Title: Assistive Technology
1 2Types of AT Devices
- Low-tech non-electrical eg pencil grip
- High-tech computerised systems eg voice
recognition system - No-Tech Human Assistance (PA), Family, Friends
3Miscellaneous Examples of AT
- Aids for Daily Living gtgt Clocks gtgt Day Clock
Day Date is a calendar clock designed for use
with individuals with Alzheimer's disease,
cognitive disabilities, brain injury, or memory
disabilities. The rectangular clock dispays the
day of the week, the date, and the month
4 5gtgt Housekeeping gtgt Shopping Bag Handle
- 4. EZ CARRYEZ Carry is a shopping bag handle or
carrier designed for use by individuals with
upper extremity disabilities or arthitis or for
seniors. This handle has an ergonomic, contoured
grip and supports up to 50 punds in plastic
shopping bags....
6gtgt Controls gtgt Environmental Control Units
gtgt Environmental Control Unit
- The Companion Remote Control unit, model HC1800C,
is a remote environmental control unit designed
for use by individuals with mobility or severe
physical disabilities or spinal cord injury.
Using infrared and radio frequency technology,
the unit can .
7 Recreation gtgt Garden Handtools gtgt
Lightweight Garden Tool
Hand Tools are a set of short handled garden
tools designed for use by individuals with carpal
tunnel syndrome, arthritis, or other upper
extremity disabilities resulting in limited hand
strength. The set includes a cultivator, trowel
8 Housekeeping gtgt Powered Door Opener for Trash
Receptacle with Swinging Door
- 1. I-OPENRThe I-OpenR is a powered door opener
for a trash receptacle with a swinging door
designed for use by individuals with upper
extremity or severe physical disabilities or
spinal cord injury. Usable in the home or in
restaurants, food courts, and other
9gtgt Housekeeping gtgt Programmable Floor Washer
Washing Robot is a programmable floor washer
designed for use by individuals with mobility or
upper extremity disabilities. This unit uses
prepares, cleans, and dries sealed hardwood, tile
and linoleum flooring. The device prepares
10gtgt Blind and Low Vision gtgt Voice Output
CALCULATOR (MODEL CP1213D-M)The Modified Canon
Talking Desktop Business Calculator, model
CP1213D-M, is a voice output calculator designed
for use by individuals who are blind or have low
vision. This modified version of the Canon
business calculator speaks entries and totals
11gtgt Blind and Low Vision gtgt Voice Output
Microwave Oven
87108)The Temo Talking Microwave Oven is a voice
output microwave oven designed for use by
individuals who are blind or have low vision. In
addition to a talking control panel, this
microwave has a notched knob to set cooking
times. Speech output can be in...
12gtgt Recreation gtgt Board Games gtgt Voice Output
- 2. EXPLORER GLOBEThe Explorer Globe is a voice
output globe with interactive educational games
designed for children with learning disabilities
or low vision. When a spot on the globe is
touched with a special pen, facts in selected
categories are spoken with a clear...
13Computer Input
- Conventional Input Methods
- Alternatives to Keyboard Input
- Alternatives to Mouse Input
- Input by Switch
- Voice Recognition
14Alternative Keyboards
- Alternative Keyboard Layout
- Qwerty
- Alphabetic
- Dvorak Keyboard/frequency of use
- Specialised Keyboards
- Microsoft Natural Keyboard
- Ergonomic Keyboard
- Expanded/mini Keyboard
15(No Transcript)
16Maltron Ergonomic Keyboard
17Maltron keyboard
18Infra-red Keyboard
19Infra-red Keyboard
20BAT Keyboard
23Tash Mini keyboard keyguard
24Cherry Mini Keyboard
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
28Mouse Alternatives
- Alternative Pointing devices
- Trackballs
- joysticks
- Touch Pads
- Head Mouse
- Mouse Emulation
- Touch Screen
- Screen Hotspots
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
31LogitechMarble mouse
33Joystick Mouse
Penny and Giles Joystick Plus
34Penny and Giles Tracker
Penny and Giles Trackball Plus
36(No Transcript)
37Head Mouse
Zygo Head Mouse
38Augmentative Alternative Communication
40Message Mate 20
41Big Mack
43Touchpad PC
44Environmental Control
45Remote controls
46Remote telephone set
47Big button phone set
48X-10 Technology
49Switch Access
- Single/Double Switch Input
- On Screen Keyboards
- Morse Code
50(No Transcript)
51(No Transcript)
52Voice Recognition
- Discrete/Continuos
- Text Input
- Hands Free
- Successful Use
- Speech Consistency
- literacy Skills
- Familiar with PCs
- Patience!!!!!!!!
53Software Utilities
- Microsoft Accessibility Features
- Abbreviation Expansion
- Word Prediction
- Macros
- Maths Tools
54Accessibility Options
- Sticky Keys
- Filter Keys
- Toggle Keys
- Mouse Keys
- Easy Access - for Macintosh
55Microsoft Accessibility Wizard
56Microsoft Magnifier
57Abbreviation Expansion
- Abbreviation Expansion is a method by Which
maximum input may be obtained by assigning a
letter/s to pre-stored phrases or sentences
58The Question is!
- When technology removes limitations, what we as
individuals with disabilities can do depends
strictly upon our abilities, training and
experience. - Frank Bowe (U.S.)
59Access Issues
- Hand Dexterity
- Mobility
- Communication
- Visual
- Hearing
- Learning
60Hand Dexterity
- Keyguards
- Alternative Keyboards
- Alternative Mice
- Accessibility Features
61Hand Dexterity Contd
- Dragon Naturally Speaking
- (Sound Card)
- Noise
- Text Help (Word Prediction)
- On Screen Keyboards (NT-Future)
- Physical Access to the Lab
- Accessible Toilet
- Height Adjustable Tables
- Infra-Red Keyboards/Mice
- Radio Mikes
- Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC)
devices - Specialised Software to link AAC device to Pc
- Training for Staff on Communication skills
- Magnification
- Zoomtext Level 1
- Zoomtext Level 2 - speech output
- Text Reader
- Jaws
- Kurzweil 1000
- Scan Read Text
- Active Window Flashing
- Fire Alarm/Time Up
- Voice Recognition
- Reading Software/Hardware
- Text Help
- Kurzweil 3000
67So many Examples of Assistive Technology
- So what is it?
- Are there formal Definitions?
- The following are some major definitions
68Definition of Assistive Technology Device
- Any item, piece of equipment or product system
whether acquired commercially, off the shelf,
modified or customised that is used to increase
or improve functional capabilities of individuals
with disabilities. - (Technical assistance to the States act in U.S.)
69Definitions of Assistive Technology
- International ISO-9999 standard Any product,
instrument, equipment or technical system used by
a disabled or elderly person, made specially or
existing on the market, aimed to prevent,
compensate, relive or neutralize the deficiency,
the inability of the handicap.--technical and
device orientated definition
70Definitions of Assistive Technology
- A. Cook and S. Hussey (Cook and Hussey, 95)
assistive Technology as a broad range of devices,
technical aids, strategies, services, practices,
with the main objective of improving the quality
of life of the disabled and the elderly. - a
broader approach
71Definitions of Assistive Technology
- European HEART definition the ultimate
objective of AT is to contribute to the effective
enhancement of the lives of people with
disabilities and elderly people, helping to
overcome and solve their functional problems,
reducing dependence on others, and contributing
to the integration into the families and society.
- outcome perspective
72What are the major concerns of AT
- Since it involves manufactured products the
following are key aspects
73Assistive Technology Field
- Research
- Development
- Production
- Trade
- Finance
- Service Delivery
- Usage
74Research Development
- RD contains research and development activities
in science and engineering. RD can be seen as
the practice of experimentation and the creation
of new products and services. (Wagner and Yezil,
75Production Trade
- Big AT Companies manufacture in low cost
countries and assemble the products in Western
Europe - SMEs niches in the AT market
- Trade similar
76Service Delivery
- A lot of countries are medical orientated
77Web Resources
- Physical disabilities www.crc.ie
- www.atireland.ie (future)
- Hearing impairments www.nadp.ie
- Visual impairments www.ncbi.ie
- Dyslexia www.iol.ie/acld www.dyslexia-inst
.org.uk - Education www.scoilnet.ie