Product - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tools QFD DFMA Value Analysis Design for Logistics Designing for the Customer: Quality Function Deployment QFD is an structured tool, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Product

  • Introduction
  • Life Cycle
  • Product Design Phases
  • QFD and Other Tools.

  • Introduction
  • Life Cycle
  • Product Design Phases
  • New Ideas Generation
  • Viability Analysis
  • Preliminar Design
  • Some concepts on detailed Desing
  • Tools
  • QFD
  • DFMA
  • Value Analysis / Value Engineering

Product Life Cycle
  • No time to fix bugs
  • No time to relax and collect profit
  • Need to continuously deploy new products
  • Need to design thinking on variants
  • Need to sell on everywhere simultaneosly

Relevance of the Design Phase. Poor Success Rate
Market proof, market introduction, Redesign
Market Needs
Functional Specification
Product Specification
One success!
Development Stage
Product Design Steps.
Competitors Clients/Users Suppliers
Market Research
Process Planning
New Product Development. General Specs
Process Design
Process Analysis
Feasibility Analysis
Preliminar Design
Detailed Design
RD Sales Operations
Prototyping Market Test
Technical Evaluation

(source Monks, 1982)
The need for cooperation and Info Keeping
Propuesta de marketing
Según el diseñador veterano
Según la petición de desarrollo
Utilizado por el cliente
Lo que quería el cliente
Fabricado por producción
Fuente Schroeder (1985)
New Products Development. Sources of Innovation.
  • Source of the Idea.
  • Internal (Operations, Marketing, RD)
  • External (Suppliers, Clients, Competitors)
  • Relation with own Products
  • Completely New.
  • Improvements or Changes
  • Relation with Market
  • New Markets
  • Same Market
  • Relation with Origin of the Need
  • Pull / Push
  • Relation with Opportunity Origin
  • Economical Change
  • Technological Change
  • Sociological or Demographic Change
  • Political Change

Feasibility Analysis
  • Economical Feasibility
  • Where is the benefit?
  • To whom does the product/service add value?
  • The benefit of selling spare parts or
  • Technical Feasibility
  • Is it or will it be possible?
  • When will it be possible?
  • Is the Market Prepared?

Preliminar Design
  • Function
  • What should the product do?
  • Cost
  • Defined for the Target Segment of the Market
  • Shape and Size
  • Attractive and acceptable
  • Quality
  • Quality level required
  • Environmental Assesment
  • Packages, batteries
  • Production
  • How and where is to be manufactured?
  • Time
  • Time to be developed.
  • Accesibility
  • Where is going to be found by clients?
  • Need for a Recipe

Some Aspects on Detailed Design
  • Standarization
  • Use of Standards
  • Volume
  • Shape
  • Position
  • Advantages
  • Reduces Cost
  • Improves Client Service,
  • Disadvantages
  • Easy to copy
  • Reduces flexibility
  • Barrier for improvements.

A bit more on Standarization
  • The US standard railroad gauge (distance between
    the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches.  That's an
    exceedingly odd number.  Why was that gauge
    used?  Because that's the way they built them in
    England, and the US railroads were built by
    English expatriates. 
  • Why did the English build them like that? 
    Because the first rail lines were built by the
    same people who built the pre-railroad tramways,
    and that's the gauge they used. 
  • Why did "they" use that gauge then?  Because the
    people who built the tramways used the same jigs
    and tools that they used for building wagons,
    which used that wheel spacing.
  • Okay! Why did the wagons have that particular odd
    wheel spacing?  Well, if they tried to use any
    other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on
    some of the old, long distance roads in England,
    because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts.
  • So who built those old rutted roads?  The first
    long distance roads in Europe (and England) were
    built by Imperial Rome for their legions. The
    roads have been used ever since.
  • And the ruts in the roads?  The initial ruts,
    which everyone else had to match for fear of
    destroying their wagon wheels, were first formed
    by Roman war chariots. Since the chariots were
    made for (or by) Imperial Rome, they were all
    alike in the matter of wheel spacing. The United
    States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5
    inches derives from the original specification
    for an Imperial Roman war chariot.
  • Specifications and bureaucracies live forever. So
    the next time you are handed a specification and
    wonder what horse's arse came up with it, you may
    be exactly right, because the Imperial Roman war
    chariots were made just wide enough to
    accommodate the back ends of two war horses.

Now the twist to the story..............
  • There's an interesting extension to the story
    about railroad gauges and horses' behinds. When
    we see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad,
    there are two big booster rockets attached to the
    sides of the main fuel tank.  These are solid
    rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by
    Thiokol at their factory at Utah. The engineers
    who designed the SRBs might have preferred to
    make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be
    shipped by train from the factory to the launch
    site. The railroad line from the factory had to
    run through a tunnel in the mountains. The SRBs
    had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is
    slightly wider than the railroad track, and the
    railroad track is about as wide as two horses'
    behinds.  So, the major design feature of what
    is arguably the world's most advanced
    transportation system was determined over two
    thousand years ago by the width of a Horse's

Some Aspects on Detailed Design
  • Modular Design
  • Standardize Interfaces
  • Advantages
  • Ease to detect the error and to repair,
  • Ease to plan
  • Increase of product flexibility.
  • Disadvantages
  • Module as a black box.

Some Aspects on Detailed Design
  • Reliability
  • Probability of the product to survive a given
  • Objectives
  • Constant (or known) throughout the Product.
  • Robust Design

Some Aspects on Detailed Design
  • Security
  • Legal responsibilities.
  • Examples Toys, Electromagnetic products
  • Barriers for entering new markets.

  • Prototypes should represent the characteristics
    to be evaluated. (Car unit in wood or plastic,
    real or reduced dimension)
  • They will be used to test features, market or
    production processes.
  • Retailing stores test their news layouts through
    Prototype shops.
  • Example Nike, Mercadona

  • Value Analysis
  • Design for Logistics

Designing for the Customer Quality Function
  • QFD is an structured tool, to translate customer
    needs into quality characteristics, through
    functions that will be implemented on mechanisms
    with components, that might fail, and such fails
    are from the beginning considered.
  • QFD takes the information from the very beginning
    of the Product Design Process to the last
    product/process modification.
  • QFD uses interfunctional teams from marketing,
    design engineering, and manufacturing. It has
    been credit for reducing costs by reducing
    designing times.

  • QFD Process begins with studying and listening to
    customers to determine the characteristics of a
    superior product.
  • Through Market Research, customers product needs
    and preferences are defined and broken down into
    categories called customer requirements.
  • After Customer requirements are defined, they are
    weighted based on their relative importance to
    the customer. Next the customer is asked to
    compare the companys products with the products
    of competitors.
  • Customer Requirements are crossed with Technical
    Characteristics and thus goals for improvement
    are specified.

Designing for the Customer The House of Quality
Customer requirements information forms the basis
for this matrix, used to translate them into
operating or engineering goals.
  • The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004

QFD Benefits
  • Encourages the departments to work closely.
  • It results also, in a better understanding of one
    anothers goals and issues.
  • It eases the evaluation of minor a major changes
    on the product, and its relation with customer
  • It helps the team to focus on products that
    satisfy customers.
  • Reduces time-to-market
  • Reduces cost of development
  • Keeps the know-how of the design process

Value Analysis/Value Engineering
  • Achieve equivalent or better performance at a
    lower cost while maintaining all functional
    requirements defined by the customer
  • Does the item have any design features that are
    not necessary?
  • Can two or more parts be combined into one?
  • How can we cut down the weight?
  • Are there nonstandard parts that can be

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
  • Greatest improvements related to DFMA arise from
    simplification of the product by reducing the
    number of separate parts
  • During the operation of the product, does the
    part move relative to all other parts already
  • Must the part be of a different material or be
    isolated from other parts already assembled?
  • Must the part be separate from all other parts to
    allow the disassembly of the product for
    adjustment or maintenance?

Fuente Chase (2004)
Fuente Chase (2004)
Design For Logistics. Unit Load.
  • If value/weight grows transport cost relevance
  • If volume/weight increases, so does
    transportation and storage costs.
  • Compact design of products.
  • If 10 of capacity is unused, then transport cost
    are 10 higher.

Design for Cost
  • The Design Team has an objective cost from the
    very beginning.
  • This objective is settled according to
  • Product Especifications.
  • Price to be accepted by the market.
  • Desired Margins.
  • Competitors.
  • Thus minimizing investment on non profitable
    projects and maximizing ROI.

Product Design Steps.
Competitors Clients/Users Suppliers
Market Research
Process Planning
New Product Development. General Specs
Process Design
Process Analysis
Feasibility Analysis
Preliminar Design
Detailed Design
RD Sales Operations
Prototyping Market Test
Technical Evaluation

(source Monks, 1982)
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