Attorney Fees/ Trust Accounts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Attorney Fees/ Trust Accounts


Week 6 * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Joan1171


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Attorney Fees/ Trust Accounts

Attorney Fees/ Trust Accounts
  • Week 6

  • Understand financial organization in law firms
  • Recognize ethical issues related to fee
  • Explain the purposes of and reasons for trust
  • Recognize ethical problems with trust accounts
  • Evaluate options for preventing and dealing with
    trust account ethical violations

Accounting Procedures
  • General Bank Account v. Trust Account
  • General Account Earned Fees
  • Trust Account Client money/third party funds
  • Required for attorneys who handle client funds
  • Ledger sheets

California Law
  • California Business Professions Code
    6146-6149-.5 (Fee Agreements)
  • Rules of Professional Conduct 3-400, 3-410
  • (Fee Agreements)
  • (See separate posting for laws and sample fee
    agreements from Calif. State Bar)

Agreements with clients
  • Should
  • always be in writing
  • set forth the expectations of the parties
  • explicitly explain the costs of the
  • be explained to the client
  • be signed by both parties
  • The client must be given a copy

Omit from fee agreements
  • Guarantees
  • Limit on lawyer liability
  • Limits on liability
  • Charges for costs

UPL and fee agreement
  • It is UPL for a paralegal to negotiate fee
  • Fee agreement must be explained to the client
  • A paralegal can explain the contract without
    committing UPL

Fees vs. Costs
  • Fees are the money earned by the law firm
  • Fee generators are lawyers and paralegals
  • Costs are the out of pocket costs paid to third
    parties related to the representation
  • filing expenses, court reporter expenses, expert

Rules of Legal Fees
  • English Rule the loser pays for litigation
  • American Rule each party pays for his/her own
    legal fees absent agreement
  • Fee-shifting statute a statute that says the
    loser pays the other partys legal fees

Different Fee Agreements
  • Contingency
  • Hourly
  • Value
  • Bonus
  • Fixed Fee

Contingency Agreements
  • Lawyer gets paid fees only if there is a
    positive outcome that generates money
  • Costs traditionally charged to client
    regardless of outcomeBut Calif. Has different
    ruledepends on fee agreement
  • Typical in plaintiffs personal injury work

Contingency Agreements, cont.
  • Typically set forth a split of the money
    generated by the case
  • Costs
  • Lawyers Portion
  • Clients Portion
  • Fee agreement must say where the costs are paid

Contingency Agreements, cont.
  • Some agreements pay the costs off the top and
    then divide the remaining amount
  • Some agreements divide the money and then pay the
    costs from the clients portion

Costs Contingency Fees
  • The law firm typically fronts the costs in
    contingency cases
  • Then gets reimbursed (no mark-up) at the end of
    the case
  • If no recovery attorney often uses unrecovered
    costs as tax deduction

Advertising Contingency fees
  • Advertisements should not say no recovery no
    fees because it misleads potential clients who
    do not understand the difference between fees
    and costs
  • Contingency fee agreements should say that the
    client is responsible for costs

Hourly Fee Agreement
  • Each lawyer and paralegal in a law firm is
    assigned a billing rate
  • Lawyers range from 100/hr to more than 1000/hr
  • Paralegals range from 30/hr to 200/hr

Hourly Fee Agreement, cont.
  • Each biller keeps track of his/her time on each
  • Time is billed to the client according to each
    billers billable rate
  • Client is also billed for costs

Hourly Fee Agreement, cont.
  • Hourly agreements are used in divorce (marital
    dissolution), criminal defense, personal injury
    defense, business litigation
  • Fee agreement should include potential future
    increases in billable rates (such as annual

Keeping track of time
  • Time records should always be honest
  • Time records should be complete with description
    of the task
  • Keep track of time contemporaneously with the
  • Time is billed (usually) in 1/10 of hour (6
    minute increments)

What is billable?
  • Paralegal tasks are billable at paralegal rates
  • Secretary/clerical tasks are not billable

What is awardable?
  • In a fee-shifting case, the prevailing party will
    apply to the court to have the losing party pay
    prevailing partys legal costs and fees
  • The petition must include a complete accounting
    of attorney/paralegal time on the case

Court awarded fees
  • Courts award objectively reasonable fees
  • Courts award fees for time spent by the correct
    biller (paralegals for paralegal tasks, etc.)
  • Courts will not award fees for clerical work

Ethical fees
  • padding timesheets is inflating your time or
    billing for work you did not do
  • Overbilling is fraud a tort and a crime

  • Security retainer-works like a deposit-it stays
    in an account to ensure the client pays the
    lawyer bills
  • Some law firms bill against the retainer take
    money from the retainer amount to pay the bills

Retainers, cont.
  • Non-refundable retainers earned on receipt
  • Advance payment retainer earned on receipt
    advance payment for future legal work

Fee fights
  • Sometimes clients and lawyers fight about the
    legal fees
  • Some of those fights end up in litigation
  • Some confidential information can be used in this

Referral Fees
  • Paying a fee to someone who refers a case to your
    law firm is illegal
  • Exception California lawyers can pay other
    California lawyers for a referral

Pro Bono
  • pro bono publico is Latin for doing legal work
    for free (for the public good)

Duty of Accounting
  • The legal professional must keep accurate records
    of all funds received from the client
  • Records should clearly differentiate each
    clients money from the others

Trust Accounts
  • Often called Attorney Trust Account
  • But it should be called Client Trust Account
  • Retainers (those not earned on receipt) must be
    deposited into this account

Trust Accounts, cont.
  • Client money must be kept in an interest-bearing
    checking account
  • One account can hold money from all of the firms
  • But accurate records must be kept on money going
    in and out for each client

Trust Accounts, cont.
  • Account must always have a positive balance (more
    than 0)
  • Account must only have client money in it
  • Money owed to the lawyer must be removed
    immediately (when it is earned)

Trust Accounts, cont.
  • Deposit
  • Retainers
  • Settlement money
  • Judgment money
  • Escrowed funds

General Operating Account
  • Regular business checking account
  • Should be used for paying office expenses
  • Rent
  • Salaries
  • Overhead items
  • Money is earned and removed from trust account,
    it should be deposited in here

Where the money goes
  • Lawyer trust account
  • General operating account
  • Lawyer personal account

Account violations
  • Many lawyers are disciplined for not having
    enough money in the trust account
  • All client accounts added together should equal
    the total amount in the account

Account violations, cont.
  • Lawyers are disciplined for having the wrong
    money in the trust account
  • Only client money should be in the trust account
  • Earned fees must be taken out immediately
  • Commingling is mixing the money

Account violations, cont.
  • Lawyers are disciplined for using this account
  • Personal or office expense payments must not be
    paid from this account
  • When money is earned, it must be moved to the
    General Op. Acct. before spending it

Account violations, cont.
  • Banks will report improper use of trust accounts
  • Never bounce a check
  • Find your state law on keeping a small amount of
    extra money in the trust account to cover check
    costs etc

  • Banks collect the interest on client trust
  • This money is used to fund legal services and pro
    bono organizations
  • Interest On Lawyer Trust Accounts
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