Title: Eastern High School PLTW
1 2The Problem
There are currently engineering/engineering
technology jobs available in the U.S. without
trained people to fill them.
3Exposure to Real Engineering
- The PLTW classes are modeled after introductory
engineering courses taught at the university
level. - Students gain first hand experience to find out
what engineering is all about.
4Who should take PLTW courses?
5The Student who is
- In the top 80 of his/her class.
- Good in mathematics and science.
- Interested in being an engineer or technologist.
- Good in art and design.
- Interested in computers.
- Student who learns best by doing.
6The Student who is
7PLTW Courses
8PLTW at Eastern Jr/Sr. High School
Introduction to Engineering Design Computer based
3D Modeling and Design Digital Electronics Working
with electronic circuits and logic Principles of
Engineering Understanding relationships between
science and engineering
9Introduction to Engineering Design
- 3D modeling with AutoDesk inventor
- Understanding and implementing the design process
- Problem solving and product design
- Creating detailed drawings
10Hands On . . . Minds On
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13Create detailed annotated drawings
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19The Chess Board
20Digital Electronics
- This is a course in applied logic that
encompasses the application of electronic
circuits and devices.
21Test Equipment
22Electrical Components
23Designing Circuits
- Computer simulation software is used to design
and test digital circuitry prior to the actual
construction of circuits and devices
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26Constructing Circuits
- After designing circuits, students build and
test their circuits in lab.
27Blast Off To the Future