Title: Getting the Most From Internet Advancement
1Getting the Most FromInternet Advancement
- National Advancement Committee
- Webinars and Education Task Force
Beta Test Version Please provide suggestions for
improvement to advancement.team_at_scouting.org no
later than Feb. 28, 2013.
Expiration Date This presentation is not to be
used after April 30, 2013. Obtain an updated
version at www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/
2Why Report Advancement?
- One of Eight Methods of Scouting
- Ideals
- Patrol Method
- Outdoor Programs
- Advancement
- Adult Association
- Personal Growth
- Leadership Development
- Uniform
3Why Report Advancement?
- Part of Scouting's Journey to Excellence
4Suggested Reporting Frequency
- Monthly, but at least quarterly
- After every board of review
- Before the end of the current charter year
- Before Journey to Excellence reporting
- More often for larger units
5Why Internet Advancement?
- BSA recommendation on reporting advancement
- from the Guide to Advancement, topic
6Advantages of Internet Advancement
- Reduces or eliminates Scouts record gaps
- Records ranks, badges, and awards
- Can be done at your convenience
- Will accept records from PackMaster,
TroopMaster, and ScoutSoft for ranks and some
badges and awards
7Additional Advantages
- Enforces most BSA advancement rules
- Eliminates illegible handwriting
- Allows advancement date corrections
- Provides simple and intuitive interface
- Offers Useful reports
8Available Reports
- Review Unit Roster
- Unit Advancement Summary
- Member Summary
- Review Advancement Report
- View Previous Advancement Reports
- Print Membership Cards
- Unit Order Form
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12What Internet Advancement Won't Do
- Ensure a quality unit advancement program
- Record nonadvancement data such as meeting or
activity attendance, or positions of
responsibility - Record Eagle rank information
- Record lifesaving and meritorious awards
- Record religious awards or awards from outside
13Supported Operating Systems
- Windows
- Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows
2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 8 - Apple
- OS X (Mac running a virtual version of Windows
and IE)
14Browser Requirements
- Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 are OK as is
- Internet Explorer 9 and 10 work using
compatibility mode - Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari are
not supported - For all browsers, Java scripting must be enabled
- For all browsers, pop-up blockers must be disabled
15Accessing Internet Advancement
- Log onto MyScouting using your BSA account, then
click on Internet Advancement.
http//myscouting.scouting.org - Direct web address https//scoutnet.scouting.org/
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41Where to Get Help
- Help and FAQ links
- Your council registrar or other designated staff
- District and council advancement committees
- National Support Center
- myscouting_at_scouting.org
- (972) 580-2267
42Final Thoughts
- Cub Scout belt loops and pins
- Board of review Signatures
- Scout transfers
- Dual registration