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Quantum Mechanics


Quantum Mechanics Chapter 5. The Hydrogen Atom The solution of the problem of atomic spectra was a great triumph for the Schreodinger equation. Although this equation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics
  • Chapter 5.
  • The Hydrogen Atom

  • The solution of the problem of atomic spectra
    was a great triumph for the Schreodinger
  • Although this equation does not yield exact
    solutions for atoms containing more than one
    electron, it permits approximations which can be
    applied, in principle, to any problem and to any
    desired degree of accuracy.
  • The ultimate result is enormous accuracy in
    theoretical calculations of hydrogen energy
    levels, taking into account such factors as the
    spin of the electron, a previously unknown

  • Subsequently, P.A.M. Dirac showed that electron
    spin emerges as a natural consequence of a
    relativistic wave equation..
  • Experimenters have responded to these
    theories with equally accurate experiments to
    test these calculations.
  • This accuracy has not been sought simply to
    demonstrate the prowess of physics and
    physicists proof of the existence of each small
    contribution to the energy in the amount
    predicted by the theory is an indication of the
    correctness of our fundamental ideas concerning
    the nature of matter.

5.1 Wave Function for More Than One Particle
  • If the proton were of infinite mass, it would be
    a fixed center of force for the electron in the
    hydrogen atom, and we could solve the problem by
    the methods of Chapter 2.
  • The wave function would be a function of the
    coordinates of a single particle, the electron.
    However, because the proton also moves, we must
    incorporate this fact into our wave function.

  • According to Postulates 1 and 2 (Section 3.3),
    each dynamical variable for each particle must be
    represented by an operator whose eigenvalues are
    the allowed values of the variable.
  • As a logical extension of these postulates, we
    now assert that there mast be a wave function for
    a system which is capable of generating all the
    dynamical variables of the system.
  • Therefore, for a hydrogen atom the wave function
    may be written as F(xp, yp, zp, xe, ye, ze, t),
    where xp is the x coordinate of the proton, xe is
    the x coordinate of the electron, etc.

  • It is now clear that the wave function is simply
    a mathematical construction there is no physical
    wave in the sense of a simple displacement that
    exists at each point of space and time, for the
    wave function is a function of six space
    coordinates in this case, rather than three.
  • Our single-particle problems of the previous
    chapters enabled us to make useful analogies with
    conventional waves. but we must now go into a
    more abstract realm of theory.
  • This does not mean that the problems are
    necessarily more difficult to solve. It simply
    means that we must beware of visualizations of
    the solutions

  • the limited experience that we have gained
    through our senses is not sufficient to permit
  • As usual. the wave function is an
    eigenfunction of the Schreodinger equation. The
    Schreodinger equation, in turn, contains the
    operator for the total energy of the system, as
  • The total energy of the proton-electron system is
  • ET pp2/2mp p2/2me V(r)
  • or, in operator form
  • where r is the proton-electron distance, mp is
    the proton's mass, me is the electron's mass.
    V(r) -e2/4pe0r is the Coulomb potential, and
    the symbol ?2 represents

  • or the equivalent expression in spherical
    coordinates ?p2 operates on the proton's
    coordinates, and ?e2 operates on the electron's
    coordinates in the wave function.
  • The time-independent Schreodinger equation for
    the hydrogen atom is therefore
  • but when the equation is written in this form,
    the energy eigenvalue ET includes the kinetic
    energy of translation of the center of mass of
    the whole atom. a quantity in which we are not
    interested at the moment.

  • The states that tell us about the hydrogen
    spectrum are the internal energy statesstates of
    the relative motion of proton and electron.
  • Fortunately, the potential energy is a
    function only of the relative coordinates of
    proton and electron, and we can rewrite Eq.(9.3)
    in terms of the coordinates X, Y, and Z of the
    center of mass and the coordinates x, y, and z of
    the electron relative to the proton.
  • These coordinates are related to the
    coordinates of the individual particles as

  • It is not difficult to use Eqs.(9.4) to write the
    kinetic energy in terms of the relative velocity
    and the velocity of the center of mass the
    result is
  • Total kinetic energl
  • (me mp)(X2 Y2 Z2)/2 mr(x2 y2
    z2)/2 (9.5)
  • where x, y, and z are the x, y, and z
    components of the relative velocity, and

  • mr memp/(me mp) is the reduced mass, which
    we previously encountered in discussing the Bohr
    model of hydrogen.
  • In terms of momentum variables defined as Px
    (me mp)X, px mrx, etc., the kinetic energy
    may be written as
  • so that. according to the rules for writing the
    energy and momentum operators, the Schreodinger
    equation becomes

  • where the operators ?c2 and ?2 operate on center
    of mass and relative coordinates, respectively.
  • Equation (9.7) could also have been obtained
    by direct transformation of the partial
    derivatives in Eq.(9.3), making use of Eqs.(9.4)
    to find the derivatives with respect to the new
  • Separation of Variables
  • The wave function ? is now a function of X, Y,
    Z, x, y, z, and t. Let us assume that it is
    possible to write the space dependence of ? as a
    function of x, y, and z multiplied by another
    function of X, Y, and Z. We write

  • ?(x,y,z,X,Y,Z,t) u(x,y,z)U(X,Y,Z)e-i(EE')t/?
  • where E is the energy of the relative motion and
    E' the energy of translation of the center of
  • From Eq.(9.7) we may now extract the two
    time-independent equations
  • Equation (9.9) is simply the equation of
    motion of the center of mass of the whole
    hydrogen atom it tells us nothing about the
    atom's internal energy levels.

  • Equation (9.10) is the Schreodinger equation for
    the motion of the electron relative to the
    proton. It is identical to the equation for a
    single particle of mass mr moving under the
    influence of a fixed potential energy V(r).
  • As in the analysts of the Bohr atom, the
    fact that the proton and electron both move is
    completely accounted for by using the reduced
    mass mr instead of the actual mass of the moving
    electron (or proton).
  • The eigenvalues E are the energy levels of the
    hydrogen atom in the frame of reference in which
    the center of mass of the atom is at rest.

5.2 Energy Level of The Hydrogen Atom
  • Coulomb Potential and Effective Potential
  • Because Eq.(9.10) is identical to the
    one-particle equation treated in Chapter 2, we
    already know that this equation can be separated
    into an angular equation and a radial equation
    and that the function u can be written in
    spherical coordinates as u(r,?,?)
    R(r)Yl,m(?,?), where Yl,m(?,f) is a spherical
    harmonic, a solution of the angular equation.

  • To find the energy levels, we need to solve only
    the radial equation,
  • or, in this case
  • where l(l1)h2/2mrr2 is the centrifugal
    potential. whose introduction, as we saw (Chapter
    4), results from eliminating the angular
    dependence in the equation.

  • Equation (9.11) is identical to the equation
    for one-dimensional motion of a panicle in the
    potential field Veff V(r) l(l 1)h2/2mrr2.
  • This effective potential, the sum of the Coulomb
    potential and the centrifugal potential Vcent, is
    sketched in Figure 9.1.
  • In hydrogen, an electron of negative total
    energy is trapped in the potential well formed
    by the effective potential. Classically, the
    particle would describe an elliptical orbit under
    these conditions it would oscillate between the
    two values of r at which its total energy would
    be equal to the potential energy.

  • FIGURE 9.1 The effective potential Veff (solid
    line), the sum of the centrifugal potential
    Vcent, and the Coulomb potential V(r) -e2/4pe0r2
    for the hydrogen atom.

  • In quantum theory, we may find a wave function
    for this well just as we did for the
    one-dimensional wells considered before.
  • The general method of solution of Eq.(9.11)
    begins with the assumption that the solution is
    the product of a polynomial and an exponential.
  • Details of this solution are given in Appendix
    E, which treats the general case of a
    one-electron ion with nuclear charge Ze.
  • The polynomial contains n l terms, where l is
    the angular momentum quantum number and n is a
    new quantum number, the radial quantum number..

  • The statement that R(r) contains n - l, terms may
    be considered to be the definition of n.
  • Degeneracy of Solutions
  • It is a curious feature of the solutions that the
    energy depends only on n, not on l.
  • For example. the energy is the same for the l
    1 solution with a two-term radial solution and
    for the l 2 solution with a one-term radial
    solution in both cases n 3.
  • The energy levels which result are identical to
    the levels predicted by Bohr for the hydrogen
    atom or any one-electron ion

  • although n now has a completely different
    interpretation from that of Bohr.
  • Figure 9.2a shows the effective potentials
    for l 0, 1, and 2 and the energy levels for n
    l, 2, 3, and 4. Because the energy depends only
    on n and not on l, the same levels which are
    allowed for any given l are also allowed for all
    lower values of l.
  • The only effect of l on the levels appears
    through the condition that n l 1, so that
    lower energy levels are possible for smaller l,
    because smaller n values are then possible.

  • FIGURE 9.2 (a) Effective potential and energy
    levels of the hydrogen atom for l 0, l 1, and
    l 2. The lowest four levels are shown the
    number of levels is infinite. (b) Radial
    probability amplitudes rRnl(r). Notice the points
    of inflection where E Veff, at the classical
    turning points of the motion.

  • For example. E3 is an energy eigenvalue for
    all three effective wells shown in Figure 9.2a.
    but E2 is an eigenvalue only for l 1 and l 0.
  • The fact that all of these different wells have
    the same set of energy levels is a remarkable
    property peculiar to the Coulomb potential.
  • Because Eq.(9.11) is identical to the
    one-dimensional Schreodinger equation, we can use
    a graphical analysis, to gain more understanding
    of the form of the eigentunctions.
  • As we saw in Chapter 3, the product rR(r) is the
    probability amplitude for the radial coordinate.

  • Figure 9.2b shows graphs of the probability
    amplitudes rRnl(r) for the radial probability
    amplitudes rR20, rR21, and rR31, whose energy
    eigenvaluse are shown in Figure 9.2a as E2, E2,
    and E3, respectively.
  • Notice that the probability amplitude curves
    away from the axis in the region where E lt Veff
    (the classically forbidden region) and it curves
    toward the axis, tending to oscillate, where E gt
    Veff. the classical turning point, where E
    Veff, is a point of inflection for the
  • You may also notice that the function rR31
    curves more rapidly than rR21 in the allowed
    region, because the curvature is proportional to
    the kinetic energy.

  • As usual, each eigenfunction contains one more
    node than the eigenfunction immediately lower in
  • This point is reflected in the fact that the
    polynomial factor in R(r) has n - l terms, and
    thus there are n - l roots to the equation R(r)
  • Because each of the functions rR(r) is a
    probability amplitude, its absolute square
    is the probability density P(r) for finding
    the electron at a radius between r and r dr.
    (See Section 4.1 for details.)
  • Thus Figure 2 shows where the electron is likely
    to be, as far as the r coordinate is concerned.

  • It indicates how the average radius of the
    orbit increases as n increases it is evident
    from the figure that this average radius must be
    close to the value given by the original Bohr
  • Table of Wave Functions
  • The complete normalized wave functions
    unlm(r,?,f) for the lowest energy states of the
    hydrogen atom are given in Table 9.1.
  • These wave functions also apply to any
    one-electron ion. if one use the appropriate
    values for the atomic number Z and the nuclear
    mass M.
  • The probability densities associated with some
    of these wave functions are shown in Figure 9.3.

  • TABLE 9.1 Normalized wave Functions for Hydrogen
    Atoms and Hydrogen like lons

  • Comparison with the Bohr Model Correspondence
    Principle and Orbits in Hydrogen
  • Figure 1.7 shows elliptical orbits in the Bohr
    model of the hydrogen atom, for n 4. The major
    axis of each ellipse has a length of 16a0.

(No Transcript)
  • If you measure the orbits, you see that the
    most eccentric of these has a minimum value of r
    that is less than a0 (0.053 nm), and the maximum
    value of r in that orbit is greater than 31a0, or
    about 1.64 nm.
  • In that orbit the angular momentum is equal
    to h, so this would correspond to n 4 and l 1
    in the Schreodinger equation.
  • The graph of the probability density for this
    pair of quantum numbers is shown in Figure 9.4a.
  • You can see that the classically allowed
    region does indeed extend from less than 0.5nm to
    greater than 1.6nm.

  • FIGURE 9.4 Radial probability densities For
    three different states of the hydrogen atom. (a)
    For n 4, l 1, the allowed region stretches
    from r lt 0.5 nm to r gt l.6 nm. (b) For n 4, l
    3. the center of the allowed region is unchanged,
    but the region is narrower, extending from r ?
    0.6 to r ? 1.1 (c) For n 100, l 99, the
    allowed region is centered on r 530nm. the
    radius of the Bohr orbit for n 1OO. It extends
    from r ? 490 to r ? 570. This is the narrowest
    possible allowed region for this value of n. and
    it is much narrower than curve (b), relative to
    the value of ltrgt.

  • In Figure 9.4b, with the same n but l 3, the
    allowed region is much narrower. because the
    larger value of l means a less eccentric orbit.
  • For another example, you see in Figure 9.4c
    that the allowed region for n 100, l 99 is
    centered on approximately 530nm, just the Bohr
    radius for n 100.
  • You recall that this state has the maximum
    angular momentum of all the states with n 100,
    and as such the function has no nodes.
  • Notice how much narrower the classically allowed
    region appears with n 100.

  • It is actually broader, but as a fraction of the
    radius it has become smaller. (See Exercise 9.)
  • Spectroscopic Symbols
  • For historical reasons associated with
    observation of the various series of lines in
    atomic spectra, the l value of each state is
    designated by a letter, as follows
  • Letter s P d f g h i
  • l 0 l 2 3 4 5 6
  • The letters go, in alphabetical order for l
    gt 3. Each state is then identified by the nunber
    for n followed by the letter for l for example.
    3d for n 3. l 2

5.3 Solution of the Radial Equation for the
Hydrogen Atom
  • Simplification of the radial equation
  • The radial Schroedinger equation is given by

  • (E1)
  • To simplify the subsequent equations, we
    introduce the symbols

  • With these substitutions Eq.(E1) becomes

  • (E2)
  • To solve this equation, we begin with the limit
  • In that case (E3).
  • One solution of this equation is
    and it can be shown that any function of
    the form
  • is also a solution of Eq.(E3)
  • Therefore we write
    , where g(r) is a power series whose form we
    now seek.
  • Substitution into Eq.(E2) yields

  • (E6)

  • Substitution of the power series
  • into Eq.(E6) yields the following four series
  • To satisfy Eq.(E6), the sum of these four series
    must equal zero for all values of r. This can be
    true only

  • if the sum of the coefficients of each power of r
    is zero.
  • The lowest power,with exponent s-2, appears only
    twice. The sum of the coefficients of is
  • The reasonable solution for s is sl1.
  • Setting the coefficients of equal to
    zero gives us a relation

  • (E8)
  • The value of is determined by the
    normalization condition and we can then determine
    any of the

  • value b from Eq.(E8)
  • However,it can be shown that an infinite series
    with these coefficients goes to infinity as r
    tends to infinity.
  • We therefore need to find a value of
    for which this series has a finite
    number of terms. This will happen if one
    coefficient, is zero Eq.(E8) will then
    ensure that all succeeding coefficients will be
    zero as well.
  • When this occurs (and ), Eq.(E8)
    shows that
  • and therefore

  • From the definitions of and C we now find
    the energy in agreement with Eq.(9.12)

  • (E11)
  • where n is the radial quantum number,equal to
    l1q. The possible values of n are therefore
    l1, l2,lt, where t is the number of terms in
    the radial function R(r).
  • Equation (E8) can be used to write each radial
    function explicitly. For nl1we have only one
    term, and with the help of Eq.(E5) we have

  • where the value of is determined by the
  • When nl2, R(r) has two terms.Using Eq.(E8),
    first with q0 and again with q1,we have
  • and so, from (E14),
  • and Eq.(E13) then becomes
  • and therefore

  • (E17)

  • where again is determined by normalization.
  • The polynomials in brackets in Eq.(E17), as well
    as analogous polynomials for nl3, nl4, etc.,
    are called Laguerre polynomials.

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