Title: Mutual Funds
1Mutual Funds
- Me - no expert
- Not Comprehensive
- Majority from websites and some practical
Mutual Fund Defined
Brief History
Terminologies Demystified
Organization of Mutual Fund
Risk Behavior
Types of Schemes
Investment Strategies
Equity Funds
Buying a Mutual Fund
Selecting a Mutual Funds
Keeping Track
Mutual Funds Comparision
Reference Websites
Warning Signals
4Mutual Fund ??
- Form of trust that pools the funds of a whole lot
of investors to make more money by investing in
an array of financial instruments. - Advantages of a MF
- Professional Management
- Diversification
- Flexibility in choice - selection, redemption
- Low costs
- Transparency
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6Brief History
- 1964-UTI
- 1987- Public Sector banks, Insurance Companies
- SBI, Canbank, PNB LIC, GIC
- 1993- Private Sector
- Kothari Pioneer ( later merged with Franklin
Templeton), J P Morgan, Morgan Stanley, George
Soros and Capital International
7Organization of a Mutual Fund
- Governed by SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulation 1996
- All MFs registered with it, constituted as trusts
( under Indian Trusts Act, 1882) - Bank operated MFs supervised by RBI too
- AMC registered as Companies registered under
Companies Act, 1956 - SEBI- Very detailed guidelines for disclosures in
offer document, offer period, investment
guidelines etc. - NAV to be declared everyday for open-ended, every
week for closed ended - Disclose on website, AMFI, newspapers
- Half-yearly results, annual reports
- Select Benchmark depending on scheme and compare
9Terminologies Demystified
- Asset Allocation
- Diversifying investments in different assets such
as stocks, bonds, real estate, cash in order to
optimize risk. - Fund Manager
- The individual responsible for making portfolio
decision for a mutual fund, in line with funds
objective. - Fund Offer Document
- Document with investment objectives, risk
factors, expenses summary, how to invest etc. - Dividend
- Profits given to the investor from time to time.
- Growth
- Profits ploughed back into scheme. This causes
the NAV to rise.
10Terminologies Contd
- Market value of assets of scheme minus its
liabilities. - Per unit NAV Net Asset
Value - No.
of Units Outstanding on Valuation date - Entry Load/Front-End Load (0-2.25)
- The commission charged at the time of buying the
fund. - To cover costs for selling, processing
- Exit Load/Back- End Load (0.25-2.25)
- The commission or charge paid when an investor
exits from a mutual fund. Imposed to discourage
withdrawals - May reduce to zero as holding period increases.
- Sale Price/ Offer Price
- Price you pay to invest in a scheme. May include
a sales load. (In this case, sale price is higher
than NAV) - Re-Purchase Price/ Bid Price
- Price at which close-ended scheme repurchases its
11Types of Mutual Fund Schemes
- By Structure
- Open-Ended anytime enter/exit
- Close-Ended Schemes listed on exchange,
redemption after period of scheme is over. - By Investment Objective
- Equity (Growth) only in Stocks Long Term (3
years or more) - Debt (Income) only in Fixed Income Securities
(3-10 months) - Liquid/Money Market (including gilt) Short-term
Money Market (Govt.) - Balanced/Hybrid Stocks Fixed Income
Securities (1-3 years) - Other Schemes
- Tax Saving Schemes
- Special Schemes
12(No Transcript)
- Historical analysis
- Return is remembered, Risk forgotten
- Risk Potential for Harm
- Market Risk
- Non-Market Risk
- Credit Rate Risk
- MF Risk Volatility (fluctuation of NAV)
- Standard Deviation
- Websites give star rating ( basis risk-adjusted
14Investment strategies
- Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
- Invest a fixed sum every month. (6 months to 10
years- through post-dated cheques or Direct Debit
facilities) - Fewer units when the share prices are high, and
more units when the share prices are low. Average
cost price tends to fall below the average NAV. - Systematic Transfer Plan (STP)
- Invest in debt oriented fund and give
instructions to transfer a fixed sum, at a fixed
interval, to an equity scheme of the same mutual
fund. - Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
15Before declaration of dividend / bonus Before declaration of dividend / bonus Before declaration of dividend / bonus Before declaration of dividend / bonus Before declaration of dividend / bonus
Growth Dividend payout Dividend reinvestment Bonus
NAV 20 20 20 20
Units 100 100 100 100
Value (Rs) 2,000 Rs 2,000 Rs 2,000 Rs 2,000
After declaration of dividend / bonus After declaration of dividend / bonus After declaration of dividend / bonus After declaration of dividend / bonus After declaration of dividend / bonus
NAV 20 19 19 18.1818
Units 100 100 105.2631 110
Value (Rs) 2000 1900 2000 2000
Dividend received in cash - Rs 100 - -
Additional units - - 5.2631 10
16Equity Funds
- Diversified equity funds
- Index funds
- Opportunity funds
- Mid-cap funds
- Equity-linked savings schemes
- Sector funds like Auto, Health Care, FMCG etc
- Dividend Yield Funds
- Others (Exchange traded, Theme, Contra etc)
17Investing in Equity Funds
- Errors
- Invest in only top performing funds
- These cannot go wrong
- Replicate past performance in future
- Appropriate way
- Right Mix of equity MFs (Top 3-4 funds, may all
be mid-cap funds) - Have variety of funds like diversified funds,
mid-cap funds and sector funds in right
proportion. - Beginner- it makes sense to begin with a
diversified fund - Gradual exposure to sector and specialty funds.
- Look at performance of various funds with similar
objectives for at least 3-5 years (managed well
and provides consistent returns)
18Tired of your savings account?
- Extra Cash in savings A/c?? Consider Cash Funds
- Liquidity Savings account wins
- b/w a savings account and a fixed deposit, no ATM
(Now- Rel Regular Savings Fund) - Safety Savings account wins
- All mutual funds are subject to market risks
- Returns Cash funds win
- Upto about 17.5 return
- Performance Cash funds win
- Interest rate fluctuations covered by quick
maturation - Invest when surplus money in savings a/c based on
expense ratio
19(No Transcript)
20Investing Checklist
- Draw up your asset allocation
- Financial goals Time frame (Are you investing
for retirement? A childs education? Or for
current income? ) - Risk Taking Capacity
- Identify funds that fall into your Buy List
- Obtain and read the offer documents
- Match your objectives
- In terms of equity share and bond weightings,
downside risk protection, tax benefits offered,
dividend payout policy, sector focus - Check out past performance
- Performance of various funds with similar
objectives for at least 3-5 years (managed well
and provides consistent returns)
21Checklist Contd
- Think hard about investing in sector funds
- For relatively aggressive investors
- Close touch with developments in sector, review
portfolio regularly - Look for load' costs
- Management fees, annual expenses of the fund and
sales loads - Does the fund change fund managers often?
- Look for size and credentials
- Asset size less than Rs. 25 Crores
- Diversify, but not too much
- Invest regularly, choose the S-I-P
- MF- an integral part of your savings and
wealth-building plan.
22Portfolio Decision
- The right asset allocation
- Age in debt instruments
- Reality different financial position, different
allocation - Younger Riskier
- Selecting the right fund/s
- Based on schemes investment philosophy
- Long-term, appetite for risk, beat inflation
equity funds best - TRAPS TO AVOID
- IPO Blur
- Begin with existing schemes (proven track record)
and then new schemes - Avoid Market Timing
23MF Comparison
- Absolute returns
- difference of NAV
- Diversified Equity with Sector Funds NO
- Benchmark returns
- SEBI directs
- Fund's returns compared to its benchmark
- Time period
- Equal to time for which you plan to invest
- Equity- compare for 5 years, Debt- for 6 months
- Market conditions
- Proved its mettle in bear market
24Buying Mutual Funds
- Contacting the Asset Management Company directly
- Web Site
- Request for agent
- Agents/Brokers
- Locate one on AMFI site
- Financial planners
- Bajaj Capital etc.
- Insurance agents
- Banks
- Net-Banking
- Phone-Banking
- ATMs
- Online Trading Account
- ICICI Direct
- Motilal Oswal, Indiabulls- Send agents
25Keeping Track
- Filling up an application form and writing out a
cheque end of the story NO! - Periodically evaluate performance of your funds
- Fact sheets and Newsletters
- Websites
- Newspapers
- Professional advisor
26Warning Signals
- Fund's management changes
- Performance slips compared to similar funds.
- Fund's expense ratios climb
- Beta, a technical measure of risk, also climbs.
- Independent rating services reduce their ratings
of the fund. - It merges into another fund.
- Change in management style or a change in the
objective of the fund.
- http//news.moneycontrol.com/mf/glossary.php
- http//www.investopedia.com/university/mutualfunds
/default.asp - http//www.valueresearchonline.com
- http//www.amfiindia.com/
- http//www.sbimf.com/portal/static/calculator/Risk
Assess/RiskAssessCal1.asp - http//www.mutualfundsindia.com/resourcecentre.asp