Title: Australian forest fires
1Aerosol boomerang Rapid around-the-world
transport of smoke from the December 2006
Australian forest fires observed from space
Ruud Dirksen, KNMI Folkert Boersma, Jos de Laat,
Piet Stammes
2- 14 December 2006 severe forest fires in SE
Australia release aerosol boomerang - Pyroconvective lofting facilitated long range
transport - Determine the plumes altitude OMI O2-O2,
CALIOP, TM4 - Conclusions
3Meteorological situation 14 Dec 2006
Weathermap of 14 December 2006, 1600 LT Cold
front passing over fire location
4The Victoria blowup 14 Dec 2006 Observed by MODIS
Courtesy M. Fromm
5OMI O2-O2 cloud algorithm
Absorption scattering
- O2-O2 collision complex _at_477nm, pressure
dependent - Measures air column above cloud
- Linedepth ? cloud height
- Background ? cloud fraction
6Altitude information O2-O2
Source region
OMI RGB 15 Dec
- Adjacent clouds 1-5km
- Scene pressure of plume itself yields higher
7Evolution of the plume
Orbit 12924
Orbit 12953
TM4 tropopause
TM4 tropopause
21 Dec
19 Dec
High Clouds
CALIPSO footprint
8TM4 simulation Passive tracer Water
soluble Injection height 248 hPa (10km)
reproduces OMI AAI observations
CTMs dont incorporate latent heat from fires,
emissions released at ground level
9TM4 profiles for various injection heights
Injection height 248 hPa gives best agreement
with CALIOP observations
10Injection height
High resolution 1-D plume rise model to simulate
lofting of the plume by pyro-convection Input Met
eorological conditions at fire location on 14 Dec
2006 Fire front intensity, latent heat
Courtesy Maria Val Martin
11TM4 captures evolution and removal of the plume
TM4 simulations with water soluble tracer show
the removal of the plume by scavenging. Model
the whole life cycle of the event
Water soluble tracer
passive tracer
- Spectacular case of around-the-world transport of
smoke from 2006 Australian forest fires - Passing cold front heat from the fire caused
pyroconvective lofting of plume to tropopause
region - CALIOP retrieves 11-15 km plume altitude
- OMI O2-O2 sensitive to high aerosol plume
- TM4 simulations observed lifecycle of plume best
for - Injection at 10 km
- Soluble tracer