- How do cities affect local and regional weather?
- What is the heat island effect?
- Which are the main atmospheric pollutants
- How are photochemical smog and acid rain
produced? - How does weather affect pollutants?
3Absorption and Scattering of solar radiation
- Solar radiation is attenuated as it passes
through the earths atmosphere. The atmosphere
contains particles and gases, which affect the
incoming radiation through the mechanisms of
scattering and absorption. - Scattering causes changes in direction and
intensity of radiation. - Absorption causes molecules in the atmosphere to
absorb energy at various wavelengths. The net
result of absorption is that energy is attenuated
or lost. Ozone, carbon dioxide, and water vapor
are the three main atmospheric constituents that
absorb radiation.
4(No Transcript)
5Convection Mixes the Atmosphere and Helps Dilute
3. Water vapor in air condenses and forms
cold air
2. The air near the surface absorbs solar
radiation and radiation emitted by the surface.
Warm air from near the surface moves upward and
is replaced by cold air from above (convection).
hot air
1.Solar radiation is reflected and absorbed. The
absorbed radiation heats the surface.
6"Urban Heat Islands."
7What causes this to happen?
- There are fewer trees, shrubs, and other plants
to shade buildings, intercept solar radiation,
and cool the air by "evapotranspiration." - Buildings and pavement made of dark materials
absorb the sun's rays instead of reflecting them
away, causing the temperature of the surfaces and
the air around them to rise. - Surface roughness serves to reduce the wind speed
and reduce ventilation.
- Evapotranspiration occurs when plants secrete or
"transpire" water through pores in their leaves. - The water absorbs energy as it evaporates,
cooling the air in the process. - A single mature, properly watered tree with a
crown of 30 feet can "evapotranspire" up to 40
gallons of water in a day, which is like removing
all the heat produced in four hours by a small
electric space heater.
9Heat Islands and Energy Use
- Higher temperatures in urban heat islands bring
with them increased energy use, mostly due to a
greater demand for air conditioning. As power
plants burn more fossil fuels, they increase both
the pollution level and energy costs.
10(No Transcript)
11Urban heat islands and smog
- Urban heat islands are not only uncomfortably
hot, they are also smoggier. - Smog is created by photochemical reactions of
pollutants in the air. These reactions are more
likely to occur and intensify at higher
temperatures. - In Los Angeles, for example, for every degree
Fahrenheit the temperature rises above 70F, the
incidence of smog increases by 3.
12(No Transcript)
13Cool Pavements Lower Temperatures
Dark materials absorb more heat from the sun.
Black surfaces in the sun can become up to 70F
(40C) hotter than the most reflective white
surfaces. If those dark surfaces are roofs, some
of the heat collected by the roof is transferred
- The chemical composition of the troposphere in
pre-industrial times was the result of sunlight
acting on natural chemicals emitted by the
biosphere, from volcanoes, and biomass burning
(forest fires). - biogenic hydrocarbons,
- minor releases of nitrogen oxides from
biogenic emissions and lighting - sulfur compounds and particulates from
volcanoes and forest fires. - The most important biogenic hydrocarbon was
methane, but isoprene and other biogenic
hydrocarbons released by trees were also
15Atmospheric Pollution
- Many gases and aerosols that can be air
pollutants are normal constituents of the
atmosphere. - These substances become pollutants when their
concentration increase to levels that can be
harmful to humans, animals or plants. - Which are the main pollutants?
- What are their natural sources or sinks?
- What are the anthropogenic sources?
16Atmospheric Aerosols
- Atmospheric aerosols are particles suspended in
air, with very short lifetimes compared to
greenhouse gases. - Their diameters range from a few nanometers to
ten micrometers. - They are generated in two ways
- by direct emission to the atmosphere, for example
from automobile exhaust and sea-spray (primary
aerosols), - by gas-to-particle conversion of chemical species
in the atmosphere (secondary aerosols).
17Aerosol Sources
- Natural and Anthropogenic Sources
- Sulfates from volcanic eruptions,
- Black carbon (soot) and sulfates from combustion
- Mineral dust
18Aerosol Sources
- The aerosol loading in the atmosphere has
increased significantly with human activity. - Mineral dust is a major contributor to aerosol
loading and optical thickness, especially in
subtropical and tropical regions. - Deserts, dry lake beds, semi-arid desert fringes,
and drier regions where vegetation has been
reduced or soil surfaces have been disturbed by
human activities, are the main sources of dust in
the lower atmosphere. It has been estimated that
up to 50 of the current atmospheric dust load
originates from disturbed soil surfaces
19Dust Devil
20Aerosols are of interest because
- Aerosols are the primary cause of visibility
degradation in polluted areas. - Aerosols can either absorb or scatter light. In
this way they directly influence the Earths
radiation balance and contribute to climate
21 Aerosols are of interest because
- Aerosols are a major component of urban smog and
several recent epidemiological studies have shown
that aerosols in urban areas have a significant
negative impact on human health. - Aerosols control the formation of clouds.
When the relative humidity exceeds 100 they are
able to take up water, and grow to become
droplets. The result is formation of clouds or
fog. Aerosols with this ability are called Cloud
Condensation Nuclei (CCN).
22Carbon Dioxide Contributes to Greehouse warming
- Natural sources and sinks
- Cellular respiration of organisms release carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere, and through
photosynthesis, plants take up carbon dioxide.
Other natural sources are forest and brush fires
and volcanic activity. - Anthropogenic sources
- Combustion of fossil fuels (coals, oil, and
natural gas) for electric power generation,
transportation, and heating.
23Carbon Monoxide Asphyxiating agent that
constitutes a serious health hazard
- Natural sources and sinks
- It is produced by combination of oxygen with
methane and other volatile organic compounds it
is removed from the atmosphere by the activity of
certain soil microorganisms and by chemical
reactions that convert CO to CO2. - Anthropogenic sources
- Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels,
especially by motor vehicles burning of forests
and savannas to clear land.
24Mercury rain
- As coal burns, it releases traces of mercury that
come out of - smokestacks.
- Much of the mercury stays airborne for up to two
years and - spreads around the globe.
- But some is emitted as a water soluble compound
formed when - mercury reacts with chlorine, an element often
found in coal from - eastern states.
- Precipitation quickly washes this form of mercury
into lakes, - rivers and oceans, where microorganisms take it
up and convert, - it into toxic methylmercury.
- The mercury passes up the food chain into fish
and eventually into - people.
25Mercury rain
- High levels can cause learning problems or
retardation in children and neurological damage
in developing fetuses. - One recent study found fetus-harming levels of
mercury in about 8 of U.S. women of childbearing
26Methane Greenhouse gas explosive at
concentrations of 5 or bigger.
- Natural sources and sinks
- Methane is produced when organic material decays
in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic decay), for
example in rice paddies and marshes biological
activity in termites and the stomachs of cattle
and sheep non-reactive at normal background
levels. - Anthropogenic sources
- Landfills
27Volatile Organic Compounds Produce photochemical
smog carcinogens
- Natural sources and sinks
- All vegetation emits various hydrocarbons.
Terpenes are reactive and responsible for the
aromas of pine, eucalyptus and sandalwood trees.
- Anthropogenic sources
- Incomplete combustion of gasoline by motor
vehicles (hundreds of different hydrocarbons)
escape during gasoline delivery and refueling
(15 of the total release into the atmosphere)
solvents used in industrial and commercial
processes (painting and cleaning) chemical
manufacturing and petroleum refining.
28Oxides of Nitrogen (NO and NO2)NO2 contributes
to heart, lung, liver, and kidney damage linked
to incidence of bronchitis and pneumonia reduces
visibility precursor of photochemical smog and
acid rain.
- Natural sources and sinks
- NO is produced by soil bacteria it combines
readily with O2 to form NO2. - Anthropogenic sources
- Power plants and motor vehicles are the main
source. Oxides of nitrogen form when high
combustion temperatures, such as those inside an
automobile engine cause nitrogen and oxygen in
the air to combine oxidation of nitrogen
compounds in coal and other fuels
29Compounds of Sulfur Acid rain and London smog
- Natural sources and sinks
- Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is produced by volcanic
eruptions sulfate particles are injected into
the atmosphere by sea spray and hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) is produced in anaerobic decay. These
sulfur compounds are removed from the atmosphere
by precipitation and transfer to the soil,
vegetation and surface water. Anthropogenic
sources - Fossil fuel (coal and oil) contain sulfur as an
impurity and emit sulfur dioxide when burned.
Certain industrial activities, such as paper and
pulp processing emit hydrogen sulfide and other
sulfur-containing gases.
30Photochemical Smog
- Photochemical smog forms when oxides of nitrogen
in motor vehicle exhaust and hydrocarbons (from
various anthropogenic and biogenic sources) react
in the presence of sunlight to produce a mixture
of aerosols and gases (ozone (O3), formaldehyde
(CH2O), ketones, and PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrates). - Average ozone level at the earths surface 0.02
ppm - Ozone concentration may exceed 0.5 ppm in thick
photochemical smog.
- Oxides of sulfur and nitrogen in the atmosphere
interact with moisture to form droplets of
sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These acids
dissolve in precipitation and increase its
acidity nearly 200 times
32pH of familiar items
34Effects of Acid Rain
- Lowers the pH of lakes and streams, affecting the
reproduction cycle of fish. - Leach metals from the soil, washing them into
lakes and streams where they may harm fish and
aquatic plants. - Responsible for the decline and dieback of
coniferous forests. - Accelerated weathering of building materials and
metal corrosion.
35Atmospheric Factors that Affect the Concentration
of Pollutants
- Once pollutants enter the atmosphere their
concentration decreases as they mix with clean
air. The rate of dilution depends on atmospheric
conditions. Wind speed and atmospheric stability
are important factors that determine the rate of
36The Urban Wind
- When it is windy, turbulence is responsible for
mixing polluted air with clean air, accelerating
dilution. - When the wind is not present, the much slower
molecular diffusion processes control the rate of
dilution. - In the urban environment winds are affected by
the surface, which produces friction and slows
the wind down. Dilution of pollutants is thus
hampered in urban localities.
37The frictional interaction of winds with the
urban surface forms zones of light and irregular
winds that can trap pollutants.
(A) If a smokestack is too low, effluents may be
trapped within the wake of nearby buildings or
the chimney itself. (B) If a smokestack is
constructed to the height of a good engineering
practice (2.5 times the height of the nearest
obstacle), effluents clear the wake, and downwash
and trapping are avoided.
38Convection Mixes the Atmosphere and Helps Dilute
3. Water vapor in air condenses and forms
cold air
2. The air near the surface absorbs solar
radiation and radiation emitted by the surface.
Warm air from near the surface moves upward and
is replaced by cold air from above (convection).
hot air
1.Solar radiation is reflected and absorbed. The
absorbed radiation heats the surface.
39Atmospheric Stability
Unstable Situation Mixing Occurs
40Atmospheric Stability
Very stable situation No mixing occurs
Temperature of air parcel
Atmospheric Temperature Temperature inversion
41Atmospheric Stability
- Stability affects vertical motion within the
atmosphere. - In the presence of stable air, convection and
turbulence are inhibited, while they are enhanced
if the air is unstable. - Consequently, when pollutants are emitted into
stable air, they are not transported upward, and
remain in a stable layer of air that acts as a
lid in the troposphere.
42Temperature Inversions
Temperature inversions
Stable Air
Traps pollutants
43Radiation Inversion
- At night the surface cools by emission of
infrared radiation, so that the coldest air is
adjacent to the Earths surface and the air
temperature increases with altitude. -
- In still air, this inversion generally persists
until the surface is warmed again the next
morning by absorption of sunlight. What happens
if it is foggy?
45Subsidence (Overhead) Inversions
- Happens in places where there are mountains.
- These inversions often come from the air
being transported over the mountains and sinking
into the valley. - As the air sinks, the atmosphere below is
compressed by the overlying sinking air mass and
it is warmed, producing a temperature inversion.
46Subsidence Inversion
47Important Similarities between London and Los
Angeles Types of Smog
- They are caused by combustion products
- The pollutants are concentrated near the ground
due to temperature inversions - The primary and secondary pollutants are harmful
to human, animals and plants.