Title: IFR Criteria and Your Airport Goals:
1IFR Criteria and Your AirportGoals
- Quick review of criteria changes.
- Airport Managers role in gaining the best IFR
minimums. - Survey and data requirements.
2FAA Contacts
- IFR procedures Boston Flight Procedures
Office/Sue Crumb (781) 238-7220 - Airport Design Criteria Airport Division/ (781)
238-7600 - Operational Safety/Criteria Flight
Standards/Gerry Holtorf (781) 238-7215
3Why All the Change?
- International concern over Controlled Flight Into
Terrain (CFIT). - Vertical guidance key to fewer accidents.
- Resulted in the FAA changing instrument procedure
criteria (TERPS). - TERPS Change 17 (1998) and 18 (1999).
- TERPS and airport Advisory Circular 150/5300-13
now better aligned. - A visual area assessment is required.
4Visual Area Assessment for IFR Procedures
- Flight Standards 10/07/03 policy letter.
- Apply paragraph 251
- For all new approach procedures
- For existing, when amended or reviewed
5What if VAAR is penetrated?
- Flight Procedures will notify airport manager.
- From date of notification, 3 years to address
- Reduce height/ clear obstructions, or
- Mark/light obstruction(s).
6If clearing or lighting cant be done?
- 201 penetrations may be mitigated by
- A vertical glide slope indicator (VGSI).
- Sited at or above 3.0 degrees.
- VGSI obstacle surface must be clear.
- Note on approach plate requiring VGSI for night.
7What will these changes mean to my airport?
- NEW APPROACH airport design standards are
integral to gaining a new approach. Advisory
Circular 150/5300-13 is now better aligned with
TERPS. - EXISTING IFR APPROACH Obstruction penetrations
of these visual assessment surfaces may cause a
change to straight-in or night circling minimums.
8If this three years catches up to you
- FAA will take steps to not authorize night
minimums to the affected runways. - UNLESS
- Acceptable corrective action is in progress, and
- Airport submits a request for extension.
9Airport Managers Role
- Initiate an Aeronautical Study
- 1. Airport sponsor initiates the request.
- 2. Master Plan or Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
considerations. - 3. Requirements identified for data, survey,
environmental, etc. - 4. Determine funding and plan of action.
- FAA completes the Aeronautical Study.
- Survey Level of obstruction survey depends upon
level of approach minimums desired. - Data accurate runway ends, navigation/ visual
aid site info up to date ALP and 5010. - Communication with the Flight Procedures Office
and Airports Division. - NOTE Lead times for procedures can exceed
11SurveysIn accordance with FAA Specification
405 Requirements provided in Appendix 16 of
AC 5300-13No survey day/visibility equal to
or gt1smPart 77 Level C or D Non-precision
12Helpful Web SitesFlight Standards-http//www.faa.
gov/avr/afs/afs400(TERPS under AFS-420)Flight
dexSurvey info- http//www.noaa.gov(Spec 405
and more)
13How do I know what applies?
- Check AC 150/5300-13 Appendix 16.
- Provides a matrix of minimums vs. airport
requirements. - Generally in concert with TERPS.
- Are the runway OFZ and safety area correct for
largest design group aircraft? - TERPS minimums now effected by OFZ, hold lines,
14Circling Approaches
- Require visual assessment for night approach
minimums. - Smaller area than for straight-in nonprecision
15Straight-in Approaches
- Require visual assessment for day and night
approach minimums. - Generally larger than circling area.
- Slope varies depending upon visibility.
- New Procedures
- Process generally starts with the Airports
Division - ALP revision
- Contact your ANE-600 planning person
- Request the procedure through the FPO/Sue Crumb
- -Sue Crumb (781) 238-7220
- Plan to work with FAA team through an iterative
aeronautical study process.
17Summary Cont.
- Existing Procedure Assessments
- Dont wait for FAA to come knocking
- Plan ahead.
- Get the evaluation process started.
- Request an Aeronautical study if required.
- We want to protect the maximum utility of your
instrument approaches.
18OK! Whats the bottom line?
- FAA will work together with you and your staff
and/or consultants during the Aeronautical Study. - Evaluate Part 77 penetrations.
- Study of applicable Airport Design AC TERPS
surfaces. - Good Part 77 survey supports most of the approach
analysis (some exceptions). - Examine lowest minimums possible.
- FAA determination includes Part 77 obstruction
lighting if clearing not practical.