Title: English Enhancement Grant Scheme for Primary Schools (EEGS)
1English Enhancement Grant Scheme for Primary
Schools (EEGS)
Second Round Application
4- What is
- Fine tuning of MOI?
- e.g. Aim? Target? When?
5Fine-tuning of MOI
- Aim increase Ss exposure to English and
- Ss use of English at junior
- secondary levels
- Target starting with F.1
- When commencing from 2010-11
6- Why is
- Fine tuning of MOI
- related to
- Primary schools or
7Fine tuning of MOI Policysupport measures for
primary schools
8- What is
- e.g. Aim? When? Amount? Duration?
9Aim of EEGS
- 1) to strengthen the learning and
- teaching of English in primary
- school
- 2) to achieve sustainable effects
- after the completion of the Scheme
- Rounds 3 (2010-2012)
- Amount Capped at 500,000 per school,
- (depends on school proposal)
- Duration one-off grant
- school may expend in 1 or 2
- years
11- Who is eligible for EEGS?
12- Aided,
- Government,
- DSS,
- Special schools
- with primary section
13- SBCD (Pri.) Section
- SWOT Analysis
(http//www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx? nodeID2864lan
14Sharing on the vetting of school application
15Vetting panel
- Composition representatives from the school
sector and EDB - Examines the appropriateness, feasibility
sustainability of the proposed implementation
plan - Recommends revision, when necessary
16- 3 common areas of development adopted by schools
applied in the first round
17Areas for development
1. Facilitate the planning, development
implementation of the school-based English
Language curriculum, with learning, teaching and
assessment as an integral part
2. Enhance English teachers professional
3. Create a rich English language learning
18- 5 common measures
- adopted by schools applied
- in the first round
191. Hiring supply teachers / TA
Release core team teachers to develop implement the enhancement measures No. of lessons released should match with the time needed for planning, developing implementing the measure NOT to reduce the workload of teachers in general NOT to release teacher for enrolling in award-bearing courses NOT to hire daily-paid supply teacher to release teacher to attend stand-alone courses NOT to employ TA to take up the teaching duties of English teachers
202. Hiring native English speaking teacher/ ELTA
Collaborate with local English teachers to create an English language rich environment Support teachers in conducting English Language learning and teaching activities, e.g. role-play in class Teachers should monitor his/ her performance NOT to provide professional development for teachers NOT to plan/ conduct the activities without the participation of English teachers NOT to hire service for conducting one-off programmes (e.g. English Fun Day)
213. Hiring of consultancy to integrate e-learning
with the English curriculum
Should tie in with the English language curriculum Should own the platform and e-learning materials Teachers should participate actively in planning, adapting the materials etc. Teachers should monitor the progress of students learning and give timely feedback NOT for subscription fee NOT for drilling purposes
224. Hiring of consultancy to integrate language
arts with the English curriculum
Should tie in with the English language curriculum Teachers should participate actively in co-planning co-teaching with the consultant Try out the new strategies during lessons and make adjustments according to students performance Disseminate the knowledge to other English teachers, e.g. sharing in panel meetings, peer lesson observation, video taping etc. ? NOT to ask the consultant to conduct the programme alone ? Teachers should NOT be merely responsible for administration / logistics NOT for a small group of students e.g. English Ambassador, drama performance NOT to charge administrative, printing and transport fees etc.
235. Acquisition of learning/ teaching resources
Purchase class sets for conducting Reading Workshops A variety of books with different text types Should tie in with the school-based English programme NOT merely adding stock in the library or for display only NOT to buy stationery / hardware e.g. laminator, ink, laminating films, computer etc. NOT to buy props, costumes, make-up, hire of venue, decoration, gifts NOT for printing books, subscribing newspaper etc.
School A School A
Measure adopted Hire an ELTA from a service provider
Implementation details ELTAs duties
Implementation details Teach a drama lesson in each class of KS 2 and conduct workshops on Drama-in-Education for teachers. Collaborate with teachers to design and conduct theme-based speaking activities outside classrooms.
( ? )
( ? )
School B
Measure adopted Hire of consultancy to integrate e-learning with English curriculum
Implementation details The ELT consultants design on-line learning and teaching materials for teachers to choose.
( ? )
School B
Implementation details The ELT consultants provide Teachers Professional Development Workshops to equip teachers with the essential skills needed to implement this measure.
Implementation details After the completion of the project, the materials developed can be sustained at 100 for each students account per year.
( ? )
( ? )
School C
Measure adopted Hire of a full-time supply teacher to release a core team for developing school-based Reading Workshops in P. 5
Implementation details The supply teacher will teach 28 lessons weekly to free up space for P.5 English teachers and a curriculum leader for curriculum development.
( ? )
School C
Implementation details The four P.5 teachers will have two extra free lessons for weekly co-planning. All 16 English lessons of the curriculum leader who is in charge of EEGS and a QEF Project will be taken up by the supply teacher.
Implementation details Two unit plans of a story book will be developed by the end of the second year.
( ? )
( ? )
School D
Measure adopted Purchase of learning and teaching resources for developing a schoolbased writing programme
Implementation details Purchase 10 storage boxes for keeping teaching materials.
Implementation details Pay for the printing cost of writing handbooks for students.
Implementation details Subscribe English newspaper for students.
( ? )
( ? )
( ? )
School D
Implementation details Purchase reference books on teaching writing for teachers to plan the curriculum.
Implementation details Purchase props and decorations for conducting pre- writing activities.
Implementation details Purchase a variety of books matching with the themes/ text types in the writing curriculum. They will be kept by the school and circulated among target levels in this programme. The use of books will be clearly written in the unit plans for future reference.
( ? )
( ? )
( ? )
31Revised Application Form
(http//www.language-education.com/ eng/doc/Downlo
ad_EEGS-Application(E) _2010.10.doc)
32Template of the Implementation Plan (1)
- Guiding questions to assist schools in
- - planning the details of the measure
- - drawing up a concrete plan before
33Template of the Implementation Plan (2)
- Time Scale
- clear and specific time indicators
- realistic and reasonable time frame
34Template of the Implementation Plan (3)
- Expected outcomes
- aligned with the objectives
- specific and reasonable output targets
- set both qualitative and quantitative indicators
35Template of the Implementation Plan (4)
- Sustainability
- long-lasting impact on school development
- enhancement of teachers capacity, e.g. develop
the necessary skills, ability to adapt the
skills/strategies to cater for the learners
36Template of the Implementation Plan (5)
- Progress-monitoring evaluation
- use appropriate evaluation tools
- frequent review
- develop a monitoring and evaluation mechanism
37Template of the Implementation Plan (6)
a b
38General Reminder
Ownership and team work
Measures vs Needs
No. of focuses vs Time Money
39Administrative and financial arrangement
40- Timeline for the
- second round of application
41Before approval
On/before 14 Jan Submit Application Form and Implementation Plan
Within 10 days after submission Acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail
Feb to May Modification of Plan (if needed)
End May to mid Jun Application result
42After approval
Mid-June 1. Briefing (Fin. Adm. Arrangements) 2. Bank account information 3. Performance Contract (for S/Vs signature)
Early Jul Tendering and recruitment (if applicable)
Early Aug Signed Performance Contract
Late Aug Cheque (1st year) Performance Contract collection
43Submit Application Form and Implementation Plan
on / before 14 Jan 2011
Acknowledgement e-mail (10 days after submission)
Modification of Plan (if needed) (Feb to May)
Application result (end May to mid Jun)
- Attend briefing (on Fin. Adm. Arrangements)
- Return bank account information
- Collect Performance Contract (for S/Vs
signature) (mid Jun)
Conduct tendering and recruitment (if applicable)
(early Jul)
Return the signed Performance Contract (early
Collect cheque (1st year) Performance Contract
(late Aug)
44Accounting arrangement
- a designated bank account is preferable
- If spending exceeds 500,000
- -top up with other funding (subject
- to the rules governing the other
- funding sources)
- Changes of the approved plan
- -seek prior approval from EDB
45Accountability of schools -evaluation reporting
- Implementation Plan
- b. Progress Final Reports
- c. Financial Statement Original Receipts
46Implementation plan
- endorsed by SMC / IMC
- incorporated in School Development Plan
- uploaded onto school webpage before end-October
of next year
47Progress Final Reports
- endorsed by SMC / IMC
- incorporated in the School Annual Report
- uploaded onto school webpage before end-November
of next year - send a copy to EDB
- Application form template of the
- implementation plan at
- SCOLAR website
- www.language-education.com
49- Post Application Form Implementation Plan
- to Room 1702, Skyline Tower, 39
Wang - Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay
- E-mail the soft copy (Word format) of the
Implementation Plan to - eegs_at_edb.gov.hk
- Do send us both hard and soft copy
- Dont send us the guiding notes
50Reference on procurement and recruitment
- for
- Aided and DSS schools
- Slide 51 - 54
51Procuring resources/ services Aided DSS
Schools (1)
- Tips on Handling Government Subventions for Aided
Schools - (http//www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_487
52Procuring resources/ services Aided DSS
Schools (2)
- 2. EDB Circular No. 15/2007 on Tendering and
Purchasing Procedures in Aided schools - (http//www.edb.gov.hk/UtilityManager/circular/up
53Procuring resources/ services Aided DSS
Schools (3)
- 3. School Administration Guide (ch.6 section 6.4)
- (http//www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_693
54Appointment of StaffAided DSS Schools
- EDB Circular No. 5/2005 on
- Appointment of Staff in Schools
- (http//www.edb.gov.hk/UtilityManager/circular/
55Reference on procurement and recruitment
- for
- Government schools
- Slide 56 - 60
56Procuring resources/ services Government Schools
- Stores and Procurement Regulations
- (http//portal.edb.gov.hk/diweb/education/web/
57Procuring resources/ services Government
Schools (2)
- 2. EDB Internal Circular No. 5/2009 Procedures
for Procurement of Stores - (https//apps.edb.gov.hk/education/circular/da
58Procuring resources/ services Government Schools
- 3. EDB Internal Circular No. 6/2009 Procedures
for Procurement of Services with a value not
exceeding 1.43 million - (http//apps.edb.gov.hk/education/circular/dat
59Procuring resources/ services Government
Schools (4)
- 4. EDB Internal Circular No. 7/2009 Hire of
Services from individual Persons - (http//apps.edb.gov.hk/education/circular/dat
60Appointment of Staff Government Schools
- EDB Internal Circular No. 4/2007
- Employment of Non-civil Service
- Contract Staff in Government
- Schools
- (https//apps.edb.gov.hk/education/circular/da
62Key Messages
major concerns
Teachers capacity
Students performance
63Thank You