Title: TCP (Part 1)
1TCP (Part 1)
- - Reliable Stream Transport Service
D.E. Comer Internetworking with TCP/IP
Principles, Protocols and Architectures, Ch.
13, Prentice Hall, 2000 Presented by Ming Su
- TCP Introduction
- Issue in TCP --- Flow Control
- Sliding window protocol
- TCP acknowledgement scheme
- TCP segment
- TCP timeout
- Summary
3 4Introduction - TCP
- Transmission Control Protocol
- TCP is not a software
- Purpose
- Providing reliable stream delivery
- Isolating application programs from the details
of networking
5TCP Conceptual Layering
Reliable Stream (TCP)
User Datagram (UDP)
Internet (IP), ICMP
Network Interface
6Properties of the reliable delivery service
- Stream Orientation
- data as a stream of bits, divided into 8-bit
octets - Virtual Circuit Connection
- Buffered Transfer
- transfer more efficiently minimize network
traffic - Unstructured Stream
- Full Duplex Connection
- Two-way connection
7 8Two issues in TCP
- Flow Control
- End-to-end flow control problem
- Congestion control problem
- Virtual Circuit Connection
9- Flow Control
- - Sliding window protocol
10End-to-end flow control
- Problem
- Sender can send more traffic that receiver can
handle. (Too fast) - Solution
- variable sliding window protocol
- each acknowledgement, which specifies how
many octets have been received, contains a window
advertisement that specifies how many additional
octets receiver are prepared to accept.
11Variable Window Size
Window Advertisement
Transmitter Window Size Value of Window Advertisement Free space in buffer to fill
increase bigger increase
decrease smaller decrease
Stop transmissions 0 full
12Sliding window protocol in TCP
- TCP allows the window size to vary over time.
- Window size changes at the time it slides
forward. - Advantage it provides flow control as well as
reliable transfer.
13- Flow Control
- - TCP acknowledgement scheme
14Acknowledgements and Retransmission
- Cumulative acknowledgement scheme is used in TCP.
- A TCP ACK specifies the sequence number of the
next octet that the receiver expects to receive.
15Acknowledgements and Retransmission
- Adv.
- Easy to generate and unambiguous.
- The lost ACKs dont force retransmission.
- Disadv.
- No information about all successful transmissions
for the sender, but only a single position in the
16- Flow Control
- - TCP segment
17TCP segment format
Source Port
Destination Port
Sequence Number
Acknowledge Number
Code Bits
Urgent Pointer
Options (if any)
18- Flow Control
- - TCP timeout
19Timeout and Retransmission
- Question
- How to determine timeout?
- Is the timeout always a constant?
20Timeout and Retransmission
- An adaptive retransmission algorithm is used in
TCP. - TCP monitors the performance of each connection
and adjust its timeout parameter accordingly - Timeout value may change.
- Timeout is adjusted when a new round trip sample
( RTT ) is obtained.
21Timeout and Retransmission
- (a Old_RTT) ((1 a) new_RTT_sample )
- 0 lt a lt 1
- a close to 1 gt no change in a short time
- a close to 0 gt RTT changes too quickly
- Timeout ß RTT
- ß gt1
- Recommended setting, ß 2
22Accurate Measurement of Round Trip Samples
- TCP acknowledgements are ambiguous.
- It is caused by the cumulative acknowledgement
scheme. - It happens when retransmission.
- It causes the question that the first received
ACK does correspond the original datagram or the
retransmitted datagram. - RTT couldnt be measured accurately if the above
question cannot be answered. - How to do?
23Accurate Measurement of Round Trip Samples ---
Karns Algorithm and Timer Backoff
- Karns algorithm when computing the round trip
estimate, ignore samples that correspond to
retransmitted segments, but use a back-off
strategy, and retain the timeout value from a
retransmitted packet for subsequent packets until
a valid sample is obtained. - Timer back-off strategy
- New_timeout ? timeout ( typically,
? 2 ) - Each time timer expires (retransmit happens), TCP
increases timeout value.
24Karns Algorithm
- Use RTT to compute Timeout
- When retransmission happens, Timeout increases in
?times continuously, until transfer successfully.
Backoff strategy - Use the timeout in the final turn of the last
step to send next segment. Backoff strategy - When an acknowledgement arrives corresponding to
a segment that did not require retransmission,
then TCP re-computes the RTT and reset the
timeout accordingly
25Responding to High Variance in Delay
- Queuing theory variation in round trip delay is
proportional to 1/(1-L), where L is the current
network load, 0ltLlt1 - ( Timeout ß RTT ) (ß2 ) gt L lt 30
- Not efficient
- 1989 TCP specification requires to use estimated
variance in place of ß
26New RTT and Timeout Algorithm
- DIFF sample old_RTT
- Smoothed_RTT old_RTT d DIFF
- DEV old_DEV p (DIFF - old_DEV)
- Timeout Smoothed_RTT g DEV
- DEV estimated mean deviation
- d, a fraction between 0 and 1 to control how
quickly the new sample affects the weighted
average - p, a fraction between 0 and 1 to control how
quickly the new sample affects mean deviation - g, a factor controls how much deviation affects
round trip timeout - Research suggests d1/8, p1/4 and g4
- Purpose of TCP
- End-end Flow Control issue
- Variable Sliding window protocol in TCP
- TCP acknowledgement scheme
- TCP segment
- TCP timeout
- RTT-Timeout Calculation and Karns Algorithm
- New RTT and Timeout Algorithm