7. The Confederacy of Dunces: The Legislative Function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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7. The Confederacy of Dunces: The Legislative Function


7. The Confederacy of Dunces: The Legislative Function Boring History Stuff Historically, the executive in ancient governments also performed legislative and judicial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 7. The Confederacy of Dunces: The Legislative Function

7. The Confederacy of Dunces The Legislative
Boring History Stuff
  • Historically, the executive in ancient
    governments also performed legislative and
    judicial functions.
  • Separation of legislative functions occurred in
    three main ways
  • 1. Once law-like traditions became entrenched,
    the king could not change them.
  • 2. Religious power structures gained power.
  • 3. Monarchs relinquished authority in return for
    acceptance of taxation.

A Dreary Discussion of Democratic Legislatures
  • While lawmaking is the most fundamental role
    legislative institutions play, they perform all
    of the following roles
  • Lawmaking
  • Representing
  • Checking
  • Legitimating
  • Educating

The Humdrum Function of Lawmaking
  • This is the most basic function of democratic
  • Bills are introduced by legislators but may come
    from constituents, interest groups, the
    executive, or elsewhere.
  • Most of the work of crafting legislation
    (research, hearings, debate, amending) occurs in

The Lackluster Function of Legislative
  • Another fundamental job of legislators is to
    represent their constituents.
  • A bicameral (two-house) legislature is useful if
    there is a need to represent different segments
    of society, such as by geography (the U.S.
    Senate) or by class (the British House of Lords).
  • The redundancy of two houses provides an
    additional check but also slows things down.

Representation Strategies
  • There are two main strategies for how seats in a
    legislature should be divided to represent the
    country geographic representation and
    proportional representation.
  • Geographic representation divides the nation into
    districts represented by the candidate who got
    the most votes (a plurality).
  • This is a first-past-the-post system that favors
    moderate candidates and a two-party system.

Representation Strategies
  • In proportional representation, voters vote for
    parties, which receive a portion of seats in the
    parliament based on their portion of the vote.
  • This results in a multiparty system.
  • District representation supports regional
  • Proportional representation supports ideological

Types of Representatives
  • A delegate is a representative who attempts to do
    exactly what his or her constituents want.
  • A trustee is a representative who believes that
    voters trust him or her to make the right
  • In reality, most representatives are politicos
    acting as delegates when issues are important to
    their constituencies and there is strong
    consensus, and acting as trustees the rest of the

Featureless Subsection on the Function of Checking
  • It is the responsibility of government
    institutions to watch over other government
    institutions (oversight).
  • Investigative hearings are an example of an
    oversight function.
  • Parliaments have shadow governments made up of
    members of the minority party.

The Wearisome Legislative Function of Legitimating
  • Legitimating refers to establishing the law as
    something that should be accepted.
  • This can simply be because an issue was decided
    in the legislature.

The Educating Function
  • Democratic legislatures must educate the
  • This function is facilitated by the media.
  • Members with geographic constituencies may also
    try other means of communication and education in
    their districts.

Hello, Mr. Smith
  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a film that
    portrays an idealistic, but naive, senator who
    gets caught up in real-world politics.
  • That senator engages in a one-man filibuster of a
    piece of graft-laden public works legislation.

Hello, Mr. Smith
  • The filibuster is a tactic used by a senator or a
    group of senators who, by indefinitely talking
    about a bill, intend to frustrate the proponents
    of the bill.
  • Ultimately, the senator in the movie is
    victorious as he sheds his naïveté to embrace a
    political tactic.
  • Even idealists must sometimes use political
    methods to achieve their goals (boycotts, civil
    disobedience, interest group pressure, and so on).

Legislatures in Parliamentary and Presidential
  • The presidential system creates a strong and
    independent executive.
  • The danger is that the executive becomes too
    strong (the imperial presidency)
  • By appealing directly to the people
  • By accumulating power as legislatures avoid
    controversial decisions out of their fear of
    constituent backlash

The Monotony of Gridlock in Presidential Systems
  • If checks and balances work too well, it may be
    very difficult for government to get anything
  • This is particularly true when there is divided
    government (different parties control different
  • Because of the separation of powers and gridlock,
    in the United States policymaking is often
    reduced to baby steps.

The Banality of Parliamentary Instability
  • Because it is difficult to enact big changes in a
    presidential system, social and economic policy
    remains fairly consistent.
  • In a parliamentary system, sweeping change is
    easier, and too much change can be a problem.
  • This is especially true for business or economic
    planning or any policymaking that looks to the
    future (education, law enforcement, and the like).

The Banality of Parliamentary Instability
  • A second source of instability in parliamentary
    systems is the tenure of the government itself.
  • A simply majority vote of no confidence will lead
    to the formation of a new government and often
    new elections.
  • The instability problem of parliaments is the
    opposite of and equal to the gridlock problem of
    presidential systems.

District versus Proportional Systems
  • A district system elects an individual who is
    clearly responsible for representing the interest
    of the district.
  • A proportional system increases the number of
    parties and the variety of political perspectives
  • A proportional system ensures that almost every
    vote is reflected in the final representation.

Coalition Governments
  • With more parties, it is often necessary to form
    coalitions to maintain a majority.
  • These are often ad hoc and uneasy alliances.
  • This is so especially when a minor party is in a
    key position to form a coalition one way or
  • Such relevant parties gain influence that far
    outweighs their electoral support.

Coalition Governments
  • While parliamentary governments do not suffer
    from gridlock, they may suffer from immobilism.
  • The more complex and fragile the ruling
    coalition, the more difficult it is to enact
    coherent legislation.
  • Occasionally a minority government will rule with
    an agreement that another party will abstain from
    a no-confidence vote.

Coalition Governments
  • Occasionally there will be a unity government
    when two major and opposing parties work together
    to achieve a higher national purpose.
  • France has a parliament and a president who is
    elected separately.
  • Such a system can result in cohabitation, with
    one party controlling the legislature and another
    controlling the presidency.

Representation Flaws in District Elections
  • Gerrymandering, or intentionally drawing
    districts to gain partisan advantage, may occur.
  • The loyalty of the representative may be split
    between the nations and the districts best
  • District loyalty discourages party loyalty and
    encourages pork-barrel politics.
  • Much of the legislators job becomes constituent

Authoritarian Legislative Institutions
  • Such institutions can provide important
    representation and advisory functions, especially
    in oligarchies.
  • They can also legitimate laws and decisions, more
    so if the people believe the parliaments are
    truly representative.
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