Adolf Hitler - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Adolf Hitler


Rise and Fall Adolf Hitler Hitler s Death. There had been attempts by his own party to assassinate him before, but they had failed. His wife Eva Braun had ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler
  • Rise and Fall

  • Hitler was born on the 20th of April 1889 in
    Braunnau, Austria.
  • He was the fourth of six children.
  • Four of whom died while they were young.

  • Hitlers family moved to Passau Germany when he
    was three.
  • When Hitler was nine his family moved again this
    time to Hafeld in Germany.
  • Hitler started school when he was 6.
  • Odd but true Hitler wanted to be a priest when he
    was young!

Alois Schickelgruber was a customs official .
His father, Adolfs grandfather, may have been
Jewish. He died when Adolf was 14.
Klara Hitler was very young when she married.
Adolf carried a picture of his mom until the day
he died. She died of breast cancer when Adolf
was 18 years old.
  • He attended a Benedictine monastery school where
    he took part in the choir. ( the swastika was on
    the monastery that is where he got the symbol).
  • When it was time to choose a secondary school,
    Adolf wanted to become an artist.
  • His father wanted him to become a civil servant,
    but after his father died, he dropped out of high
    school and attempted to get into the Vienna
    Academy of Fine Arts.
  • The following slides are examples of Adolfs

Young Adult
  • Adolf (now 18) decided to move to Austria to
    pursue his dream of becoming a great artist. He
  • He became a homeless drifter who slept on park
  • Adolf did manage to sell some paintings and
    postcards, but he still remained poor.
  • While he was in Vienna he became interested in
    German nationalism.

Young Adult
  • Hitler left Austria at the age of 24 to avoid the
    military service that was required of all men.
  • But he did sign up for military service at the
    start of WW I.
  • This is a picture of Hitler listening to an
    enlistment speech.

World War I
  • He was excited to fight for Germany.
  • For what he called the Fatherland.
  • The highest rank that he held was corporal.

  • He was awarded the Iron Cross twice. (5 medals
    overall)-this was the highest military honor in
    the German Army.
  • He single handedly captured 4 French soldiers.
  • He was blinded by a gas attack towards end of

Life after WW I
  • Hitler lectured about the dangers of Communism
    and Jews.
  • He became a member of the German Workers Party
    which later became the NAZI party.

NAZI Party is Formed
  • Hitler began to think big for the German Workers
  • He began placing ads for meetings in anti-Semitic
    (anti-Jewish) newspapers.
  • He changed the name to National Socialist German
    Workers Party or the NAZIS.

Hitlers beliefs
  • He wanted to revoke civil rights of Jews.
  • He had a dislike of communism and democracy.
  • He thought that Germans are superior.

Besides changing the party name, the red flag
with the SWASTIKA was adopted as the party symbol.
  • October 30, 1923
  • Hitler held a rally in Munich beer hall and
    declared revolution.
  • He led 2000 men in a take over of the Bavarian
  • It failed and Hitler was imprisoned.

Trial and Jail
  • At his trial (Hitler was charged with treason),
    he used the opportunity to speak about the NAZI
    beliefs and spread his popularity.
  • The whole nation suddenly knew who Adolf Hitler
    was and what he stood for.
  • He was sentenced to five years, but actually only
    served about 9 months.
  • When he left prison, he was ready to go into
    action again.

Mein Kampf
  • Hitler wrote the book My Struggle while he was
    in jail.
  • It sold 5 million copies, and made him rich.
  • It was a mixture of his beliefs, his life and
    the failings of the government.
  • Later he had his editor killed during the night
    of the long knives.

Rise to Power
  • He used the popularity from his failed revolution
    and book to seize power legally.
  • Hitler became the Chancellor in 1933.

Violent methods
  • He created the Brownshirts or SA
  • The SA was used to put down opposition parties.
  • They threatened and beat up Jews and anti-Nazi
  • They wore brown shirts, pants and boots.
  • There were 400,000 by 1932.

First year in Power
  • Reichstag fire gives Hitler total power.
  • In 1933, all parties were outlawed except the
    Nazi party.
  • Peoples civil rights were suspended.
  • Night of the Long Knives Over
  • 2 days many of the leaders in the
  • opposition parties were killed.
  • The first concentration camp
    was opened.
  • He grows the army to prepare for invading other
  • People are happy as the economy is growing

  • All media is censored in Germany so only positive
    things about Hitler are published.
  • Churches were persecuted and priests were killed
    or taken to concentration camps.
  • Under the Nuremburg laws Jews were no longer
    German citizens and were no longer allowed to
    work or have legal rights.
  • Germans were encouraged to be nasty to Jews, even
    barring them from shops.

  • Secretly, against the Versailles Treaty Hitler
    builds his army and makes weapons larger than are
  • .While making speeches about peace and against
    war.  "Whoever lights the torch of war in Europe
    can wish for nothing but chaos."
  • Hitler controlled the courts and dismissed people
    who didnt support him.

  • Hitler puts a German army on the French border
    there is no reaction from the French.
  • England finds out about the German air force-
    they have no reaction.
  • Germany forms an alliance with Italy
    Mussolini is the dictator.
  • Hitler sends troops into de-militarised
    parts of Germany and yet again the
    French and the British take no notice.

Invasion of Russia
  • In August 1939 Germany and Russia signed an
    agreement that they wouldnt attack each other
    and to conquer Poland.
  • June 22 1941 the Germans launched a surprise
    attack on the Russians (operation Barbarossa).
  • The Germans moved quickly and came within 15km
    of Moscow.
  • Hundreds of Thousands of Russian soldiers were
    killed or captured.
  • A wet Autumn and the start of winter stopped the
    Germans in their tracks.

Start of W.W.II
  • Hitler invaded Poland on the1st of September 1939
    starting World War 2.
  • France and England declared war on Germany but
    did nothing to help Poland.
  • Russia as an ally of Germany attacked Poland on
    the 17th of September.
  • There were no further attacks
    between October 1939 and
    March 1940 that was
    known as
    the phoney war.

Next stage of the war.
  • Germany attacked Denmark and Norway in April
  • On the 10th of May 1940 Germany attacked Holland,
    Belgium, Luxemburg and France.
  • On the 4th of June British and French troops were
    evacuated from Dunkirk.
  • On the 13th of June Paris is captured by the

Battle of Britain.
  • Hitler ordered preparations to invade Britain in
    July 1940(Operation Sea lion).
  • The German air force needed to
    destroy the British air force
    but was unable to do so.
  • On the 17th of September
    operation Sea Lion was postponed
    and never carried out.

Invasion of Russia
  • After the cold winter 1941-1942 the Germans again
    attacked the Russians .
  • Huge areas of Russia were taken.
  • The Russians fiercely defended Stalingrad (now
  • Hitler didnt allow his soldiers to retreat.
  • In January 1943 the Germans were forced to
    surrender in Stalingrad.

Invasion of Russia
  • In August 1943 the Russians defeated the Germans
    at the battle of Kursk. It was the largest tank
    battle ever fought, with
    thousands of tanks on each
  • After this Hitlers army was
    defeated and forced out of
  • Hitler wouldnt let his army retreat and that led
    to the death and capture of millions of his men.

Extermination of Jews
  • Hitler was extremely anti- Semitic. In 1942 his
    deputy proposed to kill all the Jews it was
    called Final solution of the Jewish question
  • Hitler had a special
    group following the
    army called

    Einsatzgrupen, their job
    was to kill communists,
    intellectuals, and Jews.
  • At first Jews were shot and buried in mass
    graves, outside Kiev 30,000 Jews were killed in
    four days .

Extermination of Jews
  • In many cities and towns in Poland and Russia
    Jews were gathered and forced to live in small
    areas called ghettos, to separate them from the
  • They were fenced with walls and barbed wire, and
  • They didnt have enough food or water, many
    people died of starvation or disease.
  • Some had workshops to produce things for the
  • Gradually the ghettos were emptied and the Jews
    were sent to concentration camps.
  • Many other people Hitler thought were undesirable
    were also killed in concentration camps.

The Rest of Europe
  • The Nazis occupied most of Europe from 1941-1944.
  • On June 6th 1944 American, British, French and
    Canadian troops landed in Normandy.
  • After many bloody and intense battles Paris was
    freed- September 25th.
  • The allies then moved towards Germany .
  • The battle of Bulge in Luxembourg and Belgium
    began on the 16 Dec 1944. This was the last
    attempt by the Germans to stop the west. The
    battle was over by the end of 1944.

The End of the War
  • By the beginning of 1945 Germany was being
    attacked in the East by the Russians and in the
    West by the Allies.
  • Germany was being bombed day and night by the
    American and British air forces, many cities were
    completely destroyed.
  • Hitler still wouldnt let his army retreat. In
    the end he was recruiting old men and young boys
    to continue fighting.
  • In April 1945 the Russians entered Berlin. Fierce
    fighting took place in the city.
  • On April 30 1945 Hitler killed himself and his
    wife in an underground bunker.
  • On 7th May Germany surrendered ending the war.

Hitlers Death.
  • There had been attempts by his own party to
    assassinate him before, but they had failed.
  • His wife Eva Braun had attempted suicide twice
    in their early relationship.
  • Hitler and Eva both died by suicide . Hitler shot
    him self and Eva poisoned herself in a bunker in
    Germany on the 30th of April 1945. Later that
    afternoon the bodies were covered in petrol and

My Connections
  • My Grandfathers parents lived through the
    occupation in Holland.
  • My grandfather was named Jacob after an uncle who
    was captured by the NAZIs and died during the
  • Jacob didnt want to be forced into labour in
    Germany so he joined the Dutch resistance, then
    he was captured and died in a concentration camp
    called Westerbork the only one in Holland.
  • Anne Frank was also held there and then brought
    to Auschwitz.

What can we Learn from This?
  • I hope it wont happen again.
  • People can do crazy things when they are scared.
  • We need to think about how we treat people no
    matter what religion or beliefs they have.
  • I hope that this would be picked up on quicker
  • We need to have a quicker response from the UN
    in other parts of the world because a lot can be
    achieved by intervening early.

  • END
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