop 13
  • Sharply cutting property taxes
  • services fire, emergency, schools, etc
  • Jack Kemp William Roth proposed legislation to
    cut taxes across the board 30
  • Becomes basis for Reagan Tax Cuts

Moral Revival
In a now infamous letter, sent as a plea to
supporters to donate money to the Stop ERA
organization, Robertson claimed that the feminist
movement was "a socialist, anti-family political
movement that encourages women to leave their
husbands, kill their children, practice
witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become
  • Televangelists
  • Pat Robertson, (Christian Coalition) Oral Roberts
  • Jim Tammy Fay Baker
  • TV audience 60-100 million
  • Jerry Falwells Moral Majority
  • Rated politicians w/ moral report cards
  • Financed campaigns to unseat liberals in Congress
  • Phyllis Schlaffly led anti-feminist attack on ERA
    w/ Eagle Forum
  • Group that argued for traditional Biblical view
    of womens role in society
  • Religious fundamentalists attack secular
    humanism as a Godless creed taking over public
  • Campaigned to get prayer in schools and only
    teach creationism
  • Roe v Wade, 1973 legalized abortion
  • Sparked right to life movement that now joined
    Catholics, Fundamentalists (life starts at

Reverse Discrimination
  • 1965- LBJ launched affirmative action to
    guarantee level playing field
  • Equal access to education, jobs, housing for all
    minorities, women included
  • After Stagflation of 70s, white males blame
    reverse discrimination for their problems
  • Claim to be an endangered species
  • Regents of UCLA v Bakke (1978) ruled college
    admissions could not be based on race alone

Reagan Revolution
  • Actor turned politician- speaker for Goldwater
  • Gov CA in 70s
  • 76 challenged (nearly won) Republican nomination
    from Ford
  • Campaign 1980
  • 1980-Sen Edward Kennedy challenged Carter for
    nomination hurt Carter in polls
  • Reagan attacks Democrats Big Gov solutions to
    problems loss of prestige abroad
  • Hostages in Iran
  • Cites Misery Index of 28
  • Rate of inflation added to rate of unemployment
  • Asks TV audience are you better off now than you
    were 4 yrs ago?
  • Republicans 51 pop vote 91 electoral vote
  • Dems 41 Independent John Anderson (Moderate
    R) 8
  • Significance Reps took Blue Collar vote

Reagan Revolution 2
  • 1st time s. 1954 Republicans control Senate
  • Defeated 11 liberal Dems targeted by Moral
  • Also got 33 seats in House
  • Worked w/ So. Conserv Dems on many issues
  • End of ½ Century of Dem dominance of Congress

Reagan Inauguration
  • Iranians released hostages as Reagan was sworn in
    to office
  • October surprise (Conspiracy theory)
    investigation later found insufficient evidence
  • 2 months into 1st admin shot by John Hinkley (w/
    press sec Jim Brady
  • Handled situation w/ charm, humor
  • Increased popularity
  • 4 key promises
  • Lower taxes, reduce gov spending on welfare
  • Build up armed forces, create more conservative
  • Delivered all 4

Supply side economics
  • Reagans Director of Office of Management
    Budget David Stockman
  • Advocate of supply side econ
  • Tax cuts cuts in spending should increase
    investments in private sector
  • This should increase production, jobs, prosperity
  • Unlike Keynesian econ that used increased Gov
    spending to boost consumer income demand
  • Supply Side trickle down econ of 20s
  • Wealthy prospered
  • Some of their profits spending benefit middle
    class poor

Federal Tax Cuts
  • Congress passed most cuts R asked for
  • Including 25 personal tax cut over 3 yrs
  • Cuts in corporate income tax
  • Most tax relief benefits rich
  • Top income tax rate down to 28
  • Small investors can put up to 2k per yr into IRA
  • Individual retirement accounts
  • No tax until w/drawal

Spending Cuts
  • w/ help from Boll Weevils (Conserv S. Dems)
  • 40 Bill cut from
  • Food Stamps,
  • Student loans,
  • mass transportation
  • Savings off set by increased military spending
  • No cuts in Medicare, Social Security
  • Retirement age goes up from 62 to 65
  • Taxed benefits go to wealthy recipients

  • Promised to get Government off the backs of the
  • Reduced regulations on businesses and industry
  • S L institutions
  • Mergers takeovers by large corps
  • Environmental protection
  • Auto emissions auto safety
  • Secretary of Interior James Watt
  • Opened Federal land to coal timber production
    offshore waters to oil drilling
  • Oil spills follow

Labor Unions
  • 1 time president of Screen Actors guild
  • Now anti-union
  • Fired thousands of striking Federal Air Traffic
  • Violating contract by walking out
  • Decertified their union
  • Many businesses now hired replacements for
    striking workers
  • Government support for anti union drive leads to
    decline of unions in 80s
  • Recession of 82 foreign competition drives down
    workers wages

Recession Recovery
  • 82 worst recession in 50 yrs
  • Banks failed
  • Unemployment rose to 11
  • Fall in oil prices, recession stop inflation
  • Down to 4
  • 83 recovery begins
  • Japanese auto industry agreed to voluntary quotas
    on car exports
  • Wider gap between Rich Poor
  • Upper income sees increase in standard of living
  • Poor sees decrease

Social Issues
  • Conservatives on the court
  • Sandra Day OConnor first woman
  • Antonin Scalia
  • Anthony Kennedy (after Bork Borked)
  • New Chief Justice William Rehnquist
  • Court cut affirmative action in hiring,
  • Court limits Roe v Wade
  • Allows state restrictions

Election 84
  • Reagan for Republicans
  • Democrats Jesse Jackson Rainbow Coalition
  • Walter Mondale (Carters VP) w/ Geraldine Ferraro
  • Reagan takes every state except MN (Mondales)
  • 2/3 white males vote for Reagan
  • 2 groups favor Dems African Americans Poor

Budget Trade deficits
  • Tax cuts increased military spending
  • Federal deficits of over 200 Billion per yr
  • 1980-88 National debt from 900 Bill ? 2.7
  • Tax cuts stimulate consumption, not investments
  • Esp of foreign made luxury items
  • Lead to Trade Deficit
  • Up to 150 Billion per yr
  • Much foreign ownership of US real estate and
  • 1985 US becomes debtor nation for first time
    since WWI
  • Congress passed Graham Rudman Hollings Balanced
    Budget Act
  • Across board spending cuts
  • Limited by Congress, Courts
  • Still reduced budget deficit 220 Bill 1986--?
    155 Bill 1988
  • Yearly deficits of 200-300 billion killed Dem
    arguments for social programs like proposed
    Universal Health Care

Foreign Policy
  • Goals of RR restore military might superpower
    prestige of US
  • Intensify cold war w/ USSR
  • the focus of evil in the modern world
  • Sound check joke that went out live
  • Increased spending for defense and aid to anti
    communist forces in Latin America hallmark of
    first term
  • Build up Sec Defense Caspar Weinberger projected
    doubling of defense budget by 1986
  • Proposed spending billions for new weapons like
  • B1 bomber
  • MX missiles
  • Expanded Navy from 450-600 ships
  • SDI

  • Strategic Defense Initiative
  • Star Wars to critics
  • Plan build hi tech system of lasers particle
  • To destroy enemy missiles before they could enter
  • Costly, would escalate arms race
  • Outmoded before production
  • Congress cut RR proposals, still defense budget
  • 171 Bill 1981
  • 300 Bill 1985

Central America
  • RR supported right wing dictators friendly to
    the US
  • To keep communists out and to overthrow Marxist
    Sandinista regime in Nicaragua since 1979
  • CIA director William Casey used covert action in
    unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Sandinistas
  • (mil aid) -? Contras
  • Anti-Leftist rebels in Nic
  • Trying to seize power from Sandinistas
  • 1985 Dems (opposing our Nic. Policy) passed
    Boland amendment prohibiting further aid to
  • El Salvador- RR admin spent 5 bill to support
    Salvadoran Gov against coalition of leftist
  • Right wing death squads connected to El Salv.
    Army killed over 40k civilians, including
    American missionaries

  • Small island, Caribbean coup pro Cuban regime
  • Oct 83, Marines invaded to prevent establishing
    communist military base.
  • Saw air strip being built
  • Grenada claimed it was for tourism
  • Medical students rescued

Iran Contra Affair
  • Effort to aid Nicaraguan contras
  • Blunder/scandal
  • Origin Troubles in Iran since 1980
  • Iran v Iraq war
  • National Security advisor Robert McFarlands plan
    (secret) sell US anti-tank aircraft missiles to
    Irans gov for its help freeing Americans held
    hostage by radical Islamic Fundamentalists
  • 1986 Oliver North- staff member of NSCs idea
    use profits from arms deal w/ Iran to fund
  • RR denied knowing about illegal act (Boland
  • Violated congressional budget authority
  • Tv congressional investigation
  • Picture emerged uninformed hands off prez taking
    naps, manipulated by advisors
  • Leaves office one of most pop presidents of 20th
  • Most Amers dont care about Iran Contra affair
  • Oliver North seen as hero by some

Lebanon, Israel, PLO
  • Set backs for Reagans foreign policy
  • 1982, Israel, w US approval, invaded S. Lebanon
    to stop PLO terrorist raids into N. Israel
  • US became involved in evacuating PLO to safe
    haven and sending in peace keeping forces to stop
    Lebanons civil war
  • Apr 83 Arab suicide squad bombed US embassy in
    Beirut killing 63
  • Summer 83 Arab terrorists drove bomb filled truck
    into US Marine barracks killing 241
  • 84 US pulls out of Lebanon.
  • No gains.

PLO (2)
  • Sec St George Schultz pushed for peaceful
    settlement of Palestinian Israeli conflict by
    setting up homeland for PLO West bank territories
    occupied by Israel s. 1967 war
  • Ams pressure Yasser Arafat in 88 to recognize Is
    rt to exist
  • Some question remained does PLO go along with
    Arafat on this? Probably not.

Improved US- Soviet Relats
  • 85- Reformer Mikhail Gorbachev- New Sov leader
  • Wants to bring two major reforms
  • Glasnost openness to end political repression,
    greater political freedom for citizens
  • Perestroika some free market economic practices
  • To achieve- must stop arms race fix Soviet
  • 87 Gorb Reagan meet agree remove, destroy
    all intermediate range missiles (INF agreement)
  • 88 Gorb starts pull out of Afghanistan
  • Puts pressure on Iran/ Iraq to send war. End of
    Cold War??

Assess RR policy
  • RR believed our military built up could force
    USSR to concede defeat abandon Cold War
  • Others credit Kennans containment, Gorbs
  • Constitutional limits force RR retirement
  • 1st pres S. Ike to complete 2 terms in office.
  • Alzheimers admits S. early 90s

Bush End of Cold War
  • Former ambassador to UN, CIA director
  • Election 88 Dem control of Senate 86
  • Dems hope that huge deficit and Iran-Contra
    scandal will help in 88
  • Michael Dukakis, Gov MA, Dem Candidate w/ Sen
    Lloyd Bentsen (TX) v. George Bush w/ Sen Dan
    Quayle (IN)
  • Wimp v Shrimp (Opus cartoon, Berkley Breathed)
  • Image problem
  • Bush charged Dems soft on Crime, showed Willie
    Horton commercial abo Weekend Furlough program.
    Anti Black?
  • Bush promise Read my lips, no new taxes
  • Big victory but Dem majorities in both houses

Communism in China
  • Tiananmen Square- China, Spring 89- Student
    demonstration for freedom televised around world
  • Crushed by Chinese Communist gov w/ tanks..
    Killing hundreds, ending brief period of openness
    in China

Eastern Europe
  • Open challenges to communism mount
  • Gorbachov no longer supports govs of eastern
    Europe w/ arms, armed forces
  • Poland- Lech Walesa led outlawed Solidarity
    movement? toppled Communist gov there.
  • Hungary, Czech, Bulgaria, Romania all removed
    Comm govs
  • Comms forced out of E. Germany after protestors
    there tore down Berlin Wall, hated symbol of Cold
  • Oct 90 2 Germanies reunited w/ blessings of NATO
    and USSR
  • E. Republics of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
    declared independence
  • 91 failed coup against Gorb by communist
  • Dec remaining Republics dissolved Soviet Union
  • Gorb leader w/o country

  • Boris Yeltsin, pres of Russia, joins 9 former
    Soviet republics to form loose confederation
  • CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Yeltsin disbands Communist party in Russia
  • Attempts to establish Democracy and free market

End of Cold War
  • Sweeping agreements to dismantle nukes
  • START I agreement (91) reduced warheads to 10k
    on each side
  • Late 92 START II reduced to about 3k each,
    offered econ assist to Russian economy
  • Bush US worried about civil wars violence in
    former Soviet Union
  • 91 Yugoslavia disintegrates
  • 92 Bosnia Herzegovina Civil War starts
  • US questions do we still need heavy defense
    spending and military bases?

  • Dec 89 US troops invade to remove dictator
    General Manuel Noriega
  • Head of drug cartel
  • To stop importation of P drugs
  • Troops stay to establish new Gov

Persian Gulf War
  • 90 Saddam Hussein (Iraq) invaded oil rich Kuwait
  • Threatens Western oil sources in Saudi Arabia
    Persian Gulf
  • Bush built coalition of UN members to pressure
    Hussein to w/draw
  • US embargo on Iraq- little effect
  • Congress approved military action
  • Jan 91 Desert Storm- ½ mill Amers joined
    military units from 28 nations
  • 5 weeks air strikes ground war under Gen
  • Iraq concedes defeat w/d from Kuwait
  • Sets fire to oil wells on way out
  • US stops short of removing Hussein from power
  • Still Bush approval rating nearly 90

Domestic Problems
  • Nomination of Clarence Thomas
  • 2 replace Thurgood Marshal, ret. (nomd by LBJ)
  • Controversial
  • Thomas conservative charged w/ sexual
    harassment of former employee Anita Hill
  • Public confirmation hearings of Hill testimony
    dismissed her charges
  • Sen confirms

Taxes Economy
  • Savings and Loans failed after deregulation by RR
  • Cost to tax payers to replace insured deposits
    to bail out some s ls 250 billion
  • Fed budget deficits 250 bill per yr
  • National debt 1 trillion more under Bush
  • 1990 Bush agreed to Congress Revenue
    Enhancements of 133 billion
  • Top tax rate goes to 31
  • Fed taxes increased on Beer, Wine, Cigs, Gas,
    luxury cars, boats
  • Recession begins, unemployment goes up
  • Education President cut funding for schools

Anti incumbent mood
  • Stagnant economy
  • Huge budget deficit
  • Disillusionment grows, w/ push for term limits
  • US Term Limits Inc v Thorton (95) Sup Ct rules
    states cannot limit terms of federal lawmakers
    w/o constitutional amendment
  • When it was revealed that many House members had
    written bad checks from a private House bank,
    public confidence lessened even more.
  • The 27th Amendment banned congressional pay
    raises from taking effect until an election had
    seated a new session of Congress, an idea first
    proposed by James Madison in 1789

Bill Clinton the First Baby-Boomer President
  • 92 Bill Clinton w/ Al Gore Jr. (Dems)
  • Clinton accused of dodging draft, womanizing
  • Dems promote econ growth, strong defense, anti
  • Repubs focus Family values
  • Third party Ross Perot
  • Dems win, get control of both houses
  • More minorities, women in cabinet than ever
  • Janet Reno Attorney Gen
  • Donna Shalala Sec of Health Human Services
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Supreme Ct

False Start for Reform
  • Clinton calls for acceptance of Gays in military
    but has to settle for dont ask dont tell
  • Appointed wife, Hillary, to revamp health and
    medical care system
  • Critics blasted her, and revision- unveiled in
    Oct 93
  • She goes down in polls becomes liability
  • 96, Clinton shrunk Fed deficit to lowest level in
    a decade
  • Passed gun control bill (Brady Bill)
  • Anti crime bill

  • Radical Muslim group bombed World Trade Center,
    NY- killing 6
  • Timothy McVeigh bombed Federal building in OK
    (95) killing 169
  • Branch Davidians faced off w/ ATF (feds) Waco,
    TX- resulted in fire that burned compound,
    killing men, women, children

Politics of Distrust
  • 94 Newt Gingrich led Reps on attack of Clinton
    failures w/ conservative Contract With America
  • Reps won all incumbent seats plus 8 in Senate, 53
    in House.. G bcms new Speaker
  • Imposed new fed laws that put more obligations on
    state local govs w/o providing revenues
  • Clinton forced to sign Welfare reform bill that
    cut programs
  • G also suggests sending children of welfare
    families to orphanages
  • Robert Dole lost (Rep) in 96.. Ross Perot distant

  • Clinton sent troops to Somalia
  • Meddled in Northern Ireland w/o results
  • Denounced Chinas abuse of human rights
  • Threatened to punish China but trade too
  • Committed troops to NATO for peace keeping in
    former Yugoslavia
  • Sent troops to return Jean Bertrand Aristide to
    power in Haiti
  • Supported NAFTA made free trade zone of Mexico,
    US Canada
  • Helped form World Trade Organization to work on
    tariffs, trade
  • 93 met w/ Yitzhak Rabin Yasir Arafat at White
  • 95 Rabin assassinated, ending hopes for peace

Sea of Troubles
  • 93 Clinton ran into trouble with failed real
    estate investment in Whitewater Land Corp
  • Vince Foster, Jr committed suicide.. Manager of
    Clinton investments
  • Clinton begins second term w/ Rep majorities in
    both houses
  • Kenneth Starr report on Clinton investigated
    alleged abuses
  • 4 yrs investigation cost 30 million. Tried to
    find wrong doings in Whitewater case.
  • Dead end
  • Total findings
  • Firing White House travel agents, possible misuse
    of FBI files, perjury on testimony given during
    Paula Jones deposition.. Lied about relationship
    w WH staffer Monica Lewinski
  • Lewinski tapes made during phone convo w/ friend
    discussed relationship
  • Impeachment of Clinton- hearings impeached by
    House Republicans, acquitted by Senate.

Election 2000
  • George Bush Jr. v Al Gore Jr
  • Gore wins popular vote Bush wins electoral vote
  • Controversy over FL 25 electoral votes, a recount
    in Fl
  • Election called in FL before last three precincts
    were in (Dem)
  • Margin was close, recount put Bushs lead to 300
    votes but Gore wanted hand count of key counties
    as allowed by law
  • Fl Sec St Harris halted recount when Palm Beach
    missed deadline (Bro Jeb Bush Gov)

George W Bush
  • 9/11/01 in first year of first term
  • Announced war on Terror
  • Ordered invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq (2003)
  • Failure to find weapons of mass destruction
    confused public perception of war aims
  • Refusal to take responsibility for abuses at Abu
  • Massive Cut taxes for upper classes plus hands
    off deregulation of banking industry led to
    rising deficits, bank failures
  • No Child Left Behind Act required state standards
    be met punished schools w/o helping students
  • 2005 handling of Hurricane Katrina and aftermath
    of destruction widely criticized.
  • Pres seemed out of touch with human suffering

Bush economic policy
  • Running for president, argued that Gov surplus
    belonged to the people promised to give it
  • Unemployment tripled in two terms
  • Poverty rate increased
  • Deregulated banks ease credit requirements
  • Leads to housing bubble
  • Collapse of banks, business failures, rise in
  • Values of securities tied to Real estate pricing
  • Global bank failures follow
  • Wall street crashed
  • Severe recession starts Dec 2007 (blamed on
    previous admin)
  • 2008 Gov bailed out banks, Auto makers
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