Title: Factors influencing the implementation of innovations
1Improving patient access to opioids through
consensus building with government
David E. Joranson Pain Policy Studies
Group World Health Organization Collaborating
Center www.medsch.wisc.edu/painpolicy
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4Global Consumption of Morphine1972-2000
Source International Narcotics Control Board By
Pain Policy Studies Group/WHO Collaborating
Center, 2001 Top 10 countries Australia,
Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand,
Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the
United States
5Global Per Capita Consumption of Morphine, 1999
Source International Narcotics Control Board
United Nations Demographic Yearbook, 1999 By
Pain Policy Studies Group, University of
Wisconsin/WHO Collaborating Center, 2002
6Morphine Consumption vs. Development Status, 1998
104 Countries
Source (1) International Narcotics Control
Board, (2) CIA population data, (3) Human
Development Index By University of Wisconsin
Pain Policy Studies Group/WHO Collaborating
Center, 1999
7Factors influencing diffusion of innovations
- Observable?
- Simple?
- Demonstrable?
- Relative advantage?
- Compatible?
8Factors influencing compatibility(i.e., the
- Knowledge, attitudes
- Health care system policies, priorities,
resources - Policies governing opioids, professional practice
9Barriers perceived by government
11INCB Survey of National Governments
- Purpose To identify barriers to improving
availability of opioids for relief of pain - 48 national policies recognize medical
necessity of narcotics/opioids - 59 excessively strict narcotic laws and
regulations - 72 concern about drug abuse and addiction
- INCB, 1996
12Reasons for unavailability
(INCB, 2002)
- -Inadequate method, personnel to assess needs
- -Unduly restrictive regulations
- -Burdensome administrative procedures
- -Concerns about addiction, dependence
- -Physicians fear of investigation, penalties
- -Lack of medical training in pain relief
13Guidance to governmentsfor addressing barriers
World Health Organization
15The goal is a balanced national policy
- National narcotics control system should ensure
availability for medical use and patient care,
while preventing diversion - Efforts to prevent diversion must not interfere
with availability of opioid analgesics to the
Source World Health Organization. Achieving
balance in national opioids control policy
Guidelines for Assessment. Geneva, Switzerland
WHO 2000.
16Achieving Balance in National Opioids Control
Policy Guidelines for Assessment (WHO, 2000)
- For governments and health professionals -
Explains need, rationale and imperative for
balanced national drug control policy - 16
criteria for evaluating national drug control
policy and administration - Simplified
Checklist www.medsch.wisc.edu/painpolicy
17Working Group on WHO Guidelines for Achieving
Balance in National Opioid Control Policy
- Mr. T. Yoshida WHO Geneva Sponsor
- Mr. D. Joranson WHOCC USA Chair
- Mr. R. Bhattacharji India
- Dr. C. Blengini Italy
- Dra. L. De Lima PAHO/Colombia
- Dr. P. Emafo Nigeria
- Ms. Gu Wei-ping China
- Dr. A. Nixon Saudi Arabia
- Ms. C. Selva INCB Secretariat- Vienna
18Achieving Balance in National Opioids Control
PolicyWHO, 2000
- 1. Estimate annual requirements
- 2. Administer an effective distribution system
to the patient - 3. Evaluate national narcotics control policy
- 4. Communication between government and health
19Putting WHO Guidelines into action
- Chinese regulators and physicians (2000)
- Regulators from Asian countries (JICWELS 2001-02)
- WHO workshops with government teams
- 6 Andean countries (2000)
- 6 Central European Countries (2002)
- 5 African countries (2002)
- WHOCC project in India
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21Population 273 million
Population 1.03 billion
22Consumption of Morphine in India
Source International Narcotics Control Board
23- As the domestic consumption of morphine has
decreased to an extremely low level over the last
few years, the Government of India should take
effective measures to ensure its adequate
availability for medical purposes. - INCB, 1999
24What does low and declining use of morphine mean
for people in India?
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26 1994-1996 Morphine shortages
- Measures taken by doctors
- - Rationing of morphine
- Use less effective drugs codeine, buprenorphine
- Invasive procedures
- With these measures
- - only 10 received adequate pain relief
27The paradox
- India grows poppy to supply much of the worlds
pain medications, yet a million Indians with
cancer and pain have no access to morphine
28Why no oral morphine?
- - Fear of respiratory depression
- - Fear of addiction
- - Excessive licensing requirements
- - 1985 Narcotic Drugs Act
29- National opioid policy project
- Analysis of regulatory problem
- 1. Key informants, focus workshops (1992-94)
2. Review of national and state policies (1995)
- 3. Proposal to simplify national policy (1997)
4. Model state regulation (1997) 5. 11
Implementation workshops (1998- 2001)
30Present morphine licensing system in India
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33WHOCC proposal to Government of India
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35Workshops to adopt model rule
1998 2000
Kerala Andhra Pradesh
1999 Gujarat
Karnataka Madhya Pradesh
Maharashtra New Delhi
Orissa 2001
West Bengal Assam New Delhi
36 37KERALA 32 million
Pain Palliative Care Society Link Centres
38Consumption of Morphine in India
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40Project to evaluate morphine use, misuse and
diversion 1999-2000
- Study conducted in
- Pain and Palliative Care Clinic, Calicut,
Kerala - Supported by
- - PPSG/WHOCC, Madison-Wisconsin
- - United States Cancer Pain Relief Committee
- 4,057 patients treated
- 1723 received oral morphine (43)
41Pain Palliative Care ClinicCalicut, India
- 80 patients have cancer
- - 1/3 head and neck
- - 2/3 cervix, lung, breast, other
- 20 non cancer
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Neuralgias
42Results of 2 Year Evaluation
- Availability to patients ensured
- No shortages
- No evidence of misuse or diversion
- Increases in dose related to disease
- Lack of stock discrepancies
- No reports of loss or theft
- - No reports from law enforcement
- The Lancet 2001 358139-143
43But what ifmisuse or diversion of opioid
analgesics should take place, the sources of
diversion should be identified quickly and
directly, without affecting opioid availability
or patient care. The Lancet 2001 358139-143
44The Board notes with satisfaction that several
governments have taken steps to improve the
availability of narcotic drugs. For example, in
India, model regulations aimed at simplifying
access to morphine for use in palliative care
were developed by the Government, in cooperation
with WHO, in 1998 and have since been introduced
in several states in that country. INCB, 2001
45Take-home messages
- Government cooperation is essential
- Unduly restrictive regulatory requirements
barriers can be changed - Training of health professionals is essential
- Opioids can be made safely available
- Pain relief with limited resources is possible
- Patient access to pain relief is the bottom line
46Thank you!
- Univ of Wisconsin Pain Policy Studies Group
- WHO Collaborating Center for Policy and
Communications - www.medsch.wisc.edu/painpolicy