Title: Ultrasonic Tracking System
1Ultrasonic Tracking System
- Group 4
- Bill Harris
- Sabie Pettengill
- Enrico Telemaque
- Eric Zweighaft
- What is our project?
- Pan and tilt implemented system tracking an
ultrasonic beacon which sends a signal to 3
ultrasonic receivers, is carried around the room
by a team member - How does it work?
- The signal coming from an ultrasonic transmitters
is measured at three different locations - The difference in the time the signal is received
at each sensor is used to calculate a distance
relationship - Why is this project practical?
- Mitsubishi Motor company uses a similar design in
their automobiles for a collision avoidence
system - Various pest and animal repellent systems use
ultrasonic waves for tracking and repelling.
- Simulation of pan tilt system used as a cost
efficient method to determine - Motor required to drive system
- Gear, belt and pulley combination needed
- Response of system to motor, gear, belt and
pulley - Maximum performance variables for system
- Rough estimate of system response to sample
payload - Chance to show that we were paying attention in
all those math classes
- The system will track objects between 2 and 10
meters from the array - The system will track objects between 0 and 2
meters off the ground - The system will track items within .5 degree of
accuracy (within 10 cms of the object with
beacon) - The system must be able to track the beacon at
the speed of a human walking (.64 rad/sec)
5Major Change in Design
- With our previous sensor structure, there was not
a large enough motor that could handle the torque - We decided make a more compact sensor structure
which allowed us to go with a much smaller motor
in the Pittman 8000 series. - The sensor structure was made L shaped instead of
T shaped to allow for a simpler timer circuit
- Pittman GM8724S017
- 19.51 internal gearing ratio
- Encoder mounted directly to rotor increases
accuracy of encoder (encoder is not geared down) - External transmission gives additional reduction
ratio of 31
- Pittman GM8724S017
- Larger gearing ratio does not allow us to meet
our speed requirements - Smaller gearing ratio does not allow us to meet
our torque requirements - Gains must be chosen carefully to remain inside
the feasible range for both speed and torque
- Simulation
- Sinusoidal input
- Frequency of 0.63 rad/s
- Speed vs. Torque plot
- Shows that motor is well within limits, as long
as gains are kept at reasonable levels
- By intuitive adjustment of gains, a reasonable
response was obtained - But guessing is not a valid design approach
- SISO Design tool was used
- Linearized model was obtained using the
linearlization routines provided - Alternatively, the linmod command could be
called to create a linear State Space model from
the Simulink Diagram - This allows the designer to view pole/zero
locations, bode plots, AND response plots all at
the same time, and adjust poles, zeros, and gains
in any of these formats
- SISO Window Step Response
- Overshoot is very undesirable
- SISO Window Step Response
- PM 98.2 GM Inf. Zero overshoot, 1
14Notes on Controller
- Because of assumptions made in order to linearize
the system, this controller does not perform
perfectly on the non-linearized model, so some
adjustments will have to be made during assembly
and testing - We may wish to add an Integral term later to
cancel the 1 overshoot - Does not seem necessary now- it would only hurt
our transient response, and require more torque
and speed from the motor
15Justification for Sensor Parts
- Given the cost of larger motors, needed to have a
design with a small moment of inertia - The higher the clock frequency of timer circuit,
the smaller our sensor structure has to be - The cheapest TTL components had a maximum
functional frequency of 5 MHz - Chose an oscillator accordingly
- Pan and Tilt Parts
- Total 478.64
Part Part Quanity Price Total
Motor GM8724S017 2 192.86 385.72
Gear (large) A 6A 6-75NF01812 2 15.15 30.30
Gear (small) A 6A 6-25DF01806 2 7.76 15.52
Carbon Fiber T155-5 1 43.40 43.40
Timing Belt A6Z16-C018 2 1.86 3.70
17Additional Costs
- Total Amount for Timing Circuit and Sensors
46.52 - Total Cost for project 533.84
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Placing parts and payload on CAD drawings to
calculate P,I,M values for Matlab simulation
(Bill, Sabie)
Hardware - CAD designed payload added to Bens
CAD drawings system and edited P,I,M values are
calculated (Eric, Sabie)
Final design specifications are met (All
members) Parts are ordered (Eric, Sabie)
Simulation of pan and tilt system to obtain
feasibility and performance of test motor with a
test payload (Bill)
Final Motor feasibility simulation with payload
on pan and tilt system (Bill, Enrico)
Testing of control systems ability to track a
signal using amplitude, or distance and time
measurements (All members)
Presentation writeup (Enrico Eric)
Proposal writeup (Sabie, Enrico)
Weeks 1-2
Week 3
Week 4
Sensor development with focus on time\distance
relationship (Eric, Sabie) Encoder and amplifier
properties researched (Bill, Enrico)
Design model assembled (Enrico, Sabie) Sensor
assembly (Bill, Eric)
Further tolerance testing of physical equipment
Current Feedback control analyzing and testing to
find proper gains for accurate tracking (Bill,
Enrico) Encoder and amplifier properties
simulated (Eric, Sabie)
Testing and fine tuning of control feedback
system (Bill, Sabie) Sensor testing with
system (Enrico, Eric)
Test mechanics of system in terms of
motion (Bill, Enrico) Test mechanics of system
in terms of tracking (Eric, Sabie)
Progress Report (All members)