Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Dr. Mahmut Parlaktuna Res. Assist. Sevtaç Bülbül
Spring 2008
- A reservoir is formed of one (or more)
subsurface rock formations, containing liquid
and/ or gaseous hydrocarbons, of sedimentary
origin. - The reservoir rock is porous and permeable and
bounded by impermeable barriers, which trap
A cross-section of a typical hydrocarbon reservoir
(R. Cosse, Basics of Reservoir Engineering, 1993)
- Reservoir engineering is concerned with
- producing oil and gas reservoirs in such a way
that the economic recovery is maximized, and - the rate at which the petroleum is produced is
- Reservoir engineer deals with
- Control of amount of gas water produced with
oil - Proper placement of wells
- Use of proper distance between wells
- Injection of water or other fluids into the
reservoir and many other means are used to help
to maximize the oil.
- Image of the reservoir forms, boundaries,
distribution and volumes of fluids - Well characteristics e.g.average permeability
- Recovery mechanisms natural drive, enhanced oil
recovery - Reservoir Simulation Integrating the reservoir
data and flow laws computer models to predict
the flow of fluids
(R. Cosse, Basics of Reservoir Engineering, 1993)
6Reservoir Simulation
(R. Cosse, Basics of Reservoir Engineering, 1993)
7Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
- After a well has used up the reservoir's natural
drives and gas lift or pumps have recovered all
the hydrocarbons possible, statistics show that
25 to 95 of the original oil in the reservoir
may still be there. -
- This amount of oil can be worth recovering if
prices are high enough.
8Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- is the recovery of oil from a reservoir using
means other than using the natural reservoir
pressure. - generally results in increased amounts of
produced oil - Its purpose is not only to restore formation
pressure, but also to improve oil displacement or
fluid flow in the reservoir.
9Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
- Secondary recovery processes generally use
- injection of water or natural gas into the
production reservoir to replace or assist the
natural reservoir drive or primary production. -
10Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
- Tertiary recovery methods are used where
secondary recovery methods leave-off. Three major
categories -
- 1) Thermal displacement
- (steam injection, in-situ combustion
- 2) Chemical displacement
- (polymer injection, polymer flooding and caustic
flooding) - 3) Miscible displacement
- (hydrocarbon displacement, CO2 injection and
inert gas (nitrogen) injection -
11Surface Handling of Well Fluids
- Oil and gas are not usually salable as they come
from the wellhead. - Typically, a well stream is a high-velocity,
turbulent, constantly expanding mixture of
hydrocarbon liquids and gases mixed with - water and water vapor,
- solids such as sand and shale sediments,
- sometimes contaminants such as carbon dioxide and
hydrogen sulfide. - Several steps are necessary to get oil or gas
ready to transport to its next stop
12Surface Handling of Well Fluids
- The well stream is first passed through a series
of separating and treating devices - to remove the sediments and water
- to separate the liquids from the gases,
- to treat the emulsions for further removal of
water, solids, and undesirable contaminants. - The oil is then stabilized, stored, and tested
for purity. The gas is tested for hydrocarbon
content and impurities, and gas pressure is
adjusted to pipeline or other transport
13Surface Handling of Well Fluids
- At the wellhead, separators are used to
separate the remaining gas in solution by or
adjusting pressure in the separator. - Water is separated due to the gravity
difference. - Crude oil is fed into crude oil line.
- Gas is flowed through the gas line.
- Crude oil is stored in large tanks after
produced. - Natural gas
- is liquified before storage. (Liquefied natural
gas or LNG) - It is also stored in underground formations
(depleted gas reservoirs, aquifers, and salt
caverns). - Natural gas is injected into suitable formations
when demand is low. Then it is produced when
demand is high.
- Crude oil taken from oil fields is carried to
refineries near the big markets by - Pipelines or
- Tankers
- depending upon whether it is being moved overland
or by water. - Railroad tank cars and even trucks are sometimes
used to carry crude oil from the fields that
cannot be reached by pipelines.
- Natural Gas is moved primarily by pipelines.
- The gas transport system is therefore mostly on
land, with collection systems, continent crossing
pipelines, and local distribution systems. - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquid gas
products such as propane are moved by ship,
barge, truck, rail and pipelines. - Compressed natural gas (CNG) can be transported
by tank trucks.
- Crude oil is often a dark, sticky liquid that
cannot be used without changing it. - An oil refinery is an industrial process plant
where cruide oil is processed and refined into
more useful petroleum products such as gasoline,
diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil and
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). -
- The first part of refining crude oil is to heat
it until it boils. The boiling liquid is
separated into different liquids and gases in a
distillation column.