Title: Measures of Central Tendency for Ungrouped Data
1Measures of Central Tendency for Ungrouped Data
- Mean Sum of all Values
- Number of Values
- Mean from a sample is x ?x/n
- Mean from population is ยต ?x/N
- Mean is very sensitive to outliers.
3Identity Fraud Victims in 2004 for Six States
4Table 3.2 (p. 77)Total Philanthropic Givings in
- Middle term of data after ranked in increasing
order. - Divides data into two equal parts.
- Not influenced by oultiers.
6Number of Car Thefts in 2003 in 12 Cities
- Value with the highest frequency in a data set.
- Not all data sets have a mode.
- Some data sets have more than one mode.
- Unimodal One mode.
- Bimodal Two modes.
- Multimodal More than two modes.
8Comparisons of Measures of Center
- Mean is most common and each member of the data
set is used in its calculation. - Median is better if the data set contains
outliers. - Mode is the easiest to locate, but not much use.
9Mean, median, and mode for a symmetric histogram
and frequency distribution curve.
10Mean, median, and mode for a histogram and
frequency distribution curve skewed to the right.
11Mean, median, and mode for a histogram and
frequency distribution curve skewed to the left.