Title: Chapter 21: Equal Justice Under Law
1Chapter 21 Equal Justice Under Law
- African Americans
- Native Americans
- Hispanic Americans
- Asian Americans
- Women
- Who has been left out?
3If you live in America then you NEED to speak
- Why do we think it is so important or necessary
for immigrants to assimilate into our culture?
4AssimilationTake on our culture and values
5Equal Protection Clause
- No Stateshall deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Section 1 of the 14th Amendment - Originally intended for former slaves
- Now ? no unreasonable
- HealthCare?
6Jim Crow Laws
- Examples of Jim Crow Laws
- Why Legal?
- Separate but Equal in Railroad Cars is
Constitutional - Plessy v Ferguson, 1896
- By the 1930s ? Separate were not Equal
8Cool Story in the news recently!
9Brown v Board of Education, 1954
- in the field of public education the doctrine
of separate but equal has no place. Separate
educational facilities are inherently unequal. - Chief Justice Earl Warren
- Overturned Plessy v Ferguson
10De jure vs De facto Segregation
- De jure ? by Law
- De facto ?
- Natural housing patterns
11The Days of De-Segregation
- Swann v Charlotte Mecklenburg, 1971
12Affirmative Action
- What is it?
- Employers must take positive steps to remedy the
effects of past discriminations - Federal, State, Local Govts
- Employers who sell to Govt
- Pay, promotions, benefits
13Is it societys responsibility to rectify the
harm suffered by a group of people as a result of
discrimination in the past?
14Civil Rights Laws Timeline
- 1964- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- public accommodations, race, color, religion.
- 1968
- Open housing Act
- 1978
- U. California v Bakke, 1978
- Race not the only Factor
- 1979
- US Steelworkers v Weber, 1978
- Workforce OK, overcome racial unbalance
15Civil Rights Laws Timeline
- 1980 Fullilove v Klutznik
- Quotas OK
- 1987- Johnson v Trans. Of Santa Clara
- Promote woman, not open to allOK
- 1989- Wards Cove Packing v Atonio
- Statistics not enough to claim discrimination
- Discrimination more difficult to prove
- 1995- Adarands Construction v Pena
- Preferential treatment due to raceUnconstitutiona
l - Major blow to Affirmative Action
- 1996- Proposition 209, Afirm. Act. Illegal in CA
- Found Unconstitutional
16Are Affirmative Action Laws still needed?
17Should employers be punished for hiring
undocumented Aliens?
18What are your thoughts regarding Alabamas new
Immigration law?
- Schools check citizen status of students
- Police can ask citizen status
- Can detain for indefinite amount of time
- UNINTENDED Consequences?
19Should the US give special immigration status to
Foreign Students?
- Should Foreign Students have an easier path to
Citizenship? - Why or Why not?
20All persons born or naturalized in the United
Statesare citizens of the United States.
- Should citizens by birth be required to meet
the same requirements as naturalized citizens ?