Chapters 9,10 Auditory and Vestibular Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapters 9,10 Auditory and Vestibular Systems


Neural connections Function of the cochlea First stage of auditory processing 1. Spectral analysis Extracts frequency and amplitude information from sound waves 2. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapters 9,10 Auditory and Vestibular Systems

Chapters 9,10 Auditory and Vestibular Systems
  • Chris Rorden
  • University of South Carolina
  • Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health
  • Department of Communication Sciences and
  • University of South Carolina

  • The ear converts sound energy into patterns of
    neural firing transduction
  • Outer ear collect and amplify sound, aid in
  • Middle ear impedance matching
  • Cochlea frequency and intensity analysis
  • Auditory pathway complex signal processing

Ear structures
  • Peripheral
  • Outer ear
  • Middle ear
  • Inner ear
  • Auditory nerve
  • Central
  • Brainstem
  • Midbrain
  • Cerebral

Anatomy and function
  • Pinna the projecting part of the ear lying
    outside of the head (also called auricle, or just
    ear lobe)
  • Reflection of sound in pinna provides spectral
    cues about elevation of a sound source

Outer Ear Auditory Canal
  • External auditory meatus
  • Provides communication between middle and inner
    ears by conducting sound to the ear drum
  • S-shaped tube _at_ 2.5cm long and _at_ 7mm wide
  • Lining of the lateral 1/3rd of canal has cilia
    and glands
  • Cerumen (ear wax) protects ear canal from drying
    out and prevents intrusion of insects

Outer Ear - Ear drum
  • Tympanic membrane
  • Separates outer and middle ear
  • Compliant
  • Thin, three-layered sheet
  • Epithelium of EAM outer layer
  • Middle layer fibrous (strong) tissue
  • Inner layer of middle ear mucous membrane

Outer Ear - Ear drum
  • Slightly concave to EAM, cone-shaped
  • Most depressed and thinnest point is called the
  • End of the attachment of malleus
  • Cone of light from umbo to periphery reflects
    light when viewed with otoscope
  • Slightly oval, taller than wide
  • Otoscope if you pull the pinna up and back the
    tympanic membrane is visible

Middle Ear Tympanic Membrane
Role of outer ear
  • To augment the sound shadow
  • Ear canal protects delicate parts of middle and
    inner ear from impact.
  • To heighten our sensitivity to sounds
  • Ear canal boosts sounds 15 to 16 dB between 1.5
    and 8 kHz (in the area of speech)
  • This is due to resonance of ear canal
  • Just like vocal tract this tube amplifies and
    dampens certain frequencies based on its length
    and composition

Localization and shadowing
  • Intensity differences louder if nearer, less
  • Inter-aural timing differences
  • Frequencies influenced by location relative to

Middle Ear Eustachian Tube
  • Establishes communication between middle ear and
  • 35 to 38 mm long, typically closed
  • Biological functions
  • To permit middle ear pressure to equalize with
    external air pressure
  • On the air plane, change in atmospheric pressure
    but not pressure in middle ear
  • Yawning or swallowing opens pharyngeal orifice of
    tube to equalize pressures
  • To permit drainage of normal and diseased middle
    ear secretions into the nasopharynx

Middle Ear - Ossicles
  • 3 of the smallest bones
  • Malleus (hammer)
  • Incus (anvil)
  • Stapes (stirrup)
  • Ossicular chain Transmits acoustic energy from
    tympanic membrane to inner ear
  • Acts as lever large weak motion of TM causes
    small forceful movement of stapes.
  • Takes force from gas (air) and matches impedance
    to liquid (inner ear).
  • Muscles allow movement to be attenuated Prevents
    the inner ear from being overwhelmed by
    excessively strong vibrations

Middle Ear Ossicles
Middle Ear Ossicles - Malleus
Malleus (hammer) 9 mm long Manubrium (handle)
attaches to tympanic membrane pulls the drum
medially Caput (head) jointed (quite inflexibly)
to Incus
Middle Ear Ossicles - Incus
  • The ossicles give the eardrum mechanical
    advantage via lever action and a reduction in the
    area of force distribution
  • Pressure Force/Area so less area more
  • the resulting vibrations would be much smaller if
    the sound waves were transmitted directly from
    the outer ear to the oval window.
  • The movements of the ossicles is controlled
    muscles attached to them (the tensor tympani and
    the stapedius).These muscles can dampen the
    vibration of the ossicles, in order to protect
    the inner ear from excessively loud noise and
    that they give better frequency resolution at
    higher frequencies by reducing the transmission
    of low frequencies

Middle Ear Ossicles - Stapes
Head (caput) jointed to incus Anterior and
posterior crura (legs) Footplate joins oval
window of inner ear (opening in temporal bone)
via annular ligament
Cochlea and neighbors
Inner Ear - Cochlear
Osseous cochlea
  • Oval window
  • Connects scala vestibuli and middle ear
  • Round window
  • Connects scala tympani and middle ear

Cochlear Structures
  • Cochleus from 5mo fetus
  • Oval window (blue arrow)
  • Round window (yellow arrow)

  • Base
  • High Freq
  • Apex
  • Low Freq.

Travelling wave
  • Always starts at the base of the cochlea and
    moves toward the apex
  • Its amplitude changes as it traverses the length
    of the cochlea
  • The position along the basilar membrane at which
    its amplitude is highest depends on the frequency
    of the stimulus

Traveling wave
  • High frequencies have peak influence near base
    and stapes
  • Low frequencies travel further, have peak near
  • A short movie
  • Green line shows 'envelope' of travelling wave
    at this frequency most oscillation occurs 28mm
    from stapes.

Cochlear structure
  • Cross-section shows the coiling of the cochlear
    duct The red arrow is from the oval window, the
    blue arrow points to the round window.
  • Scala media filled w Endolymph
  • scala vestibuli filled w Perilymph
  • scala tympani filled w Perilymph
  • spiral ganglion
  • nerve fibres

Inner Ear - Labyrinth
Endolymph K 100 mV Perilymph Na 20mV
Reissners Membrane Basilar Membrane
Inner Ear Organ of Corti
Both types of hair cells protrude into endolymph
of scala media,
Inner Ear OHC IHC
  • Inner Hair Cells
  • Non-motile
  • Outer Hair Cells
  • Vibrates when triggered acts as preamplifier.

Hair cells are mechanically gated ion channels
deflection of hairs depolarizes the cell,
resulting in a receptor potential causing
calcium ions to enter, which in turn stimulates
the release of neuroreceptors.
Neural connections
  • Inner hair cells many nerve fibers for each cell
    (many-to-one innervation) 3500
  • Outer hair cells each nerve fiber connected to
    many hair cells (one-to-many innervation). 12000

Function of the cochlea
  • First stage of auditory processing
  • 1. Spectral analysis
  • Extracts frequency and amplitude information from
    sound waves
  • 2. Temporal analysis
  • Basic temporal characteristics of sounds

  • The ear codes frequency in two ways
  • Position of neural responses along basilar
    membrane changes with frequency - tonotopic
    organization or the place coding
  • Timing of neural responses follows the time
    waveform of sound phase-locking

Place coding
  • Place coding Auditory frequency coded by
    location of stimulation.
  • Base
  • High Freq
  • Apex
  • Low Freq.

Phase locking
  • The rate of neural firing matches the sound's
  • Problem some auditory frequencies much faster
    than neurons can fire
  • Each neuron can only fire around 200 times per
  • Solution volley principle large numbers of
    neurons that are phased locked can code high

Afferent and efferent innervation
  • Afferent signals from sense organ to brain
  • Auditory signals
  • Efferent signals from brain to sense organ
  • Inhibits auditory signals
  • Both cochlear and ossicles
  • Improves signal-to-noise ratio by suppressing

Primary auditory cortex
Medial geniculate Body (thalamus)
Inferior colliculus (in midbrain)
Auditory radiation
Cochlear and Superior olivary Complex in the
Central Auditory Mechanism
  • Auditory input projects to the cortex
    bilaterally, with stronger contralateral
  • The superior olive and the inferior colliculus
    send efferent fibers back to attenuate motion of
    the middle ear bones (dampen loud sounds)

  • Cochlear Nucleus
  • Evidence of signal processing (monaural)
  • Superior Olivary Complex (SOC)
  • Binaural processing
  • Localization of sound source
  • Low frequency sounds arrival time compared
  • High frequency sounds intensity level compared

Auditory Pathway
  • Lateral Lemniscus
  • Fiber tract within CNS
  • From SOC to IC
  • Inferior Colliculus (IC)
  • Bilateral innervation
  • Frequency, intensity and temporal processing
  • Medial Geniculate Body (MGB)
  • Tonotopic mapping
  • Complex responses to contralateral signals

Cerebral cortex
  • Signal comes primarily from contralateral ear via
    ipsilateral MGB
  • Heschls gyrus
  • Tonotopic mapping in columns
  • Each column has one characteristic frequency
  • Neurons in column responsive to different
    stimulus parameters, like frequency and intensity

Anatomy and function
  • Many sound features are encoded before the signal
    reaches the cortex

- Cochlear nucleus segregates sound
information - Signals from each ear converge on
the superior olivary complex - important for
sound localization - Inferior colliculus is
sensitive to location, absolute intensity, rates
of intensity change, frequency - important for
pattern categorization - Descending cortical
influences modify the input from the medial
geniculate nucleus - important as an adaptive
medial geniculate body
inferior colliculus
cochlear nucleus complex
superior olivary complex
Clinical Notes
  • Conductive
  • Cerumen in canal, Otitis Media of Middle Ear (ear
  • Sensorineural
  • Menieres disease (abnormality in the fluids of
    the inner ear vertigo), Presbycusis (age
    related hearing loss)
  • Central
  • Pathology in cortex
  • Bilateral auditory cortex lesions result in
  • Profound loss of auditory discriminative skills
  • Impaired speech perception
  • Hearing loss
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