Title: Aligning SMSF investor needs to their asset allocation
1Aligning SMSF investor needs to their asset
2Aligning SMSF investor needs to their asset
- SMSFs represent significant opportunity for
advisers due to low awareness of legislation
investment issues - The Super System Review identified concerns
relating to asset allocation of SMSFs - Found SMSF investors have concentrated portfolios
- Many SMSFs maintain the same asset allocation
strategy for accumulation decumulation periods,
regardless of the change in investor needs
3A real opportunity
- 69 of SMSF trustees said they had a good
understanding of their obligations - Yet only 51 of SMSF investors said they were the
trustee - When asked if contribution limits apply to SMSF
contributions, 37 were unsure and 30 said no - 30 could not explain the sole purpose test
- 97 seek advice to set up an SMSF, but only 52
seek advice on their investment strategy
Source SMSF insights, CPA, Nov 09
4What do SMSF clients want from their fund?
Q. What are your top 3 priorities when selecting
investments for your SMSF? (Multiple responses
Source Investment Trends 2009 SMSF Investor
5- What SMSF investors are getting, is far from
what they want - or need
6- Accumulation phase insights and strategies
760 of SMSF assets in Aust shares cash
Mgd funds5.8
Aust shares33.5
Direct property12.5
Fixed interest1.3
Average asset allocation of SMSFs. Source A
Statistical Summary of Self-managed
superannuation funds. Review into the Governance,
Efficiency, Structure and Operations of
Australias Superannuation System. Table A SMSF
asset allocation percentage 2008. Australian
Government 2009.
8Very little exposure to overseas assets
Mgd funds5.8
Aust shares33.5
Direct property12.5
Fixed interest1.3
Average asset allocation of SMSFs. Source A
Statistical Summary of Self-managed
superannuation funds. Review into the Governance,
Efficiency, Structure and Operations of
Australias Superannuation System. Table A SMSF
asset allocation percentage 2008. Australian
Government 2009.
9High asset concentration in SMSFs
Asset concentration Proportion of SMSFs
100 20
90 34
80 47
70 61
60 76
50 91
An asset concentration of 100 indicates all
assets are held within a particular asset class
A Statistical Summary of Self-managed
superannuation funds. Review into the Governance,
Efficiency, Structure and Operations of
Australias Superannuation System. Table 21 2008
asset allocation. Australian Government 2009.
10Accumulation How to get from A to B
A. SMSF asset allocation
Mgd funds5.3
Aust shares32.7
Direct property14.0
Fixed interest1.0
11Accumulation How to get from A to B
A. SMSF asset allocation
Mgd funds5.3
Aust shares32.7
Direct property14.0
Fixed interest1.0
12Accumulation How to get from A to B
Explain benefits of overseas exposure Well-managed
, diversified funds options include Russell
Global Opps, Emerging Markets
A. SMSF asset allocation
Mgd funds5.3
Aust shares32.7
Direct property14.0
Fixed interest1.0
13- Decumulation phase insights and strategies
14AA in accumulation decumulation similar
Asset allocation of accumulation members and
pension members in SMSFs. Source A Statistical
Summary of Self-managed superannuation funds.
Review into the Governance, Efficiency, Structure
and Operations of Australias Superannuation
System. Table 20 2008 SMSF Asset allocations by
SMSFs in accumulation and decumulation.
Australian Government 2009.
15but needs significantly different
Attribute Accumulation Decumulation
Time horizon Known, controllable Unknown, uncontrollable
Investment goal Future wealth Ongoing cashflowFuture wealth/bequest
Risk measure Variability in wealth Sustainability of cash flowsVariability in wealth
Cashflow Steady contributions Steady withdrawals
Timing of returns Dollar cost averaging generally beneficial Returns in early years have greater effect than later years
Inflation Seek growth in excess of inflation Protect purchasing power
Retirement date becomes transition date
Source The fundamental differences in
accumulation and decumulation, Richard K Fullmer,
Senior Research Analyst, Russell Investments
16The advantages of staying invested in retirement
the 10/30/60 rule
Assumes investment return at 7.8 p.a., salary
growth of 4.75 p.a. and income stream indexed at
3 p.a. Calculations assume 40 years of
employment then payments for 25 years in
retirement. Based on analysis by Matt Smith,
Russell Investments.
17When do investors become decumulators
- Cash flow is more important than wealth
- Low opportunity/desire to earn income from work
- High reliance on savings to fund living costs
- Drawdown rate on assets is higher
- Cash flow needs to last for longer period
- Assets primarily for retirement expenditure
18Framework to simplify investment strategy
- Deal with unknown time horizon
- Balance conflicting objectives
- Adequate, sustainable income vs desire to leave
bequest - Keep pace with inflation
- Adapt to changing circumstances
- Market falls reducing assets
- Market gains fuelling expectations
- Unexpected expenditures
19Three distinct pools of capital
The Essentials bucket Funds the essential,
tolerable lifestyle
The Lifestyle bucket Funds your desired lifestyle
The Estate bucket All the additional money you
Source Don Ezra, Planning to Decumulate
20Asset allocation should be at the heart of an
investors SMSF needs
- Discuss life stages, transition date, goals
needs - Critically asses existing asset allocation
- Determine steps to redistribute assets
- Discuss benefits of professionally managed funds