Representations of Blackness in Popular Culture: Film - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Representations of Blackness in Popular Culture: Film


What is the role of the minstrel trinkets, in particular the jolly ... without the blackface, have on audience members, regardless of gender ... On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Representations of Blackness in Popular Culture: Film

Representations of Blackness in Popular Culture
  • AS/HUMA 1300 9.0
  • Faculty of Arts
  • March 18, 2009

Bamboozled. Dir. Spike Lee. Perf. Damon Wayans,
Jada Pinkett-Smith, Michael Rapaport, Savion
Glover, Tommy Davidson, and Mos Def. Forty Acres
a Mule Filmworks, 2000.
Viewing/Guiding Questions for Bamboozled
prepared by Mark Campbell
  • 1. How is the character of Pierre Delacroix both
    complicated and conflicted by his family, and
    familial obligations?
  • 2. What is the role of the minstrel trinkets, in
    particular the jolly nigger bank, in the film, in
    Pierres consciousness, and within the wider
    realm of American
  • consumer society?
  • 3. What effect does the Manray character, without
    the blackface, have on audience members,
    regardless of gender, age and race?
  • 4. What do you think Spike Lee is saying about
    audiences, in particular the live
  • audience that views the taping of the show?
  • 5. What is the position of rap music within the
    film, and the entertainment
  • industry as a whole, as articulated by the
    film, Bamboozled?
  • 6. What does Sloans character say about gender
    relations in the workplace
  • and within the family unit?

First Cinema
  • 1. Hollywood movies are its model
  • 2. Made for exhibition in large theatres
  • 3. Film as pure spectacle/entertainment
  • 4. Spectator/audience as passive consumer
  • 5. Satisfies commercial interests of
  • production companiestransnational
  • monopoly capital
  • 6. Maintains hegemony through its power
  • structure.

Second Cinema
  • 1. Art cinema or new wave cinema
  • 2. Often based on a European rather than a
  • US aesthetic model
  • 3. Elitist, middle-class, intellectual
  • 4. Often nihilist, pessimist, mystifacatory.

Third Cinema
  • 1. Originating in 1960s Argentina, term refers
  • to a socially committed cinema, mainly but
  • not exclusively from the Third World
  • 2. Political/militant cinemaradical in its
  • politics and approach to cinema
  • 3. Cinema of decolonisation, which expresses
  • will to national liberation, and is anti-
  • mythic, anti-racist, anti-bourgeois.

bell hooks and the oppositional gaze
  • Black people must create spaces of agency
  • that allow them to interrogate the gaze of the
  • Other and return the gaze critically.
  • Interrogating black looks must be concerned
  • not only with issues of race and racism, but
  • also issues of gender and sexuality.
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