Analysis of Financial Statements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of Financial Statements


CHAPTER 3 Analysis of Financial Statements Dr. Omar Al Nasser FINC 6352 * * Topics in Chapter 3 Ratio analysis Du Pont system * Why are ratios useful? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analysis of Financial Statements

  • Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Dr. Omar Al Nasser
  • FINC 6352

Topics in Chapter 3
  • Ratio analysis
  • Du Pont system

Why are ratios useful?
  • Standardize numbers facilitate comparisons
  • Used to highlight weaknesses and strengths
  • From an investors standpoint
  • The real value of financial statements lies in
    the fact that they can be used to predict future
    earnings, dividends, and free cash flow.
  • From management standpoint
  • Financial statements is useful to anticipate
    future conditions and as a starting point for
    planning actions that will improve the firms
    future performance.

Income Statement
2007 2008E
Sales 5,834,400 7,035,600
COGS 4,980,000 5,800,000
Other expenses 720,000 612,960
Deprec. 116,960 120,000
Tot. op. costs 5,816,960 6,532,960
EBIT 17,440 502,640
Int. expense 176,000 80,000
EBT (158,560) 422,640
Taxes (40) (63,424) 169,056
Net income (95,136) 253,584
Balance Sheets Assets
2007 2008E
Cash 7,282 14,000
S-T invest. 20,000 71,632
AR 632,160 878,000
Inventories 1,287,360 1,716,480
Total CA 1,946,802 2,680,112
Net FA 939,790 836,840
Total assets 2,886,592 3,516,952
Liabilities Equity
2007 2008E
Accts. payable 324,000 359,800
Notes payable 720,000 300,000
Accruals 284,960 380,000
Total CL 1,328,960 1,039,800
Long-term debt 1,000,000 500,000
Common stock 460,000 1,680,936
Ret. earnings 97,632 296,216
Total equity 557,632 1,977,152
Total LE 2,886,592 3,516,952
Other Data
2007 2008E
Stock price 6.00 12.17
of shares 100,000 250,000
EPS -0.95 1.01
DPS 0.11 0.22
Book val. per share 5.58 7.91
Lease payments 40,000 40,000
Tax rate 0.4 0.4
What are the five major categories of ratios?
  • Liquidity Can the company makes the required
    payments for short-term creditors/suppliers and
  • Asset management Do we have the right amount of
    assets for the level of sales?
  • Debt management Do we have the right mix of debt
    and equity?

What are the five major categories of ratios?
  • Profitability Do sales prices exceed unit costs?
    Shed light upon the overall effectiveness of
    management regarding the returns generated on
    sales and investment.
  • Market value What investors think about the
    companys past performance and future prospects?

Liquidity Ratios
  • Provides information on a companys ability to
    meet its short-term obligations.
  • A liquid asset is one that be easily converted to
    cash without significant loss of its original

Liquidity Ratios
  • Current Ratio
  • Is calculated by dividing current assets by
    current liabilities.
  • Indicated the extent to which CL are covered by
    assets expected to be converted into cash in the
    near future
  • Current ratio Current assets / Current
  • 2680 / 1040 2.58 times

Liquidity Ratios
  • Quick Ratio
  • Is calculated by deducting inventories from
    current assets and dividing the results by
    current liabilities.
  • Quick ratio (CA Inventories) / CL
  • (2,680 1,716) / 1,040
  • 0.93x

Asset Management Ratios
  • A set of ratios that measures how well a firm is
    managing its asset.
  • Inventory Turnover Ratio
  • Is the ratio of total sales to inventory. This
    ratio indicates how many times inventory is
    created and sold during the period.

DSO average number of days from sale until cash
  • This ratio is calculated by dividing AR by
    average sales per day.
  • It indicates the average length of time the firm
    must wait after making a sale before it receives
  • DSO Receivables / Avg sales per day
  • Receivables / (Annual sales/365)
  • 878 / (7,036/365)
  • 45.6 days

Asset Management Ratios
  • Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
  • Is the ratio of sales to fixed assets.
  • This ratio indicates the ability of the companys
    management to put the fixed assets to work in
    order to generate sales.
  • FA turnover Sales / Net fixed assets
  • 7,036 / 837 8.41x
  • If the ratio is close to the industry average,
    this indicates that the company is using its
    fixed assets as effectively as other companies in
    the industry.

Asset Management Ratios
  • Total Assets Turnover Ratio
  • Is the ratio of sales to total assets. This ratio
    indicates the extent that the investment in total
    assets results in sales.
  • TA turnover Sales / Total assets
  • 7,036 / 3,517 2.00x
  • If this ratio is below its industry average, it
    may indicate that the company is not generating
    enough sales given its total assets. Sales should
    be increased or assets should be sold.

Debt Management Ratios
  • Measure the extent to which a firm relies on debt
    financing (financial leverage).
  • Debt Ratio
  • The ratio of total debt to total assets. It
    measures the percentage of funds provided by

Debt Management Ratios
  • Times Interest Earned ratio.
  • Is computed by dividing earnings before interest
    and taxes by interest charges.
  • It measures the ability of the firm to meet its
    annual interest payments.
  • We use earnings before interest and taxes, rather
    than net income, because interest is paid with
    pre-tax dollars, so the firms ability to pay its
    interest payments is not affected by taxes.
  • TIE EBIT / Interest expense
  • 502.6 / 80 6.3x
  • The higher the ratio, the greater the company's
    ability to make its interest payments or take on
    more debt.

Profitability Ratios
  • Profitability Ratios show the combined effects of
    liquidity, asset management, and debt management
    on operating results.
  • Profit margin on sales
  • Net profit margin shows how much net profit is
    derived from every dollar of total sales.
  • It indicates how well the business has managed
    its operating expenses.
  • Profit margin Net income / Sales
  • 253.6 / 7,036 3.6
  • If the industry average is 5, this may indicates
    that the cost is too high which may be a results
    of inefficient operations.

Profitability Ratios
  • Basic Earning Power (BEP) Ratio
  • It compares earnings apart from the influence of
    taxes or financial leverage, to the assets of the
  • BEP EBIT / Total assets
  • 502.6 / 3517 14.3
  • If the industry average is 18.0, this indicates
    that the company is not earning as high return on
    assets as the average companies in its industry.

Profitability Ratios
  • Return on Equity
  • Is computed by dividing net income available to
    common stockholders by common equity.
  • It measure the rate of return on common
    stockholders investment. Higher return will
    results in happy common stockholders.
  • ROE Net income / Total common equity
  • 253.6 / 1977 12.8

Profitability Ratios
  • Return on Assets
  • This evaluates how well the company employs its
    assets to generate a return.
  • High return ratio indicates good use of assets
  • ROA Net income / Total assets
  • 253.6 / 3517 7.2
  • If the industry average is 11.0, this indicate
    that the companys 7.2 return is well below the
    industry average for the following reasons
  • The companys low basic earning power, and
  • High interest costs resulting from its
    above-average use of debt. Both of which cause
    its NI to be relatively low.

Market Value Ratios
  • It relate the firms stock price to its earnings,
    cash flow, and book value per share.
  • These ratios give management an indication of
    what investors think of the company risk and
    future performance.

Price/Earning Ratio (P/E ratio)
  • The ratio of the price per share to earnings per
  • It is a useful indicator of what premium or
    discount investors are prepared to pay or receive
    for the investment.
  • The higher the price in relation to earnings, the
    higher the P/E ratio which indicates the higher
    the premium an investor is prepared to pay for
    the share.
  • P/E Price / Earnings per share
  • 12.17 / 1.01 12.0x
  • If the P/E ratio is below the industry average,
    this indicates that the company is riskier than
    other companies or have poor growth prospects.

Price/Cash flow Ratio
  • A measure of the market's expectations of a
    firm's future financial health. It is calculated
    by dividing the price per share by cash flow per
  • Cash flow per share is equal to net income plus
    depreciation and amortization divided by common
    shares outstanding.
  • P/CF Price / Cash flow per share
  • 12.17 / (253.6120.0) 250
  • 8.17x
  • This indicate that the companys stock was
    trading at 8.17-times the company's cash flow of
    1.49 per share.

Market/Book Ratio
  • Is the ratio of the current share price to the
    book value per share. It measures how much a
    company worth at present.

The Du Pont Equation
  • In ratio analysis, managers often need a
    framework that ties together a firms
    profitability, its asset usage efficiency, and
    its use of debt.
  • The basic Du Pont Equation shows that the ROA can
    be found as the product of the profit margin
    times the total assets turnover.
  • ROA Profit Margin x Total assets turnover
  • NI / sales x Sales / TA
  • ROA Net income / Total asset
  • 253.6 / 3517 7.2

Extended DuPont Equation Breaking down Return
On Equity
  • If the company were financed only with common
    equity, ROA and ROE would be the same because TA
    would equal common equity.
  • The equality holds if and only if the company
    uses no debt.

Extended DuPont Equation Breaking down Return
On Equity
3.6 x 2 x 1.8
13.0 However, the Dupont system, shows how
profit margin, total asset turnover, and the use
of debt interact to determine the return on
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