Title: What physical factors determine the supply of water?
1What physical factors determine the supply of
2Rivers only 2 of surface freshwater
3The parts of the water cycle
4Global values of the water cycle
5Climate determines where rain falls Highs and
6Freshwater availability varies at different scales
7Continent population and fresh water
8Upland Wales temperature and rainfall
9Craig Goch Wales - a good reservoir site why?
10London SE England Temperature and Rainfall
11England and Wales matching supply and demand.
12Water Transfer proposal (controversial)
13Water Balance
14Botswana Rainfall Total, seasonality,
15India climate, river discharge, aquifers
16Relief river basins
17Climate Change ultimately reduced river flows
in some areas
Global warming will melt most Andean glaciers in
the next 30 years, scientists say, threatening
the livelihood of millions of people who depend
on them for drinking water, farming and power
18Aquifers and groundwater in the UK
19Thames Basin - artesian
20(No Transcript)
21See pie chart c).
22Water supply is not always top quality. Human
23Human impact on supply. Lake Chad.
24Water scarcity physical and economic.